A past life reading can help you gain a better understanding of who you are.
Read moreWhat Happens After We Die + How I Became a Spirit Medium
Kathy Crabbe
Spirit Medium
I’m a spirit medium, which means I connect with those who’ve passed over and with past lives. This is something I’ve done professionally since 2008. How did this come about? I was approaching a big transition time known astrologically as Uranus Opposition and also as Mid-Life Transition which happens for all of us around the age of forty. Basically my energy amped up and then the unexpected happened: I was pulled towards sharing my gifts with others on a professional level because I HAD to! I had to give back and to be of service. I’d been working metaphysically and empathically since I was a child with fairies, nature spirits, sacred pools, and dreams, and I grew up with astrology, goddesses, paganism, crystals and oracles to name a few. I felt a resonance with all things magickal, and it warmed my heart and soul in a tingly, energizing, knowing way. I just KNEW that this was my milieu, these were my peeps and these tools were my friends.
Becoming A Medium
After turning forty I found a teacher straight from England who was leading an English Traditional Healing Circle in Wildomar, California, and this is where I got to practice giving psychic readings and discovered mediumship, which is communicating with those who have passed over. This is different from a psychic reading or a tarot reading in that the connection is immediately apparent and I either have the right ancestor or I don’t. Sometimes a different ancestor will appear than the one I expected. I do request the first name of the ancestor beforehand and most times I’m able to connect with them but sometimes they are reluctant, perhaps as they were in life and sometimes we are just not meant to connect with that ancestor at the current time.
The facilitator of this group didn’t go into too much detail beforehand about how to make that mediumship connection. He simply said that we were to stand in the middle of our healing circle and do our best to connect with the otherworld and the ancestors. He did tell all participants not to give out any information to the medium other than ‘yes’ or ‘no’. He also said that as a medium we were to share three exact, without-a-doubt details about the person on the other side and to have this confirmed by the participant. Then to pass on a very specific message that was in no way amorphous or ambiguous.
So, I stood up and boom, I was connecting right away with the otherworld. I found myself sharing all kinds of information that mostly came through to me as visuals, such as the look of the person, their environment, household, clothing, time period, family members and how the person died. When I sense how someone died, that feels different. For example, I can physically sense in my body what they were feeling. If they had throat cancer I’d feel my throat being in pain, and I will go further into the problem to see what that means. I have learned over the years to trust my first impressions, and if I get the message that it was cancer, I will say that. I’ve had to learn how to trust. And, as many of my clients have told me, that is the hardest thing of all to do. But trust I do, in the beauty and divinity of the Gods. Trusting that I am here to serve and if this is my way of serving it is good, it is healing and it helps all of us become who we are meant to be; healthy, whole and holy.
What Happens After We Die?
I was planning to have a conversation with my dear mom in this article about her big question, “What happens after we die?” but I want to leave that a mystery, as it should be. My guides confirmed this. I really don’t know what happens; no one does. I simply trust in the messages I receive from those who have passed over and I trust that their soul IS still alive, just transformed and in another dimension.
Blessed Be,
Kathy Crabbe
Artist, Astrologer, Soul Reader, Medium
About the Author: Kathy Crabbe offers soul readings, past life, spirit guide and ancestor readings plus astrology reports. Kathy works with five hand painted, self published oracle decks & she paints kitty portraits too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are her tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. Kathy teaches a Moon Class at Wise Woman School and she writes and willustrates for Witches & Pagans and SageWoman Magazine. In business since 1993 she is an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition. Order a Soul Reading here.
Find Kathy online on Instagram
@kathycrabbeart and on YouTube as KathyCrabbe – BLESSED BEE!
What To Expect in a Psychic Reading
Why are you here? What is your life purpose?
Are you yearning to awaken that still, small voice inside of you? Are you seeking direction, growth, healing and inner peace? A Soul Reading (psychic reading) will help open your inner eyes to a whole new way of seeing and being as it shifts your perspective and opens your soul-heart to spirit guides, ancestors and soul mates.
Experience transformative soul growth and healing to empower your divine nature.
As a Soul Reader, I specialize in connecting with the Other Side, as well as providing guidance for your questions about love, relationships, career and health. I take an honest and conscientious approach, encouraging you to trust yourself and stay true to your heart. As a fine artist and entrepreneur, I also bring my background in business and the fine arts to my work, providing a uniquely passionate perspective on soul growth.
Reverend Mary Miller: I am impressed by Kathy's work. She has adapted a unique style of her own; creating cards that specifically addresses her needs. Her understanding of her clients are very "on." She addresses her clients with compassion, understanding and going "within her clients" to address their needs. I am a professional psychic of 30 years. I know ethically, she is top notch and well worth getting a healing/reading from. You cannot go wrong in her hands.
More Testimonials can be found here.
A Soul Reading can include several different options such as a one-on-one phone call with me or an audio recording and can include a Past Life Reading, Mediumship or Ancestral Reading, Chakra Healing, Astrology Reports and more. I work with 4 of my own handpainted oracle decks and may include an illustrated pdf with guidebook information. All my readings include email support and follow-up to make sure that you understand your reading and are 100% satisfied with your experience.
How does it work?
During a reading guidance is received from the Divine(s) in response to your questions about love, career, healing, and karmic destiny. In some cases your spirit guides and ancestors will also pop in to say hello and share a message or two.
I particularly enjoy working with women who are seeking to empower their inner wise woman and creatively transform their life in connection with their spirit guides, ancestors and the planetary cycles.
I work to prepare myself energetically and physically through yoga, meditation and chakra balancing. I work with oracle card decks along with healing crystals in response to your questions. I request from Spirit an open heart and a clear channel to provide you with information that is only of the highest, deepest and most profound good for your soul. My style of reading is down-to earth, and informative with conscientious follow-up.
Soul Reading Benefits
A Soul Reading is like a wake-up call for your soul.
Discover your soul's true purpose and unleash your creativity.
Connect with your ancestors and spirit guides, feel guided and loved.
Move forward beyond crisis, clear blockages, reduce stress and promote peace of mind.
About Kathy Crabbe
I offer soul readings, past life, spirit guide and ancestor readings plus astrology reports. I work with 4 hand painted, self published oracle decks & I paint kitty portraits too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are my tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. I teach a Moon eClass at Wise Woman School founded by Susun Weed. In business since 1993 I’m an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition.
Oracle Deck Review: Creatures of the Moon by Rebecca Schoenecker
Today I’m reviewing the Creatures of the Moon Deck by Rebecca Schoenecker aka Laughing Eye Weeping. Eye. “This double-sided deck brings alive Creature totems, Moon phase divination, storytelling, and ritual. An expansive and varied Oracle deck and book unlike any other!”
To begin I love the FEEL of these cards - velvety firm, thick stock, as they glide through my hands, and the perfect size!
Oracle Card Reading
Card 1: Representing Me in the Reading:
As per usual I look at the cards AFTER the reading to see if they confirm what I get psychically.
This first card helps me orient myself in space and attune with the direction I’m facing which is North representing EARTH.
Earth Power: Feeling of the Earth flowing through me; practical, feelings of making oneself useful, skills, calming.
Question: How Can I Help People?
Answer: Help yourself. So I lie back and relax, letting go of worries.
Question: What does this deck have for me especially?
Answer: Cosmic Rebalancing.
Big Question: What’s next for us regarding Covid?
We are dreaming
our reality
right now
- Dream Time
- Be aware, pass it on. 3rd eye to 3rd eye chakra.
Now A Look At The Card: New Moon Metamorphosis - The Butterfly
First Impressions:
Colors bright and symbology alive - I see eyes in wings and New Moon Circle tree limbs and water - 3rd eyes Chakras eveywhere!
Guidebook Time!
I love the juicy, thick Guidebook in full, beautiful, detailed color!
And some wise words from Butterfly: “Because Butterfly symbolizes life’s cycles, you may have an interest in death, mediumship, past lives, reincarnation, birth, or the Akashic records. Butterfly may also signify that a relative on the other side is attempting to contact you.”
I remember! My birth mother told me that after she passed away she would come to me as a blue butterfly. And so she has.
I also loved the Questions that came with the Reflection part of the Guidebook for this card. They really helped me focus and clarify things in my life. Questions such as, “What disappointed me in this previous cycle?” and “What am I happy about?” and I especially loved “What needs my focus in the next Cycle?”
After that came More Goodies, a Story and a Ritual!
This deck and guidebook are so poetic, it feeds my soul and refreshes the deep well of my imagination.
“‘Where do we end?’
’Where do we begin?’
Stop thinking.
Feel deeply.”
Plus there is a beautiful full color hand painted Chart in the Guidebook symbolizing The Moon’s Phases - this helps us creative, right brain types to understand HER Cycles.
This is a great deck to help one see the BIG PICTURE and to prophesize as well as helping us see the smaller picture as it relates to our understanding of the world and our place in it. ‘As above, so below’.
Deck Details:
This deck combines Creature totems with Moon divination. For the first time, a concrete system of divination based on the lunar cycle has been created by Rebecca Schoenecker.
Both Creatures and Moon work together to answer any questions that you present to them!
Original paintings, stories, rituals, and questions for self-reflection bring this deck and book beyond the realm of divination; Creatures and Moon follow a lunar cycle of rising energy and release, which one may incorporate into their own daily, spiritual path. Corresponding lunar rituals for Moon-side cards allow one to fully tap into the lunar cycle and harness its power.
The Creatures of the Moon: A Storytelling Oracle, includes the following:
32 double-sided cards, 64 images and card-sides total
One card-side features Creature/totem guidance
The other card-side features Moons’ guidance for each day of the Moon’s cycle, plus Triple Moon and Lunar Eclipse cards
A 308 page companion book, which includes:
Original, fairy-tale like stories for each Creature and Moon day
Practical information for interpreting Creature and Moon
Associated myths and ideas from different cultures for Creature and Moon
Moon-based rituals and questions for reflection
Goddess information as it correlates to Moon
Full-color artwork, graphs, and illustrations. Moon-charts are provided to help you match the correct card to the current Moon phase.
A whole lotta love. Seriously, it’s bursting with it.
About Rebecca Schoenecker aka Laughing Eye Weeping Eye
I am captivated by all things metaphysical; the transcendent experience that defies logic, the omen, the prophetic dream, and realms unknown. I explore the esoteric through tarot card readings, meditation, channeling, spirit work, various healing modalities, art, and music.
My background is that of a creator and teacher. I received my MFA from the School of the Art Institute in 2008; I spent the years following working at colleges, touring with my band, reading tarot, and creating art. In 2011, I self-published my first tarot deck, the Laughing Eye Weeping Eye Tarot. It was more successful than I anticipated, as were my tarot readings. People shared that my tarot readings were life-altering and encouraged me to continue. With a ton of support from loved ones as well as faith in the Universe, I left my full time job in 2013 so that I could pursue these passions full-time.
My creative practices also feeds my divination and spiritual work. As an artist and musician, I create works that explore archetypes within the collective unconscious. For example, I am interested in how ancient cave paintings of horned men (or gods) and a wall calendar of deer in one’s home may evoke, unknowingly, a connection to something similar across time and space. It is the timeless that I seek to explore, sometimes in a playful way.
Tarot was my first hook into the metaphysical. I had unusual experiences in my youth (channeling, automatic writing, astral travel) but did not understand or start using these gifts until I created my first deck and began reading from it in 2011. I found that the process of reading unlocked something for me. I am still trying to understand it; This mystery keeps me enthralled.
Rebecca’s Website
Aquarius Full Moon Goddess Blessings!
It’s the Full Moon in Aquarius and Lunar Lammas today, August 3 at 8:59 AM Pacific Time. Time to tune into Mama Moon and the far reaches of the star in a collective group hug…or not! The energy during this Full Moon may give you a bit of a breather from all the intensity of the past few months, but it may also present you with an unexpected choice; do I continue pouring everything into the group energy around me or do I take a much needed time out? (Uranus squares the Leo/Aquarius axis).
I have a video reading below for you with a focus on Goddess Energy and Healing plus some astrological tidbits too. Enjoy!
Aquarian Goddess (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)
Aquarius – The Water Bearer
Time of Year – Winter, Imbolc,
January 20 – February 18
Quality – Fixed
Element – Air
Ruler – Uranus
Anatomy – Ankles, bloodstream, circulation, shins,
Natural sign of – 11th house
Opposite sign – Leo
Color – Electric blue, turquoise, silver
Gemstone – Obsidian, opal, sapphire
Tarot card – The Star
Goddesses – Feng P’O P’O, Freya, Ix Chel, Nut, Tien-Mu
Aquarian Meditation
Aquarius is the knowledge that all we do effects humanity.
We are humanity. We are love.
A new vision is birthed from the old.
Aquarius Affirmations
I seek out unusual people and experiences.
I overstep my boundaries to create the unusual and manifest my dreams.
I teach unconditional love.
I believe in the limitless possibilities of life.
I am called to the circle where I tend the web of community.
I am a force for change.
Freya: Scandinavian Goddess
Ruler of death and leader of the Valkyries,
Freya (Friday), like Persephone was also gone
From the earth in Autumn and Winter.
Goddess of Magic she was the first to
Bring sorcery to the Northern people.
Change Begins With You
- See the interdependence of all life forms in an unbroken web of consciousness
- Feel hope and freedom as you dream of the future
- Know that the earth is alive
- Teach us how to care ethically
- Spread goddess consciousness wherever you go
- Walk your talk
Zodiac Goddess Power Deck PREORDER SPECIAL Until August 18
PREORDER To Receive These Gifts!
12 page Time Line Report: A three month forecast that looks at major events in your life, including monthly highlights.
14 page Goddess Asteroids Report to shed new light on the important areas of emotion and experience plus greater insight into how you interact with the rest of the world.
It is important for this planet that we awaken Goddess Energy so we can hear the voice of deep intuition and wisdom once again.
About the Creator: Artist, author, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes Faerie Goddess Spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Drawing with her non-dominant left hand led to the creation of her first deck, the Lefty Oracle and becoming a Soul Reader.