Pick-A-Card for the Virgo Full Moon

Virgo loves whimsy, efficiency and being of service. How are your New Moon seeds coming to fruition this Full Moon? This also happens to be the Blood Moon, Purim and a total Lunar Eclipse which I have described near the end of the card reveal.

Pick-A-Card for the Virgo Full Moon

Oracle Card Spread by Kathy Crabbe

Oracle cards created by Kathy Crabbe

All cards are from my hand painted oracle card decks. Before you choose a card, focus your mind, body and intuition upon something you want to bring to fruition right now Or ask the cards for guidance regarding a specific question OR ask the cards “What do I need to know right now?” These are just a few ideas as I’m sure you have lots of your own ideas too.

Card 1: Matilija Poppy Fairy

Matilija Poppy by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Matilija Poppy by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Matilija Poppy Affirmation: “I dream my way into the dark.”

Ruled by the Moon and worshiped by the women of Crete. Poppy seeds and flowers can be made into love spells, potions and sachets to attract wealth and fertility, induce divinatory dreaming, aid sleep and master invisibility. Persephone gathered three poppies and three wheat sheaves to accompany her into the Underworld.

Astrology: Cancer, Leo, Moon
Deity: Demeter, Persephone
Element: Water
Healing: Aids sleep, for pain

Card 2 : Carolee

Carolee by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Carolee by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Mantra: I am free.
Affirmation: I dare to be free.
Element: Earth

I am moon.
I am stars.
I am sun.
I am earth.

YOU, with your lies and false promises
will NEVER crush me.




If this card appears in a reading you are more than ready to forge ahead. You are brave and you are going for it; nothing or no one can stand in your way. Simple.

In my own life this card also speaks of raw, naked ambition and flaunting it without shame or fear. It’s a feminist card, a fighter card, a power card. Blessed Be.

Creative Journal Prompt
Carolee is a trickster card; a card that invites you to be tricky and sly like a fox or a coyote. The trickster is a go-between for humans and the gods. She/he journeys to the world in-between where magick exists although often his/her messages come out a little differently than you’d expect.

We each have a dash of trickster in us, a madcap, a fool, a wise old soul.

Take a moment now to inhabit that in-between world where things could go either way or not at all, but where the unexpected is always to be expected.

Name one wild thing you could do in your life that would surprise everyone. Whatever pops into your head write it down. If you’re a brave soul and ready to shake it up for Carolee’s sake then she dares you to do it and report back later.

Next, envision your new, wild self. What do you see, feel, sense? Describe.

Is there anything stopping you from being this new, wild self and if so how will you deal with it?

Ask your trickster why she/he has chosen this task for you.

What steps can you take today or this week to put your trickster vision into action?

Expressive Body Movement Challenge
What is your best feature sexually or sensually speaking? I’d like you to show it off right now in whatever way you’re comfortable with. It can be very subtle or more overt. Have fun with this and flaunt your stuff like a peacock if you dare!

Non Dominant Hand Exercise
Draw your trickster self using your non dominant hand and write an affirmation to express this new and daring side of yourself.

Card 3: Strength

Strength by Kathy Crabbe (Siren Song Mermaid Tarot Deck)

Strength by Kathy Crabbe (Siren Song Mermaid Tarot Deck)

Mermaid Strength Song: I am aligned with my truth & power.

Gifts: Courage, creativity, discipline, endurance, gentle-ness, honour, self love, sensuality, success, transcendence, trust, vitality, wildness.

Shadow: Abuse of power, disgrace, doubt, fear of unknown, temptation, victim-hood, weakness.

MerMagik: Amber, cat’s eye, diamond, driftwood, garnet, limpet, lion, ruby, sardonyx, sturgeon, swan, topaz.

MerSpell: Listen to the spirit of the water to dance with your spirit animal helper. Merge with your inner flame giving birth to your wild heart and wishes.

Astro/Deity: Leo / Amberella, Brigid, Sulis.

More Virgoan Goddesses:

Atanua, Cerridwen, Changing Woman, Circe, Isis, Lada, Liban, Morgan Le Fay, Uisg.

About Lunar Eclipses

A lunar eclipse is only possible during a full moon. During a Full Moon, the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of the Earth, and the Moon is at its brightest. A lunar eclipse is a special full moon where the Earth is in the same plane with both luminaries and the Moon is therefore shadowed by the Earth. This too, is a relatively sudden and rare phenomenon and not visible to everyone on Earth.

How Do You Know If An Eclipse Will Affect You?

You’ll feel an eclipse if it falls within 5 degrees of one of your natal planets. A good astrologer can tell you that. An eclipse’s effects are also likely to be stronger if you live in the part of the world where it can be seen directly. And an eclipse will be stronger if it is total, rather than partial. These things taken together and with a few other factors added in, will tell you the generic nature of the eclipse, the area of your life where it’s likely to affect you, and the strength of the effect. A strong eclipse is likely to be felt, at least in a background way, for six months until it is replaced by the next same-type of eclipse (solar or lunar).

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

I channel healing magick through my soul readings and divination decks.

As a Priestess in the Fairy Shaman Third Road Tradition I provide New and Full Moon blogs and museletters (which I’m making reallly personal!) as a community service inspired by my otherworldly travels plus peeks into my 7 divination decks to help you attune with your soul's purpose.

Dividing my time between California and Canada I travel by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved, Mark and myself.

My work has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We'Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women's Museum of California. I review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine and I teach at Wise Woman School.

I’m interviewed by Susun Weed, Wise Woman Herbalist and Founder of the Wise Woman School: March 4, 2025 *My interview is during the last 45 minutes of the show*
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Pisces New Moon Oracle Goddess Blessings

Dear Moon Muser,

Simply rest your attention on the images below.
No other action required.
I channel healing magic through my work.
Absorb it.
Feel it.
Rest in the energy.

New Moon in Pisces Goddess Oracles

Pisces. Mixed media on board, 6 x 8 inches.  © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

Pisces, mixed media on board, 6 x 8 inches. © 2000 by Kathy Crabbe

Pisces – The Fish

Time of Year – Winter to spring
Quality – Mutable
Element – Water
Ruler – Neptune
Anatomy – Feet, lymph system
Natural sign of – 12th house
Opposite sign – Virgo
Color – Sea green, turquoise, lavender
Gemstone – Aquamarine, chrysolite, moonstone
Tarot card – The moon
Goddesses – Atanu, Dahud, Nix, Oto, Ran

Pisces Meditation

To feel love is pure warmth, wholeness, open-ness, selfless-ness, shameless, guiltless joy – that is love.

Pisces Affirmations

  • I believe

  • I relax in solitude

  • I am a mystic of the spirit realm

  • I create to my heart’s content

  • I open my heart to other’s realities

  • My dreams, visions and intuition guide me

  • I am the mermaid

Take Time for Dreams

- Pamper yourself, just because
- Take time to empathize with a friend in need
- Meditate, relax, recharge and space out
- Honour your feelings within sacred space
- Attune to the music of the spheres
- Listen and accept your intuitive, psychic, mystical side

Pisces, mixed media on board, 6 x 8 inches.  © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

Ran, mixed media on board, 16 x 20 inches. © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

Pisces Goddess ~ Ran

Magical Ran of the Scandinavian Sea,
gave birth to nine daughters, nine mermaids set free.
They capture dead sailors in their magical nets,
carrying them under the waves for a rest.

Ran was a great Scandinavian sea-goddess and mermaid, also known as Queen of the Drowned. Scandinavian sailors kept gold coins in their pockets as tokens of admittance to her domain in case of death by drowning, also known as “faring to Ran” in Eddic poetry.

Pisces, mixed media on board, 6 x 8 inches.  © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

Pisces, mixed media on board, 6 x 8 inches. © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

During the Pisces Meditation I questioned Love. Love is everything from pain to pleasure and I needed to listen and love myself first before I could love anyone else.  But how do we know if love is true? Love is warm, whole, open and selfless. Love is shameless, guiltless joy. Later that night I had a dream where Love poured through me unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

My Pisces painting flowed magically and gracefully onto the illustration board and I felt Her energy calm, serene, peaceful and knowing.

Allow Piscean energy into your life by letting love in. Share your creations because you know they are coming from a place of love. Love IS everything.

New Moon in Pisces Mermaid Tarot

High Priestess by Kathy Crabbe (Siren Song Mermaid Tarot Deck)

High Priestess by Kathy Crabbe (Siren Song Mermaid Tarot Deck)

High Priestess Song: I am at peace in deep opening to intuition as I journey within.

Gifts: Dreams, inner knowing, prophecy, psychic mediumship, self reliance, tarot, visions, yoga.

Shadow: Conceit, ignorance, superficiality.

MerMagik: Ammonite, crab, coral, duck, dulse, emerald, gull, hagstone, lotus, moonstone, opal, otter, pearl, seahorse.

MerSpell: Envision yourself as a Sea Star astral travelling to your perfect paradise. Breathe in balance for you are the crystal spirit keeper.

Astro/Deity: Moon, Neptune, Pisces / Lady of the Lake, Nimue, Yemaya, Tiamat.

New Moon in Pisces Fairy Herbal Oracle

Plantain Fairy Affirmation: “I am energized and strong.”

Named one of the 9 sacred herbs by the Anglo Saxon ancestors it entered into almost every old remedy. This sacral and throat chakra herb aka Snakeweed brings strength, beauty, fertility, protection from evil and healing energy to any magical spell plus invisibility.

Astrology: Capricorn, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Pisces, Saturn, Venus
Deity: Angita, Demeter, Odin, Rhea, Woden
Element: Earth
Healing: Poultice for bites, etc.

New Moon in Pisces Lefty Oracle

Sadie by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Sadie by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Mantra: I am happy.
Affirmation: Today is for secret play.  
Element: Water                      

I scooch down low
so the frogs will know
I can hear their chatter clearly.
Then it’s time for games & worms & water
and songs to greet the night.
Then quiet & slumber, mud & dreams
and a prince to kiss me softly.

When this card appears in a reading it’s time to acknowledge your gifts as the treasures they are; secret treasures though they may be. Perhaps they are disguised and hidden even from you. You need to find them, know them, treasure them and bless them. They are yours.

In my own life I have memories from my childhood that I cherish deeply. I hold them close to my heart where they nurture me and guide my art especially; secret talismans that keep me going, shining, glowing.

Creative Journal Prompt
Do you have a secret, special wish or dream? Something you want or desire, something you want to keep to yourself and not share with anyone else?  Take a moment to ponder this. Then describe/discuss.

What part of your vision appeals to you? What makes it so juicy? Why do you want it to be kept secret?

Describe the joy, the playfulness, the happiness that your secret could bring you and why.

If you could share your secret with one other person who would that be and how would they fit into it?

If you could share your secret with the world what would you say about it that would entice others to partake or help others understand and respect the special-ness and joy of it?

To protect your secret and to honour it completely what would you do to keep it safe? Then take one step today or this week to do just that and be proud of yourself for taking this challenge. It will have far-reaching effects in more ways than you can imagine.

Expressive Body Movement Challenge
Pretend you’re a frog, hopping and frolicking along amongst the grasses and leaves and trees, in the water and amongst the lily pads.

Non Dominant Hand Exercise
To bless, protect and honour your secret, it’s time to create an oracle card or a drawing in your journal along with an affirmation inspired by the journal prompt above using your non dominant hand.

About Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe Soul Reader

Are you ready to make a shift in your life? A soul reading can help you make the changes you need to move forward, connect with your guides and find hope in dark times.

Upcoming Moon Magic eClass
~ Pisces Term~
Begins Feb. 27, 2025

I am thrilled to offer the next session of my 4 week eClass beginning at the New Moon on February 27, 2025. This magical online class will awaken your creative, intuitive soul and is offered at Susun Weed's Wise Woman School.

Learn more here: Divine Feminine eClass

Leo Full Moon

Leo Full Moon Blessings! Enjoy this excerpt from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook which accompanies the Zodiac Goddess Power Deck.

Leo – The Lion

Time of Year – Summer, July 23 – August 23

Quality – Fixed

Element – Fire

Planetary Ruler – The Sun

Anatomy – Heart, spine

Natural Sign of – 5th House

Color – Gold, orange, scarlet

Gemstone – Amber, diamond, ruby

Tarot Card – Strength

Goddesses – Amaterasu, Bast, Cybele, Hestia, Ishtar, Sekhmet, Tara, Vesta

Leo. Mixed media on board, 24 x 36 inches. © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

Leo. Mixed media on board, 24 x 36 inches. © 1997 by Kathy Crabbe

Leo Meditation ~ The Gold Within

Feel the sadness of earth’s cry,
let your body touch the sky,
guide by light, your soul’s fire,
spark to lead ever higher.

Leo Affirmations

  • I am special and loved

  • My heart is open

  • I am awake and in tune with my spiritual self

  • My inner child is alive and well

  • I am a creative being bursting with joy

  • I am one with the Sun

  • I am generous and loving

Feed Your Fire ~ Release Your Inner Child

- Have the guts to be visible
- Be proud of heart
- Work with Leo’s energetic and extroverted energy to inspire self-confidence
- Be dramatic
- Feed your creative appetite.
- Bring home treats for your inner child.

Leo Goddess – Cybele

Cybele Mountain Mother,
Great goddess earth,
In divine madness we worship
And celebrate her birth.

Cybele or “Mountain Mother” is an Earth Goddess originally worshipped in Turkey.  She appears as a full-breasted and mature woman carrying corn and keys and wearing a crown and robe the color of all the flowers of the earth over which she ruled.

Cybele. Mixed media on board, 24 x 36 inches, 1997

Cybele by Kathy Crabbe. Mixed media on board, 24 x 36 inches, 1997

I Paint Leo

While channeling Leo energy I realized that women carry the gold, the torch and the light that can lead humanity out of the darkness and back into the light. I could feel the sun beckoning me, offering freedom and inspiration to lead the way.

The glory of Leo spiraled onto my illustration board as a whirling sun-face appeared surrounded by tongues of fire, golden heat and light. When I acknowledge my inner Leo I am a Leader of Light as I channel glowing and sparking positive energy to light the way for others. Leo is the sun that is creativity that is joy that is soul that is oneness with all.

Kathy Crabbe Soul Reader

About Kathy Crabbe

I've been an artist for as long as I can remember, and my journey as a soul reader began at the age of forty, after five years of painting with my non-dominant left hand. This practice profoundly enhanced my intuition. In 2008, I created the Lefty Oracle deck and began offering intuitive soul readings, touching many lives in profound and playful ways.

Are you ready to make a shift in your life? A soul reading can help you make the changes you need to move forward, connect with your guides and find hope in dark times.