As a Soul Reader I have my medium of choice for giving soul readings. I use oracle decks; mainly my own creations for giving readings to others. For myself I will often try out different decks. For this reading today I’m working with the Alchemy Deck by Kim Krans of the Wild Unknown.
As always my spirit guides appear first when I do a soul reading to take me deeper into their realm; the watery realm, under the sea. This is probably because my latest creation is a Mermaid Oracle. Entering this watery realm helps me go as deep as I can into the soul reading.
I am NOT looking at the oracle card yet, I am reading it psychically instead. Later I will look at the card to see if it confirms the information I received from my spirit guides, ancestors and the gods. I go deep within and then I as the initial question again, “How does one get more soul reading clients?”
Then I rest in this deep sacred space for a while until all my senses are attuned to the messages I am about to receive.
The first messages are practical:
Do you really want more clients?
If yes, how many soul reading clients do you want a week, a month, a year? Be specific.
Are you taking practical steps to align your values with your marketing? What are they? Describe in detail.
Now, it gets fun…my guides say, “Okay, I have a secret to tell you and your readers.”
Be your own client - envision this.
What do you need from your practice to bring YOU fulfillment?
Pull another oracle card to look at specifics.
Oracle Cards by Kathy Crabbe
Once you’ve gained all the insights you feel are necessary or that you can absorb at this time then relax. Journal. Then look at the oracle cards you pulled. Take more notes and see how they tie in to the guidance you received psychically. Really ponder the connections happening between the psychic information you received and the images on the cards. Turn to the guidebook if needed.
Now it’s time to sum up the entire soul reading. Write down the word “Summary” and then do just that.
Are you ready to make a shift in your life? A soul reading can help you make the changes you need to move forward, connect with your guides and find hope in dark times.
p.s. I just added the Big Bundle Package that includes all my readings as well as Soul Discovery Sessions. Both are also very helpful if you are a spiritual teacher looking for new techniques and tools to use in group circles and meditations.