What is an Ancestral Reading? (Psychic Medium)

When a client books a spirit guide or ancestral reading I begin by requesting the first name of the ancestor, and only the first name. It is very important that I not know any other information beforehand because this can get in the way of providing a full and detailed reading.

I make a connection clairvoyantly (clear seeing), and sometimes through smell, feeling, and hearing. Sometimes I will feel any ailments the ancestor suffered or the way in which they died, ie. a pain in my head, or a shortness of breath.

Ancestors will appear to me in different stages of their previous life, so that I can gather what is called 'evidence' which will prove, without a doubt that they are indeed the correct beloved ancestor. I usually will sense where they lived, personal habits, who they loved, favorite activities, etc.

I may also pull a card from my own hand painted oracle decks and request more information and often the ancestor will come through loud and clear as though they are speaking directly to me and my client. To finish the ancestral divination reading, I request a message for my client, from their ancestor and this is often very touching and heartfelt.

If I do not connect with a client's ancestor the first time around, I am always willing to try again (free of charge) or provide a spirit guide reading. A few theories about why an ancestor does not come through is that they may not be interested in doing so with a particular medium because they may not resonate with him/her. Sometimes an ancestor is occupied with something else or feels it’s best not to come forward at this time. Perhaps this particular ancestor was a very reserved, quiet person when alive and is reluctant to come forward now.

Afterward, I discuss the mediumship reading with the client by email to find out how it is resonating with them and to provide more clarity if needed. This also helps me become a better psychic-medium in the process!

ancestral reading

Currently this is the only psychic reading I offer that is done via writing. I find that the ancestors prefer it that way. They apparently like that I sit quietly and patiently with pen and paper at hand and write down everything that happens. Afterwards I will type up the psychic medium reading on my computer and include any oracle cards pulled.

*The ancestor reading below is being shared with client permission and was originally done in 2009*

An Ancestral Reading for .... by Kathy Crabbe

This reading is in response to your wish for a connection with B...

- My very first impression of B... is round, warm, friendly and kind.

- I also see a black horse and hear the words, “bonny black.”

- I see 4 kids, lots of kids!

- She was a good mother and I see her tending them all.

- I can see a military man and I see her waving goodbye to him.

- I also see her managing, and steadfast.

- Now I see 3 kids, not 4.

- The color mint green also comes up.

- England is mentioned, along with the phrase, “eventually” and “make things happen.”

- She is taking charge.

- I don’t see her husband around, but she is doing her best.

- I see her wizened and grey at one point, and with young kids. She is being hard on herself because of this.

- I also feel that she has developed a pain behind her eyes and that she is not able to ‘get a grip’ on things and that when she passed, it was a relief for her.

- I ask her about you and she says the words, “nearest and dearest,” although she may not have expressed that to you physically. Initially I sensed that she was ‘warm’ but as the reading develops I feel that she was not able to express that warmth so easily.

- She is also saying that you are, “The one I can count on.”

- I see you and a horse and she is pushing some strands of long hair back from your face and saying to you, “there are no answers gel (‘gel’ is what ‘girl’ sounds like)…just good questions.”

- I see her holding up your palm and tracing the lines.

- She is asking you, “Why do you want this job?” and she points to your chest, your heart, and pokes you there (kind of a hard poke) and says, “Do you feel it here?”

- She is trying to awaken you, make you mad, and make you think.

- She also instructs me to pull an oracle card for you so I pull one from my Celtic Tree Wisdom deck and it is called the Rowan card.

The Rowan card represents the second lunar month, the “Moon of Vision.” It is a powerful tree of magic, also known as the Tree of Life. This is an oracular Moon symbolizing the rebirthing of the year. You are still asleep and dreaming, not quite ready to set your energies to growth.This Moon is dedicated to the goddesses Eleu, Diarmuid and Iris.

**When I emailed my client to find out if she would allow me to post this reading she kindly gave me her permission and she also asked me to post this comment along with her reading:

"I was nervous about opening my ancestor reading, unsure of what to expect. So many of the things resonated with me, that I knew it was something to be treasured. I was really hoping for a connection with my mother and I feel you made one. Your gift is extraordinary."

You can book a Spirit Guide, Ancestral Reading here.

Another service I offer is Past Life Readings, Past Life Regression and you can learn more about that here.

About Kathy Crabbe: A natural born psychic-medium, artist and astrologer for 20 plus years I work with self-painted oracle decks to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy.

If you are seeking answers, healing, inspiration and spiritual guidance you may want to consider a soul reading, past life reading or ancestor/spirit guide reading for further insight.

Kathy’s Training

Kathy received intuitive psychic-medium training from English channeler, Adam Higgs, spiritual training from meditation teacher Om, yoga training with Atma Khalsa and Ancestral Lineage Healing with Lara Vesta Veleda and Shannon Willis, M.Ed. In 2017 Kathy completed an intensive three year training in Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism with Francesca De Grandis, Kathy’s current spiritual mentor. She has studied Herbalism with Susun Weed and Therapeutic Touch with Joyce Fournier, RN. Kathy received certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy and has been a lifelong student of astrology through private and group sessions with Steven Forrest, Patty Davidson, Laura DesJardins and Jeffrey Wolf Green.

How To Develop Your Psychic and Intuitive Abilities

This blog post was written a while ago in response to a question from a client and I’ve just updated it.

Andrea’s Question: "Do you have any recommendations about how one should go about furthering their psychic abilities? I've read tarot cards on and off, and seem to have a knack, and then of course there's my natural ability to "read" people. But not necessarily with dates & times and all that predictive stuff."

My Response: I personally like to learn experientially in a hands-on fashion, but my very earliest experiences with the intuitive realms involved private exploration of dreams and dream journaling, astrology, tarot and paganism. I began learning about these things in my early teens and have gone on to develop my natural intuitive abilities (which we all have) with the help of teachers, through group classes, workshops, lectures, books and private sessions with healers and intuitive guides.

I-Travel-Through-Inner-Space by Kathy Crabbe


I started out by working with my dreams and recommend keeping a dream journal by your bed where you can record dreams when you wake up or by setting an alarm clock to wake yourself up at an odd hour to facilitate dream remembrance. Significant dreams will stay with you and resonate for years to come and you will begin to know which dreams are significant with practice. You can also work with lucid dreaming or by asking yourself a question before falling asleep and requesting that the answer come to you in a dream. Often dreams will allow you to re-connect with deceased friends or relatives and sometimes you may astro travel as well.

Update: Now that I’ve been dream journalling for so long I don’t like to request dream guidance very often because I often find that it disrupts my sleep. But sometimes on special occasions (significant moon phases/equinoxes etc) I will.

Recommended books:Symbols for Self Understanding” by Betty Bethard

Capricorn Goddess by Kathy Crabbe.jpg


There is much more to astrology than just your sun sign (determined by the day you were born.) Becoming involved with the study of the planets and stars will expand your awareness on a universal level connecting you with the bigger picture crossing generations and even universes. My own studies in metaphysics began with dreams, which led to astrology.

Recommended books: “The Only Way To Learn Astrology” (6 Volumes) by Marion March & Joan McEvers, “Planets in Transit” by Robert Hand, “Astrology for the Soul” by Jan Spiller, “The Liquid Light of Sex” by Barbara Hand Clow, “The Changing Sky” by Steven Forrest
Recommended magazine: “The Mountain Astrologer”
Recommended authors & teachers: Steven Forrest, Barbara Hand Clow


Tarot decks are a whole world onto themselves and can involve you in an ancient study of images and symbols with mysterious origins. Working with tarot cards has allowed me to access the many realms depicted in the cards. By working with a Pre-Celtic Shamanistic deck called “The Greenwood Deck” I first encountered one of my main spirit guides while meditating upon the Ancestor card.

Update: I’ve self published 3 oracle decks (as of 2020). Oracle Decks also help to stimulate our intuition connecting us with universal archetypes. I prefer to create oracle decks because I can create my own system rather than working within an established system such as the Tarot.

Recommended books: “Tarot For Yourself” by Mary K. Greer

Elder Tree Goddess by Kathy Crabbe.jpg

& Goddess Worship

I became involved with the study of paganism and ancient goddess religions when I was at university taking a Women’s Studies class. On a more personal level I was first introduced to this topic by a male friend of mine who liked to dress up as Pan on Halloween. I have attended several goddess groups and pagan rituals but prefer to practice my own solitary, eclectic and personal blend of reverence for Mother Earth.

Update: Currently I work within the tradition of Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism and was initiated into this tradition in 2017 by Francesca De Grandis.

Recommended books:”The Language of the Goddess” by Marija Gimbutas (archaeology), “The Motherpeace Tarot” deck and book by Vicki Noble, “The Book of Goddesses & Heroines” by Patricia Monaghan, “Be A Goddess” by Francesca De Grandis.

Recommended authors, teachers & leaders: Starhawk, Szusanna Budapest, COG (Covenant of the Goddess), Francesca De Grandis

Upcoming posts will delve into: shamanism, energy healing, herbs, mediumship, crystal healing, channeling, psychic work, meditation, yoga and past life regression.

To read more posts about My Psychic Background please click here and for Psychic Development please click here.

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

I’ve been an artist and astrologer forever and a soul reader since awakening my intuitive gifts while painting with my non-dominant left hand. I’m here on this planet to be of service. My Lefty Oracle, Elfin Ally Oracle, and Zodiac Goddess Power decks can help awaken your intuition and creativity and my readings heal and guide. I am proud to have my work featured in women-centric places such as We’Moon Datebook, Women’s Museum of California and Sage Woman Magazine. I write for Witches and Pagans, belong to Hey Grrrl Collective and teach a Divine Feminine eClass at Wise Woman University. I make my home in Southern California with two pooches and architect partner, Mark in an adobe style home we built ourselves.

Past Life Reading for B.J. 2016

*Kindly shared with client permission. The Astrology part of this reading is not included below.

B.J.'s Testimonial: "Like many people, I've always felt I had other lives and, in fact,  have several vaguely in my "memory." When Kathy did a past lives reading for me, I was curious if what she saw was anywhere near what I felt. It was pretty uncanny that she saw some very similar things such as my past geographical  location, my work and my education. Though centuries earlier, I was very surprised that those lives have informed my present life in such a positive way. It was very uplifting and I enjoyed the experience tremendously." 
from $75.00

Purchase a Past Life Reading here

How a Past Life Reading Works: My preferred mode of intuitive reading is via distance. This allows me to focus on you, your spirit and your guides in a focused way clear of distractions. Your reading involves preparations such as meditation and yoga and I will often pull healing stones, runes and cards from my four self-designed and painted oracle card decks, but unlike a tarot reading I will not actually look at them until after your reading is finished. The cards, runes and healing stones are tools that will help you absorb your reading in practical ways and a resource list is provided at the end of your reading for further exploration.

A past life soul reading can help you gain a better understanding of who you are so that you can maximize your potential and natural abilities to the utmost of your ability. Real growth comes from understanding and transforming behavior patterns so that you can challenge yourself to develop in new and exciting ways based upon acknowledge of your past lives.

Please remember to look for the common threads in your reading so that you can benefit from lessons learned (or not learned) in past lives.  You are the final judge of what 'feels' right for you about this information, so go with your intuition first and foremost, because that is your best guide.

“We are the sum of all our activities throughout time, as well—the product of many lifetimes that are recorded as vibratory patterns of negative and positive expressions written on the skein of time and space. Through vibrations, we sow the seeds and reap the destinies of ourselves” ~ Edgar Cayce, Psychic

Past Life Reading for B.J.

Your Past Life Reading will take a look at two significant past lives based upon a psychic/soul reading of your past life energy.

Lifetime 1

The first thing I see in your reading is lots of green along with a fairy lady who appears and takes me by the hand saying "come".

In darkness you toil; planting hoping, wishing, envisioning Jack and the Magic Bean Stalk. Streams surround you and fish look upon you. You dream of living underwater and riding the fish like sea horses. Anything but here.

You are worn out as day breaks; face dirty as you stretch out for a nap.

Your farmer father appears, grim above you - blocking out the sun.

You know better than to make a sound as you are hauled to your feet and taken home. Surrounded by squalling brats you help out your mother; dreaming, dreaming of your get-a-way.

I see you later; hair strawberry golden blond and riding a bike.

Your name is Delia and this is Ireland in the 1850's - 1870's.

You escape to Dublin and scrub floors for a while looking with envy at the fine clothed gentlemen and smart ladies of learning with their small wire rimmed glasses.

You learn to read and save your money. It is a scrabbling, hard life but you have a head full of dreams and possibilities.

You catch a boat(?) to England (North Yorkshire) and take elocution lessons and turn yourself into a respectable lady.

You learn fast and work in a dress shop selling to fine ladies.

You study in your spare time and eventually head to London where you take some classes and continue to work in clothing stores; but this time in a large department store. Your smarts and efficiency propel you up the ladder to manager. Soon you have enough put away to study full time and you don university garb and dive in completely to this world.

As an older student you keep away from the shenanigans and pranks of your younger classmates and fall in love with a studious bespectacled young man studying philosophy and history.

The two of you move in together. You graduate, having studied a wide variety of subjects and take a senior executive position at another department store.

You have two children; a boy and a girl. Your son becomes a farmer and your daughter marries well and is creative (blacksmithing takes her fancy!)

Your life is refreshingly simple, straight-forward and undramatic; just how you like it.

Lefty Oracle Card Guidance - Delia Speaks to you in your present life: Gabriel & the Golden Bird

We would be best friends if we met now and have a mutual admiration party.

I have to ask: what are you seeking in this reading? Validation or the unexpected?

We are equally accomplished!

A Future Card (to see into your life now): Aquarius Goddess - Ix Chel

I sense your trip and as you know the Spanish culture surrounds you finding it's way into the chinks in your armor so to speak. Allow this to happen, allow your defenses to come down and your emotions out. THIS is strength; something you CAN do and that you have been given an opportunity to do - take it.

Aquarius teaches us about independence, detachment and individuality.
Ix Chel: Among the Maya of the Yucatan peninsula, this was the name of the snake-goddess of water and the moon, of childbirth and weaving.  This night-riding goddess spent her energies in nursing the women of earth through pregnancy and labor, taking special care of those who visited her sacred island of Cozumel.

Herbal Advice Along the Way: Columbine Fairy

I see sunshine, light, joy. A release. A bright penny - a symbol.

Make a Mojo Bag along the way; a collection of talismans to guide, protect and celebrate this journey. Bless them. Bless yourself. Bless the Divine.

Healing: Columbine also known as “lion’s herb,” is used to attract courage and true love or to retrieve a lost lover. 

Lifetimes Glimpsed But Not Explored:

  • Tall, Ichabod Crane type figure on a horse in a Wuthering Heights landscape
  • Hrossey (Norse) - a buxom blonde Viking Woman
  • Metal scraps fashioned into flowers

Lifetime 2

I see a little Indian boy who knew Siddhartha - a rag tag follower along his journey. He is you. You have very pale skin for an Indian.

The landscape is barren desert. You belong to a nomadic tribe located in the middle ground. You knew elephants, tigers, boas.

Now the landscape changes to the Middle East and you follow Christ.

Your devotion grows. You are a common man, dirt poor, tribal. A gypsy! I see bears.

But you are the quiet one; often left with the girls.

Your fingers crafty; working with rope and string - knots and weaving intricate labyrinths. You are a wise soul for a young boy.

Your name is Raja and your family are scrap collectors and sellers. But your heart sings to prayer rather than money.

So, you have this family, this lifestyle and join a convent, monastery, walled enclosure in India and sit motionless for days meditating and filled with deep peace. Your head filled with the sound of bells and prayer-song and devotion and doves. You are home.

You teach, you pray, you tend the gardens and die peacefully of old old age buried at the temple close to where you first encountered Siddhartha (South India, Lahore?)

At your funeral beautiful yellow flowers (like plumeria) rained down upon your body - your last wish-vision complete.

Raja Speaks to Your Present Self Now and Lefty Card: Jolene Missing the Embarrassment Gene

Selfish, self-less - a fine line we dance.

Your soul yearns for freedom; like the butterfly caught in a net (society).

You must fly free.
You must dance with the heavens.
You must know peace within.

You are blessed.
Teach this.
Spread this.

A Goddess Power Card to See Where More Strength Can Be Drawn Upon: Virgo Goddess

Going within - finding your way - the deep quiet and solace of a garden and a song, the music of devotion.

You walk the right path. Collect a song along the way and sing it as you walk.

Virgo is all about healing (quiet time), service and crafting (a song)
Virgo helps us turn inward to investigate the health of our bodies, minds and systems, deciding what seeds to harvest and what to compost. Virgo knows how to harvest great ideas and turn them into something useful and nourishing.

Stone Guidance: Tiger's Eye

Earthy, golden, simple pleasures.

Practice by creating a song for Tiger's Eye (wear it, hold it, carry it) so that on your upcoming walk you'll be tuned up and ready to create a journey-song.

About Tiger’s Eye: This stone carries the frequency of creation – of sunlight upon soil. This stone helps allow one to make choices based upon discernment, not judgement, in accordance with one’s higher guidance. It also helps create harmony as well as being a blood fortifier.
Affirmation: I act with confidence, clarity, balance, fairness, enthusiasm and strength.

To end your reading I surround you with love, healing and radiance.

Oracle Card Summary

  • Delia Speaks: Gabriel & the Golden Bird - We are golden.
  • Future Card: Aquarius Goddess-Ix Chel - Seeking breakthroughs.
  • Healing Card: Columbine Fairy - Gentleness.
  • Raja Speaks: Jolene missing the embarrassment gene - Don't fear the inevitable - be free.
  • Strength Card: Virgo Goddess - Service, healing, quiet time, crafting (a song).
from $75.00

Purchase a Past Life Reading here

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