Dear Moon Muser,
It's the New Moon in Pisces on March 2 at 5:35 AM Pacific Time so I sat down to meditate with my guides and the Divines and to pull 3 oracle cards from my hand painted decks- the reveal is below so pick a number between 1-3.
Feel into the bliss
of this watery
Float, be at peace
What goals or intentions
will you set this month
for the New Moon?
Take time to contemplate
then write it down
in your Moon Journal.
Be beautiful, dear Soul
Your heart is big.
Touch the sky
Fly with the Angels
in your dreams.
Goddess Loves You.
Sparkly Blessings
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist
Temecula, CA 2022
About Pisces
Pisces is the most complex of all the zodiac signs for it is the 12th and last sign and encompasses all the signs. Mystery, mysticism, and mermaids are all Piscean ruled. I am obsessed with water and mer-folk right now and may even have the first inklings of a Mer-Oracle in the works. My husband is super watery and I remember being 20 (before I met him) and how much I craved water and watery people. I felt surrounded and inflamed by so much fire/air drama and a lot of down-to-earth practicality too but what I really needed was the soothing touch of waves and to be immersed in deep pools of emotion. May this New Moon in Pisces surround you with all the soothing, calming bliss you need and want right now.
Pick-A-Card for the New Moon in Pisces
Gently rest your attention on your breath, then pick a number between 1-3 to help start your month off right, or try asking a question and letting the oracles and your intuition guide you. The reveal is below.
Sue by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)
Card 1: Sue Got Real Cozy with Her Inner Serpent (Lefty Oracle)
Mantra: I am sensual.
Affirmation: I am in the flow and feeling fine.
Element: Earth
When this card appears in a reading you are entering into the dark, hidden realms of your subconscious where magick, sensuality and power await you. Your inner self is calling to you now and attention must be paid. There is wisdom here and ecstasy. Don’t rush in. Go slowly, so slowly, as doors open to you. Let your intuition be your guide and do what ‘feels’ right. Remain cautious, yet open; aware, observant and attuned.
In my own life around age forty I was expecting this kind of energy shift to happen; also known as kundalini rising. It’s when the energy rises and the chakras (or energy centers) are opened, and hopefully cleared and expanded to allow more energy to flow through the body. This is when I became a professional soul reader and turned my Lefty paintings into an oracle deck. This was a psychic and spiritual opening that took me on a journey throughout the whole of my forties pushing me to really connect with my deeper purpose and self.
Whale by Kathy Crabbe (Eflin Ally Oracle Deck)
Card 2: Whale (Elfin Ally Oracle)
Keyword: Mighty
Meaning: There is a fine balance needed to move forward. You’ve got this.
Reversed: Debt looms so check your savings and hang tight.
Affirmation: My compassion runs as deep as the Sea.
Astrology: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Medicine: The depth of your healing heart knows no bounds.
Lore: Into the pale blue reach of her Whale Heart she could feel the call of the ocean carry her away to a dream world where beauty was everything and power untamed.
With Whale as her ally she could explore the very depths of the ocean, find buried treasure and unearth dark secrets fulfilling her beautiful passion for all the sea’s creatures.
Star Flower by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)
Card 3: Star Flower (Fairy Herbal Oracle)
Affirmation: “I make wishes come true.”
A showy, night-blooming wild flower native to North America and related to Dogwood and Hydrangea. A protective herb that helps one find lost objects, break hexes and keep secrets. Anoint a hankie with the sap to grant wishes. Dry bark for incense to consecrate books.
Astrology: Aquarius, Mars, Pluto,
Deity: Hesperides, Maia, Pleiades
Element: Water
Healing: For indigestion, skin
All Decks Can Be Purchased Here
About Kathy Crabbe
I am proud to be an artist and soul reader, in business since 1993. I love my work and hope you've enjoyed coming along for the ride and allowing me to be of service to you through all the creative, healing work I do. Thank you.
The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when I found myself creatively blocked so I switched to my left hand which awakened my right brain and inspired me to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader. I have since published 4 oracle decks with the Fairy Herbal Oracle deck coming in 2022.
I live in Southern California and soon in the 1000 Islands, Canada for half the year with my pooch and partner in homes we’ve built ourselves.