Zodiac Goddess Power Deck
It is important for this planet that we awaken Goddess Energy so we can hear the voice of deep intuition and wisdom once again.
Deck Details:
- 32 Zodiac Goddess cards, 3.5 x 5.5”, UV coated, 320gsm.
- 20-page hard copy Guidebook with altar tips, affirmations and power-up suggestions to work with each sign, plus goddess myths and poems.
- Sweet little full color box to hold everything with Goddess poems printed on the inside.
- Printed in the USA by Gamecrafter.
I've worked with the imagery and writing in this deck for over 25 years and it is powerful. The Goddesses of the Zodiac work strong magick, healing, protective magick to help you move forward in your life with spirit, purpose and love.
About the Deck: This is a 32-card deck filled with Goddess Paintings I channeled with the help of Mama Moon. It comes with a 20-page hard-copy Guidebook which will quickly become your go-to source for creating a Moon Cycle Goddess Altar. Everything arrives packaged in a lovely illustrated box with goddess poems printed on the inside.
“I am head-over-heels for this wonderful deck! I have been wanting an oracle deck for a good while now, but wanted to wait until the right one came along. And oh my goodness, was this one worth waiting for. The art is breathtaking (y'all, the colors!) and the meaning behind each card carries such wisdom. The overall energy of the deck is gentle, lovely and to-the-point. The seller is AMAZING and shipping was perfect. Thank you, Mz. Kathy!” ~ Stacie Tyson
"I just wanted to let you know that I received my Zodiac Goddess Power Deck and I’m really tickled to have it. I also want to congratulate you on the beautiful artwork and the packaging and the whole production of this deck and really all that you are creating right now. This is a truly interesting time for me, as I’m sure it is for many people and you are greatly contributing to the direction in which my instincts are leading me. I am grateful for you and your creativity. Thank you so much for everything!" ~ Fran Beadles
“What I love about this deck is that it helps me better understand and connect with each astrological sign, as well as various goddess energies. The cards are beautiful, fun to work with and are a wonderful addition to my oracle deck collection!” ~ Kate, Daily Tarot Girl
The Zodiac Goddess Power Deck Can Help You:
Connect with a higher, deeper power
Find your way to God/dess
Be empowered
Delve into Wise Woman Wisdom
Stay positive using affirmations and power words
Create a Goddess-focused altar in tune with Mama Moon
Learn Herstory plus Goddess Mythology
Attune with the cosmos
Strengthen your psychic/intuitive ability
Share your intuitive gifts with others by giving readings
Love and respect your zodiac sign, moon sign, rising sign
Deck Reviews
Video Review by Nana Riel, Shuffle Tarot
Video Review by Nicky, The Van Mystic
Video Review by Rebecca Schoenecker, Laughing Eye Weeping Eye
Video Unboxing Review by Kate Fisher, Daily Tarot Girl
Blog Review by Rachael Caringella, Tree Talker Art
Passion Project
This deck has been a passion project of mine since the 90's when I channeled all the art and writing during a month communing with Mama Moon and in the process became intimately connected on a cellular level with every single zodiac sign.
Zodiac Goddess Power deck by Kathy Crabbe
Birthing of the Deck
Creating the art and writing in this deck was my first act of art-magick back when I was in my late twenties, newly married, and living in lovely Laguna Beach, California after graduating from design school and moving to the US from Montréal, Québec. I was in need of Goddess Energy in my life and Astrology was my passion, but it was so Male! So I spent a month channeling Goddess Energy in tune with Mama Moon. I painted and wrote and danced the entirety of this deck into being which I then spent over 25 years to bring to fruition and into your hands as a Zodiac Goddess Power deck and guidebook.
Click here for the full article with clips from my book.
Zodiac Goddess Box - Inside
The Zodiac Goddess project is one that is near and dear to my heart since I first began the deck over 25 years ago. I was living in Laguna Beach and studying astrology very deeply and it seemed as though everything had a masculine slant to it and I wanted to bring GODDESS energy into the zodiac and into my life.
So I set aside one month to commune with Mama Moon as she flowed thru all 12 zodiac signs during which time I set up an altar to each sign, researched goddesses like crazy and then painted 3-5 large goddesses within that sacred space along with writing poetry.
I finally understood Goddesses and Astrology on a BODY SOUL Level as I 'became' each sign so intensely - wow, it was incredible!!! I remember feeling such LOVE when I channeled Pisces and with Aquarius I went into our DNA and then to outer space.
Thank you Thank you
for being with me on this Divine Feminine Journey!
Luv & Sparklies,
Kathy Crabbe
I originally created and channeled the material within this deck in the mid 1990's as the Moon flowed through each of the zodiac signs. First I turned that material into a book, then an interactive art class, and then an oracle deck. It truly is a POWERFUL deck filled with many Goddess Blessings from all over the globe.
"The Zodiac Goddess Power Deck has a very approachable and nurturing energy. I feel like I want to work with it often. It makes the zodiac and the goddesses effortless and natural. It also has a beautiful feminine energy." ~ Nana Riel Unboxing Video, Shuffle Tarot
When I painted and wrote all the material for this deck I was in full on channeling mode. I spent much time (in the 1990’s) researching goddesses from an astrological viewpoint based on the very few books out there that talked about this. Then I set aside a month to tune in to Mama Moon as she flowed through each sign (spending 2.5 days in a sign) and during this time I channeled the energy of that sign full on – and paintings, creative writing, stories flowed out until I really felt that I knew that zodiac sign and the goddesses associated with the sign on a cellular level – this was such a deep, intuitive experience that I was even dreaming about the signs and goddess and getting to know them on a subconscious dream level as well. It was probably one of the most amazing learning experiences of my life.
Zodiac Goddess Gift Set Limited Edition by Kathy Crabbe
“My favorite thing about these cards, besides the totally original and gorgeous artwork, is how much information and knowledge you can gain from these. These cards have been helping me not only learn about different Goddess archetypal energies, but also astrology and the planetary symbols. I love fun tools like this that are educational and a way to spiritually connect with the Divine. I'm so happy that another deck is in the works by the artist!” ~ Kristen McManus, San Diego, CA
About the Creator: Artist, author, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes Faerie Goddess Spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Drawing with her non-dominant left hand led to the creation of her first deck, the Lefty Oracle and becoming a Soul Reader.