Each month at the new, full and crone (waning) moon I post a Creative Soul Card of the month along with actions, challenges, questions in my Moon Musing Group in the Creative Soul Circle (free to join ~ women only!) Many of you have already taken my eClass (Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul) and have the lingo downpat ie. Moon Musing Journals, Collages, etc. so I really recommend taking this class if you’re feeling a bit confused. I’ve also included Moon Musing Playsheets for you to download so that you can follow along at your own pace.
Each month’s moon musing is different, because I wait for guidance from Mama Moon herself according to the zodiac sign she resides in and attempt to time my musings for the exact moment that she enters that particular sign.
I also suggest that you set intentions each new moon with the help of this New Moon Manifestation Exercise written by my favorite astrologer, Barbara Hand Clow.

Gemini New Moon Creative Soul Card: John’s Giant Banana. Choose your own card here.
Challenge: There is so much going on right now that I’m going to keep it very simple, now that IS a challenge!
Action: I’d like you to envision your new moon intentions as if they were torches and then imagine lighting each one of your torches as if we were standing together in a circle all around the globe; one torch sparking another and another. Then I’d like you to share any visions and insights that you receive in regards to each one of your intentions allowing the torches to spark and illuminate your intentions in new and exciting ways. (I hope that wasn’t too complicated?)
Affirmation: Please share your affirmation with all of us below. My affirmation for the group is “I step forward with a light step walking with ever greater resonance into beauty".
Obstacles: What obstacles and challenges might you face in regards to your intentions?
Success Outcome Marker: please share in the Circle.
Question posed by your card to you: if you’re having trouble coming up with a question please let us know so we can all try and help.
How does your card tie in? please share in the Circle.