Being interviewed by Karen, The Fog City Psychic on Blog Talk Radio was probably the high point of my week, or right up there with the Sag Full Moon/Eclipse meditation. We talked, we laughed and we were GREATLY inspired by the Sagittarian Full Moon Energy invigorating us all with passion, purpose, politics, and speaking up for our highest truth. Enjoy! (Click link above to listen)
Wise Woman Radio: Susun Weed Interviews Me
I was recently interviewed by Susun Weed, herbalist, author and founder of the Wise Woman University and just had to share! Wise Woman Radio Interview
Susun Weed, also known as the Grandmother of the Herbal Renaissance in America is an amazing and strong woman who has developed her healing practice in honour of Wise Woman Wisdom. She has written many books and offers all kinds of classes both on her land in upstate New York and through correspondence.

Early in 2010 Susun Weed started an online university called the Wise Woman University where I am offering a lunar based 4 week course which begins each New Moon and is called Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul. Susun and I discuss my course (which had not yet started at the time of the interview) and my soon-to-be published eBook titled The Goddess Zodiac Playbook.
The print above is titled Beebalm and comes from my Fairy Herbal Healing Series which I later developed into a deck of 89 oracle cards that I incorporate into Soul Readings.