Each month I share a Lefty Oracle from my self published deck to inspire your Moon Heart Journey into the mysteries. The New Moon is the best time of the month to set your intentions for the moonth ahead. This month the New Moon is in Taurus on May 15, 2018 at 4:48 am, Pacific Time.
Lefty Oracle for the New Moon: Homer, on the verge of greatness*
Mantra: I strive.
Affirmation: I let go of fear to be here now.
Element: Water
If this card appears in a reading it’s about time you asked yourself who you’re trying so hard to please and why it’s never enough. Instead of seeking approval outside of yourself go within and be your own best friend. You ARE good enough and, in fact you are the best YOU there is and the only YOU that will ever exist.
In my own life this card was inspired by my dad, and that story is a long one indeed. I learned a lot about what not do to in life from him, and for that I am grateful.
Creative Journal Prompt
Do you ever feel like Homer does, “On the verge of greatness?” If ‘yes’ then describe what that means for you and explain what it refers to as well. If not, then describe a feeling of being on the verge of greatness or something similar.
What does greatness look like to you? What meaning does it hold?
Are you on the way to achieving this greatness, and if so, what needs to happen for you to get there and to know greatness? Try breaking it down into numbered steps within a timeline.
Now, congratulate yourself BIG TIME for your foresight and diligence in acknowledging right now, that even without all this, YOU ARE GREAT just by saying these words:
I am great.
Thank you Divine One for blessing me and my work.
I am great and so are you.
Homer's Song
“Stop trying to be soooo great,”
my inner critic whines at me,
but do I listen?
No way.
I AM great
…in my own mind,
or am I?
Isn’t that supposed to be the End Goal?
Sadly, it feels like the race will never end.
If only…
if only…
I could be present right now
and have THAT be enough.
*Excerpted from the Lefty Oracle Deck & Guidebook
The Lefty Oracle Deck and 92 page Guidebook will help you break through creative blocks, identify your gifts and empower your intuition so that you can move forward in a playful and profoundly life changing way.
This month's Art Giveaway is a digital print of Homer. The winner will be announced at the next Full Moon. To enter this giveaway simply sign up for my Museletter below.
Kathy Crabbe, Djinn Djinn & the Lefty Oracle Deck and 92 page Guidebook. Photo courtesy: Lori Anne Beach