The sex organs and the sacral chakra, other people's money, red, psychics, blood, mud, brambles, geysers, graveyards, toilets...what do all these have in common? They are all ruled by Scorpio, the sign of the upcoming Full Moon on Sunday, May 3 at 8:42 pm pacific time.
As I write these words while sitting in front of my altar I realize I don't want to channel for this particular Full Moon like I usually do, but instead I'd like to write about the Lefty painting (shamanic cartoon) I did yesterday: I release fear.

When I painted her I meant for the text to read "I release fear" but when I studied it afterwards I realized it could easily be read as "I fear release"! HA! Both are true. And aren't they intimately connected?
I use my left hand drawings in my Creative Soul Readings (a deck of them, actually as I'm sure you already know). I figure out their meaning as I go along.
The Leftys act as shamanic cartoons I believe; a dose of the Trickster AND a self esteem booster prompting many who view them to feel "curiouser and curiouser" as they journey down the rabbit hole into their deeper soul-self.
I've been documenting my Leftys step-by-step recently both on Instagram and Tumblr; here's what I mean (see below).

I enjoy the instant feedback I get on Instagram (and Tumblr) in the form of likes (hearts), new followers and the occasional comment. I enjoy sharing the process - all hand done - not computer generated.
I created the Lefty, "I release fear" to help both myself and others release fears; especially money related fears. See that $ symbol above her head? She is a powerful being. May she support you as well 'cause she's definitely plying her cell-rearranging magick on me. Since working with her over the last 24 hours, I've figured out and written down the branding for my Lefty Art in a way that captures their essence; their heart and soul and mine too, of course, because we are the same. Each time I start to feel anxious about $ I envision this Lefty and I see the strong green pubic triangle that forms the base of the green heart surrounding her and I also see the 3 black (raven) feathers in her place of power. Beneath her is a deep, dark pool of knowledge going down and into the center of the earth, the universe where dark, healing magic grows and sustains us as we lay down roots and claim our power; the power of the Earth Herself.
So, for this Scorpio Full Moon (in cahoots with Beltane/May Day at 8:05 pm on the same day) grab your crystal ball (i chose Obsidian) and go deep.
What needs releasing? Let it out, let it go. Do ritual, ceremony, write it out and burn it in a fire, bury it in the earth or let it flow away in watery tears. Whatever works for you. This Scorpio Moon can help with that; it can help you release and transform and if your issues are $ related please work with today's shamanic Lefty painting and report back here or to me: I'm always curious to hear more.
Scorpio Altar Suggestions from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook
- Scorpio the Scorpion, Phoenix & Eagle
- Time of Year – October 21 - November 21
- Quality – Fixed
- Element – Water
- Planetary Ruler – Pluto
- Anatomy – Sex organs
- Natural Sign of – 8th House
- Color – Blood red, maroon
- Gemstone – Malachite, opal, topaz
- Tarot Card – Death
- Goddesses – Brigid, Hecate, Morgan, Selkhet
Scorpio Meditation
Deep inner knowing,
Her arms snakes, her belly the depths,
Slowly she transforms
Vulture claws spreading open,
Wings of magic, reborn glory,
The Phoenix.
Scorpio Affirmations
I am motivated, resourceful and determined
I risk honesty
I transcend earthly concerns and soar to new heights
I am magnetic and mysterious
I am Phoenix Rising
I have no fear of death
Purchase Lefty prints, originals and cards at
Creative Soul Readings are here.
Zodiac Goddess Playbook is here.
Kathy's Upcoming Events
Artist’s Circle Support Group
When: May 31, Sunday, 11 - 2 pm
Where: Ryan Bros Coffee, Temecula
RSVP at Meetups
Creative Soul Readings at Learning Light Foundation
When: 2nd Saturdays, 10-5
Where: 1212 E. Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA
Creative Soul Readings at Karma Boutique
When: June 27, Saturday, 11-5
Where: 4242 Camino Del Rio N. #19, San Diego, CA
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass ~ Taurus Moon Term
When: 1 week before the New Moon each month
Where: Wise Woman University

About Kathy
Kathy Crabbe is an artist and energy reader living in sunny SoCal with her husband and pet muse, Abby the shaggy black dog in an adobe home they built themselves.