Dear Moon Musers,
I pulled a Lefty Oracle Card for the Spring New Moon in Aries and her name is Nambia, pleasantly present. As I read this card energetically without looking at it (a special technique I use for soul readings) I felt the Power of Spring course through me, but it wasn't an overwhelming or strident feeling. Instead, it felt like I was sinking into a bed of wildflowers; all yellows and oranges, reds and purples, filling my soul with beauty and strength and resilience, ephemeral though it was, for Spring flowers disappear so quickly! So I rush instead to breathe in deeply as big storm clouds of blue and sky sail over my head. We need this fullness, this ache, this newness, to ground and center so that we can soar and dive and play in this Season we call Spring. if you're in the Southern Hemisphere this reading can also apply to Fall's arrival, so try it out!
To recharge your batteries and get some answers click here for Kathy's Soul Readings.
Nambia, pleasantly present from the Lefty Oracle Deck by Kathy Crabbe
Lefty Oracle of the Month: Nambia, pleasantly present
Mantra: I relax.
Affirmation: I am pleasantly present and focused upon one project, and only one project at a time.
Element: Air
I am
at peace
I rest.
I float
When this card appears in a reading you definitely need a break. Take some time for rest and relaxation, to shed your worries, get pampered and have some fun. This is not a time to crack down and get busy. You'll achieve far more later by taking it easy now. Figure out an easy way to charge your batteries and make time for YOU.
In my own life, I love to simply just sit in nature, breathe in the smells and enjoy the sights; not thinking or doing anything, just being.
Wanna fast forward your own creative breakthrus? Purchase Kathy's Lefty Oracle Deck here.
Lefty Oracle Cards from the deck by Kathy Crabbe, Soul Reader & Artist.
Zodiac Goddess Wisdom
Aries Goddess by Kathy Crabbe
Aries – The Ram
Time of Year – Spring, March 21 - April 19
Quality – Cardinal
Element – Fire
Ruler – Mars
Anatomy – Head
Natural sign of – 1st House
Opposite sign – Libra
Color – Red
Gemstones – Amethyst, diamond, fire opal, garnet
Tarot cards – The Emperor, The Empress
Goddesses – Amazons, Fuji, Kali, Sekhmet, Valkyries
Aries Meditation
Fire God, Fiery Goddess,
Red the path to your heart’s desire,
Lead the way to your soul’s fire.
Aries Affirmations
- I embody spring fire
- I am true to my path and my inner convictions
- I am erotic and independent
- I am a primal, revolutionary rebel
- I am adventurous, assertive and courageous
- I am the Divine Warrior
- I remember who I truly am even if it bothers others
Kali (Aries Goddess) by Kathy Crabbe
Tap Into Your Aries Fire
- - Take on any challenge
- - Start a project
- - Assert your rights
- - Get creative
- - Feel power, strength and vitality come alive within you
Aries Goddess ~ Kali
Kali the destroyer
Wants my heat
To dance destruction
With her feet.
Kali or “Black Mother Time” symbolizes our worst fears. She is one of India’s most powerful and popular Goddesses although terrifying to Western eyes. Through her fascinating dance of death she helps us face and transform our fears as she too is transformed into the Great Mother and Lover.
About Kathy Crabbe: Kathy has been an artist and writer forever and a teacher and soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty after five years painting with her non-dominant left hand. This awoke her intuition in a big way. In 2008 she created a Lefty Oracle deck and started giving intuitive soul readings that have touched many lives in profound and playful ways. Kathy lives in sunny Temecula, Southern California with her pet muses and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves.
Getting in touch with your sacred gifts? Try a Soul Reading by Kathy.