How To Give Your Intuition A Work Out (Pisces New Moon)
It’s time again to set your intentions for the New Moon. In Pisces this Moon brings us watery, blissful, spiritual vibes so take advantage of this moon-ey time to get some much needed rest (it IS the dark time of the moon so you may feel low-energy) and to be creatively blissed out through ritual, love, crafting, baking, making art, music or even just sitting in nature in meditation.
I turned to my one of my artistic mentors (who is deceased) by the name of Leonora Carrington and practiced the ancient technique of Bibliomancy which means I randomly (intuitively) chose a few words of hers (from her short stories) to guide the direction of this New Moon blog. The results of my experiment indicated that you may have a real need right now for more spiritual inspiration. I also want to tie that thought in to my newest painting “Bellona” from my upcoming Faerieality Oracle Deck.
Bellona is a Bibliomantically inspired painting. The quote that inspired her came from The Book of Shadows by Phyllis Curott.
“Bellona sliced another opening between the worlds and again she spoke the archaic yet stirring words, this time declared as a warrior’s challenge.”
Bellona’s “domain included the entire arena of conflict, diplomatic as well as military. Even her name shows her importance, for the Latin word for war, bellum, derives from her name.” (quotation from The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan)
This technique of Bibliomancy puts intuition via chance into high gear and helps one trust one’s intuition even more. You can too, it takes practice and working out one’s intuition, like a muscle, to encourage it to grow stronger.
I also wanted to acknowledge the heart-broken this past Valentine’s Day. The pressure of this day may be too much for those in trauma from any kind of heart-break, loss, abandonment, bereavement or sorrow.
I heart you, I hear you. Bellona, warrior Goddess stands by you as your protector “In the names of Sekmet and Horus. So mote it be.”
Pisces Oracle from the Zodiac Goddess Power Deck
Pisces Meditation
To feel love is pure warmth, wholeness, open-ness, selfless-ness, shameless, guiltless joy – that is love.
Pisces Affirmations
I believe
I relax in solitude
I am a mystic of the spirit realm
I create to my heart’s content
I open my heart to other’s realities
My dreams, visions and intuition guide me
I am the mermaid
I Paint Pisces
During the Pisces Meditation I questioned Love. Love is everything from pain to pleasure and I needed to listen and love myself first before I could love anyone else. But how do we know if love is true? Love is warm, whole, open and selfless. Love is shameless, guiltless joy. Later that night I had a dream where Love poured through me unlike anything I’d ever felt before.
My Pisces painting flowed magically and gracefully onto the illustration board and I felt Her energy calm, serene, peaceful and knowing.
Allow Piscean energy into your life by letting love in. Share your creations because you know they are coming from a place of love. Love IS everything.
About Kathy Crabbe
Feel Kathy’s healing energy guide you with a gentle touch. You ARE in alignment with your soul’s purpose. As a professional seer Kathy provides you with a safe and encouraging space to shine light upon your hidden gifts and talents in tune with your spirit guides and the divines.
Kathy Crabbe offers soul readings, psychic-mediumship, past life readings and astrology reports using her own hand painted oracle card decks both virtually and in person in Temecula, California and the Thousand Islands, Canada.
Bibliomancy & the Creation of a Painting
Dear Moon Muser,
I am immersed again in daily painting and in a world I'm creating called Faerieality. A world of bibliomancy, chance and intuition, of color and light, black and white, oh and especially of sage greens and hot pinks, of mushrooms and prehistoric horses, of jellyfish that look like tacos and fairies riding octopi.
While glum skies, rain and freezing cold threaten outside I visit and play in the internal, eternal realms of Faerieality which will one day become an oracle deck, wheeee!
If you'd like to play with me in Faerieality please enjoy the first painting I've released this year from the new and upcoming oracle deck.
The Once & Future Goddess
The book that inspired this painting is titled "The Once & Future Goddess" by Elinor Gadon, copyright 1989 and the quote from the painting
Here is the quotation that inspired the piece:
"Not all neo-pagans identify with Wicca. Some name themselves Druids after the ancient Celtic practice; others worship..."
Using the ancient art of Bibliomancy I randomy (intuitively) choose a phrase from one of the books in my collection (I'm actually going through my entire book collection for this series) and write it down. This becomes the inspiration for the painting.
I then begin the painting using my non dominant left hand because that is how I connect with the divine most easily - its is as yet untried territory, the unknown and I can access it more easily with the left hand because this hand is still awake to the mysteries, moreso than my know-it-all right hand.
I paint the figure first. BUT I wait and wait for the words from the book and the spirits, gods, goddesses to guide me and I don't create until I have the get-go from them, in the form of images, colors, lines, shapes.
In this piece I turned to a reference book of nudes for the body. I again randomly chose a nude and made that the body of this creature.
I continue to be led by the words and my guides for each step of the painting. When it is done I turn to the book again and randomly choose words that become the title and that I then collage into the piece.
About Kathy Crabbe: I have been called by Spirit to live a creative life and to be of service, both through my artwork and my intuitive guidance.
Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Temecula, California
Leo Full Moon Blessings
Dear Moon Muser,
I am immersed again in daily painting and in a world I'm creating called Faerieality. A world of bibliomancy and listening for the voice of the gods and goddesses calling me to them, of color and light, black and white, oh and especially sage green and hot pink, of mushrooms and prehistoric horses, of jellyfish that look like tacos and fairies riding octopi.
While glum skies, rain and freezing cold threaten outside I visit and play in the internal, eternal realms of Faerieality which will one day become an oracle deck, wheeee!
If you'd like to play with me in Faerieality please enjoy the first painting I’ve released this year from the new and upcoming deck. To learn more about the inspiration behind this painting please click here.
Rights Included by Kathy Crabbe (Faerieality Series
Buy a print
Dialing Back on Facebook and Instagram
For the sake of sanity and to not simply be just another cog in the Machine that is Facebook and Instagram (both are owned by META) which is detrimental to all creators I choose not to devote my sacred time to posting very much on these platforms (and I continue not to view their feeds). If you'd like inspiration to follow my lead I suggest these resources as recommended by artist, Julia Bausenhardt.
Video by Julia: Why I quit social media and blog post.
Cal Newport - Digital Minimalism
Cal Newport - Deep Work
Jaron Lanier - Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Sherry Turkle - Alone Together
Nicholas Carr - The Shallows Documentary: The Great Hack:
Paul Jarvis - On the Facebook Like button, and why it’s awful:
Social media is a threat to democracy: Carole Cadwalladr speaks at TED2019:
Rights Included (detail) by Kathy Crabbe (Faerieality Series)
Face Your Demons
I'm also doing shadow work with my dear friend, astrologer Chad Woodward (love his lengthy and wise new and full moon newsletters) and a year long tele-course in 4 parts (so you can join at any time), run by my spiritual mentor, Francesca De Grandis.
This shadow-work involves totally and 100% screaming into your darkest, deepest shadows, and insecurities and whatever you just plain HATE about yourself by fully and totally LOVING IT, ACCEPTING IT and recognizing that your soul NEEDS this experience 100%. This is transformational work and a technique you can learn about in the book Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliot.
Word of the Year and a Challenge
My word of the year is Simplicity and it's been sooooo hard for me NOT to complicate things by pursuing new online avenues for sharing my work such as: Patreon, Ko-Fi, another IG and a new website, etc.
With Aries Rising I just love starting things! but this is NOT simplifying my life, is it?
Join With Me
So instead I look to larger groups and organizations to submit my work to: zines, galleries, neurodiverse groups and live in-person events, now that they're back - yay!
For the first four months of this year you can find me and join with me at these virtual and in-person spaces.
All month - Faerieality Solo Show - Grace Mellman Library, Temecula
March 11-12 - Yorba Linda Women's Club Art & Craft Fair
April 1 - Brea Pet Expo
April 15-16 - Idyllwild Art in the Park
Magickal Women Neurodiverse Artists Group - zoom meetings
Creative Cronies Moon Diary - my art is featured
Full Moon Oracle Card from the Lefty Deck
Demon Affirmation: I journey into the dark to discover inner truths.
Find all oracle decks here.
It seems appropriate that the Demon card cropped up for this Full Moon especially after all the Shadow Work that many of us have been doing. It is essential that we look into these depths instead of running away from them because if we don't they will continue to come back to bite us in the bum, as the saying goes.
About Kathy Crabbe: I have been called by Spirit to live a creative life and to be of service, both through my artwork and my intuitive guidance.
Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Temecula, California
Aquarius New Moon Blessings
Dear Moon Muser,
It's a New Year and the first New Moon so I pulled a card from one of my five oracle card decks and I meditated. Take a moment now to contemplate the card I pulled below and to envision your emotional boundaries surrounding and protecting you in this Brave New World.
My job is to paint and explore Otherworlds; to heal and be healed. What is your job this year?
How will your boundaries protect you?
Ask the Fairy Kats and Herbs for help, if need be. Then make your New Moon Wish for the moonth ahead and sprinkle it with fairy dust.
Cat Herbal New Moon Oracle
Beebalm by Kathy Crabbe (Cat Herbal Oracle Deck)
Beebalm Affirmation: I savor my sweetness.
View the Cat Herbal Deck here.
Fairy Herbal Oracle News
Nina from Shuffle Tarot has just created a lovely Walk Through Video of the new Fairy Herbal Deck - enjoy!
Shop for Valentine Day Gifts
Enjoy a curated selection of my most popular silk and recycled wood art paintings, prints, cards, necklaces and more PLUS free shipping as a special thank you. Use this code at checkout: HEARTFELT
Use this code at checkout for free shipping: HEARTFELT
I have been called by Spirit to live a creative life and to be of service, both through my artwork and my intuitive guidance.
Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Temecula, California