How to Deal with Overwhelm and Find Peace Amongst the Stars

I was overwhelmed by color! Color choices for my palette, that is.

Kathy Crabbe

What to do?

Also, this topic may not sound relevant to you if you’re not a painter, but I believe that it is. Here’s why.

Art imitates life, right? Or is it the other way around?

Right now, I am transitioning, from one country to two (the US and Canada) and from my house to a barn. I’m getting travel-ready, de-cluttering and streamlining as I meander my way through my late fifties.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by choices. We are faced with soooo many here in the capitalist, consumer-driven west.

I Refuse to Take Sides by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

I Refuse to Take Sides by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Editing things out is hard (and that’s my forté!)

So, what did I do? I listened to my intuition and I pondered upon what I truly enjoyed color-wise. For example, I like to work with a large palette of colors instead of color mixing and my paints don’t have to be the most expensive on the planet. That way I can play around with lots of colors, have fun and not be too precious or feel pressured because some paints cost $20 for a 5 ml. tube!!!

I listened to my soul (in the deep of night) and I went naked under the stars with a jar of Nettle Infusion. I emptied my mind. I called upon Mother Mary and Rhiannon for assistance. I made some to-do lists. Then next day I forgot them (intentionally) and I bought a huge 60 paint set of well rated but inexpensive gouache tubes.

I realized that it’s okay for life to be full and multi-colored but that in the emptiness and quiet of meditation I can hear Her voice and find home amongst the stars. For that I am grateful and for you!

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy ‘Kat’ Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist

p.s. the oracle card above is from my first and favorite oracle deck, The Lefty Oracle.

Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

Feel Kathy’s healing energy guide you with a gentle touch. You ARE in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

As a soul reader, astrologer, artist and oracle deck maker I provide a safe space and encouragement to assist my clients in shining light upon their gifts and hidden depths in tune with spirit and the divines.

Sag New Moon Winter Magick

Dear Moon Muser,

I have missed sharing my life with you since the last New Moon! Last blog post I didn't get a chance to and I realized that what I love most in blogs is the personal touch and getting to know the person behind the work.

Winter here in Southern California is mild - very mild. A few of the trees are just now changing color: burnt oranges (Chinese Pistachio), yellow (Sycamores) and a few bright red maples. Dusk falls around 4:45 pm and it drops to almost freezing at night.

Samhain (Hallow's Eve) is the Witches New Year and I adore this dark time of the year, but also I'm so glad for the sun of SoCali. I am part Snake (born Year of the Snake in '65) and I appreciate the sun and warmth in the dead of Winter.

For added Fairy Winter Inspiration I'm reading: The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust and The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington.

My latest passion is Color Theory. I'm mixing, labeling, ordering and playing with ALL my watercolors and gouache on a much deeper and more analytical level, what fun! It keeps my Virgo, sixth house Sun active.

As we roll into the deepest of deep Winter days, I remember to quiet things down more and more. The busier the world gets the quieter and more contemplative one can be - this is the magick of the season.

With the New Moon in Sagittarius on Nov. 23 it's time now to set intentions for the moonth ahead, seeding your travels (Sag loves adventure) into worlds unknown, trusting in synchronicity to bring you all you need to expand and grow deeper, always deeper, darker, ever darker.

How are you inviting in the dark? Time to pull a card and find out.

Sparkly Winter Blessings,
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist

Sagittarius New Moon Fairy Herbal Oracle

Rose Fairy Lantern by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Rose Fairy Affirmation:
“I honour all that is sacred.”

This feminine herb of the Moon is a member of the Lily family native to California. Fairy bells entice nature spirits to stay and play. An herb of the Underworld it helps one ritually celebrate inner beauty, goddess and chakras, break love spells and protects one from the evil eye.

Astrology: Libra, Mars, Moon, Sun, Taurus, Venus
Deity: Kuan Yin, Rhiannon, Sarah, Venus
Element: Water
Healing: Spiritual

Kathy Crabbe

Soul Readings

Now in this Dark Time of Year when busy-ness, life pressure, world trauma and sorrow fill our screens please know dear ones that I am here in this darkness to help guide you to that spark of intuition found within; your guiding light, your way forward, into the Spring, in touch with the Divines, your Ancestors, the herbs and the Animal totems that call your name in times of need. For healing, magic and wonder await you, believe... it is so.

Here is where to reach me for a Soul Reading.