A 3 Question Soul Reading for Shirl

How a Creative Soul Reading Works:My preferred mode of reading someone's soul-energy is via distance - this allows me to focus on you, your spirit and your guides in a focused way clear of distractions. Each reading involves preparations such as meditation and yoga to help me focus. I will often pull healing stones and a card(s) from one of my four self-designed and painted Creative Soul Guide oracle card decks, but unlike a tarot reading I will not actually look at the card until after your reading is finished. The card imagery and description often serve to accentuate and emphasize certain points in your reading and along with the healing stones may also give you some more tools to work with on your own after the reading is over.

A 3 Question Soul Reading for Shirl

This reading is in response to your questions:


1. Will I find my soulmate in this life (whom I believe was the man in my dream with the cardinal from many years ago) or am I destined to be alone? 2. Am I meant to be a writer or artist or is there another path I'm meant to find/be on? 3. Conventional religion never felt "right", and I've tended to drift toward a more New Age philosophy; if I truly have a Spirit Guide, how can I better "tune in" to learn and find some peace in this life?


The very first image I receive for your reading is of a snake wending its way through life and encountering much bracken and wild terrain that has been difficult to get through at times.

- I am seeing numbers – as if there is some kind of count down and you’ve had to learn patience in the process.

- I also see the color orange in your aura – representing creativity.

- I am sensing that you are ready to unlock the door and let out your talents and gifts for all to see!

- You’re not only ready, but you are prepared too, and people trust you!


- There may still be some goop/gunk left over from childhood that is holding you back and could be cleared from your third chakra (represented by the color, yellow.)

- Your Spirit Totem appears and is a crow or raven. He reaches in to grab this gunk (which appears as a worm-like thing) from your solar plexus area (third chakra) and extracts it.


Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time. With Crow medicine, you speak in a powerful voice when addressing issues that for you seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack, or unjust.Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your life’s mission and balance past, present, and future in the now. Shapeshift that old reality and become your future self.



- Please try and envision the crow doing this (extracting the gunk) and also envision shining the color yellow onto this area – feel it flooding your naval/solar plexus area as you work on strengthening and empowering your core being along with your health.


The gemstone Yellow Citrine will also help with this. Citrine (yellow-gold) is reminding you to open yourself to guidance and to the Divine Will.Remember, you will manifest whatever it is that you hold foremost in your mind and energy.Are your words and actions consistent with what you want to create?


- Your crow buddy is now sitting on your shoulder – he wants to watch the proceedings!


Question 1


- Next, I pull a Goddess card in reference to your first question and the card is called “Aquarian Goddess”.

Aquarius teaches us about independence, detachment and individuality.


Aquarian Challenge: Your purpose is to see the patterns of ideas, networks and human relations.Your challenge is to know what you feel and to build intimacy and collectivity.Although you may need to learn tact, Aquarius offers you a natural political knack, a tribal consciousness and an abstract, iconoclastic soul.


- I am seeing two men: one has plain, brown hair and he is quite neutral looking over-all (Ken doll comes to mind!)

- The other man is more dashing with black hair, but I don’t see you choosing either, yet…


I pull another card to find out more and it is called “Leo Goddess”.

Leo Meditation: I am one with the radiant sun: my heart is open. I am generous and loving.


- You may be feeling very emotionally torn about the neutral-looking man and the other man is more of a bad-boy and so he is more attractive to you, but your core self is undecided.

- Is there a daughter (a little girl) involved? Or does that little girl in you still need appeasing? Longing for a vision?

To see things more clearly I’m going to add a twist to things by pulling a Lefty Oracle card for you and it is called “Jacko invites himself to all the best parties.”

- I see your father and he is saying, “Shirl, does he fix cars?” (I also catch a brief glimpse of “Mr Bean” from the British comedy series!)

- I am sensing that you would like a mixture between the dark, handsome and dangerous and the secure and stable.

- Your father is also saying, “He’s like me (but better” – said jokingly – “smarter!”)


- I am also sensing that he (this man) will find you – perhaps around Hallowe’en because I’m catching a glimpse of a Dracula mask!

- And he will know you’re perfect for him when he first sees you. He will find you just “the prettiest girl he’s ever seen” (these are his thoughts!)




- I also suggest working with Blue Kyanite and Obsidian (or envisioning these stones) in regards to this next part of your reading delving into question 2.


Blue Kyanite promotes telepathy and empathy with spirit guides, angels, pets, discarnate beings, extraterrestrials, and Light Be-ings.


Black Obsidian offers you the power of the receptive.Stand back and be receptive to what is happening around you.It will lead you to what is most necessary for you to learn, but not necessarily what is easiest or most pleasant.


- Yes, you could write books helping artists and other creative types. I see your books filled with practical tips and inspiration on how to live an artful life (a good site to check out is http://kerismith.com)


I hear you asking, “Can I make a living at this?” so I pull a Lefty card and it is called “Ulrica could handle anything”.

- I also see you reaching out to others through the newspaper.

- And yes, you can combine this with your computer skills.

- I also see you working at an alternative school: teaching, guiding, mentoring, group work.

- Nothing can stop you – just confidence!

- So work with Citrine and the color yellow along with your third Chakra.




I am strong.

I can do anything.


I am blessed and full of joy.

A Spirit Guide Meditation for You in combination with Blue Kyanite


I trust in the River of Life.

I flow with it and accept Divine Guidance and Connections.

I open my eyes to the Beauty and Mystery of the unknown Guides that surround and protect me.


Question 3


- I also catch a glimpse of one of your spirit guides and he looks like an elf and his name is ‘hobo.’ He is surrounded by many little people.

- To connect with your guides and especially with ‘hobo’ just reach out your hand and let him guide you into his world. Keep your eyes closed and just be present in their world. Afterwards make sure and write down all you have experienced – it is sacred and it is yours.


I pull a card in regards to your third question and it is called “Elf”!


How To Find Peace

- Why, follow your bliss of course! It will feel natural and happy!

- You may be pioneering new territory, “to go where no one has gone before” – sung along to the Star Trek theme.

- I am also seeing so many flowers/fields around you and a small bridge amidst them. You cross over this bridge and enter into another world – a world of the imagination, and you dream everything and you know it will happen.


"When"? – starting today – you draw the line.


To Summarize:

- Yes, there is someone for you – dream them into being.

- Grow stronger and create your world – you have great practical talents to build up your world.

- Your spirit guides await – go play with them!


I’m ending your reading by sending you many sparkly blessings for growth and fulfillment.


Many Sparkly Blessings to you Shirl!

Shirl Comments on her Reading: "The first image...is of a snake wending it's way through life and encountering much bracken and wild terrain that has been difficult to get through at times".

That's a pretty good metaphor for my life. Life for me has been about survival, not living.

"I am seeing numbers-as if there is some kind of count down and you've had to learn patience in the process."

That definitely resonates with me, in a big way, and in many aspects of my life. In terms of finding my Soulmate, this just about screams out at me! There's a phrase that just comes to me: "Anything worth having is worth waiting for". And when it comes to love, I don't want to settle just so that I can say I'm married. But I really hope that countdown is near the lift-off mark!

"Crow/raven as Spirit Totem, an omen of change"

When I came back to Paganism (after a mis-guided jaunt into Christianity and Catholicism), birds became highly symbolic to me. At first, I attributed it to the dream I'd had about my Soulmate, because that cardinal never left me. Plus, I was instantly drawn to Rhiannon, so I just figured it was her birds. I'm not very knowledgeable about Spirit Totems, but I plan on learning. I did try the visualization you suggested; I have a hard time shushing my mind when trying to meditate, and I didn't feel very much different, but later that day I painted two watercolors that were better than any I'd ever done. So, I have to wonder!

"The brown haired man"

As soon as I read that, the image of the man in my dream from ten years ago popped into my head. I don't currently know anyone that could be him (the man in my dream), and I'm fairly certain I haven't met my Soulmate yet (that it's not someone I've ever known). The thing is, I just don't know how to differentiate between a feeling/instinct that something is/could be so, and wishful thinking.

"Does he fix cars?"

Again, this popped out at me because for years I've had this strong feeling that my Soulmate was either a mechanic or an architect. I can't explain how or why, but it's always been there. The fact that you saw my Dad ask that sort of confirmed it. I also got the feeling that if it's the mechanic that my Dad approves of, then that's the one to go with. It felt like he was giving his blessing. This also sort of confirmed another dream I had this year about my Soulmate. My father was in this one, and it was as if he was watching over us as we emerged from the ocean in each others arms.

"I am also sensing that he will find you"

In my dream, my Soulmate said, "See? All you had to do was stand still and I would find you." In other words, quit searching every face in the crowd. Like with Kathryn and her ladybugs in the movie "Under The Tuscan Sun"; as soon as she stopped looking for them, she was positively covered with them. That movie really resonated with me this summer!

Question 2

"Yes, you could write books helping artistic and other creative types...."

That would certainly combine my two loves: art and writing. It's funny, because back in the 1990's, when I first discovered SARK, I used to think, wow, these are great books. I wish I could do something like this. But then all I'd be doing is copying SARK. Then I promptly forgot about it and went about not-writing the novels that swirled in my head. Maybe the idea's not so far-fetched after all!

The Lefty Card: "Ulrica Could Handle Anything"

I like that a lot! Right away, it reminded me of the old movie Fried Green Tomatoes...remember when Mary Stuart Masterson's character would shout, "Towanda!!!" when she got her Girl-Power on? Ulrica is a great reminder that I can find the strength to handle what comes my way.

"I also see you working at an alternative school..."

This is interesting, too. I've always wanted to go back to school; I had to drop out of art school in 1990 and have worked ever since. The money was never there to get a college degree. Maybe the Universe has a suprise in store for me with this one, especially since I've always thought myself too shy to be "on stage" as a teacher. It's an intriguing idea...

Question 3

I will definitely have to give the visualization suggestions a try, especially since I now have an image/idea of who my Spirit Guide is. This could be fun!

All in all, I have to say, you did a wonderful job, Kathy! You gave me a lot of food for thought, a glimpse at some possibilities. I'm sure, as I re-read both readings over time, other things will pop out at me or make more sense (I'm still curious as to where Mr. Bean fits in!) Without a doubt, if anything comes to pass with regard to the brown haired or black haired man and the artful career path, I will let you know! There has to be a reason why that dream has stayed with me - crystal clear - for ten years now. I've had other dreams in the past that eventually really happened (like dreaming of someone, complete with a first and last name, and then meeting that person about a year or so later). I think because this one means so much to me, I didn't want to believe in it completely in case it never came to pass. I didn't want to be disappointed.

Most of all, you gave me some unexpected comfort when my father came through to you. That itself is priceless. Although the Soulmate question was the one that was my biggest curiosity and meant the most to me, the greatest thing I took away from this experience was a closer feeling to my father. It's funny, because for years since he died, every now and again I'd either feel his presence or actually catch a whiff of him (he had a very particular smell, a mix of Old Spice and his own body scent) or he'd come to me in dreams, but I'd write it off as coincidence or my imagination. Now I truly believe he's watching over me, watching out for me. Thank you for that!

I have to say, that with all of the negativity swirling around me, your readings have been the only bright spot, the only glimmer of light that's kind of giving me the oomph to keep pushing through this gunk. That probably sounds melodramatic, but I just don't deal well with stress!

And I have to say...Wow. Wow! I've never had such a beautiful, insightful, and just plain interesting reading.

And thank you for being a little bit of a bright spot for me in what's turning out to be a really crummy week! Now, more than ever, I'm ready for it to finally be my season, my time to really live instead of just survive. You gave me a little hope. Thank you.

Purchase a Reading here.

A Soul Reading for Jenn

What is a Soul Reading? A soul reading is similar to a psychic reading, but more in-depth. Yes, it involves prophecy, but it also involves healing, inspiration and practical exercises designed to jump start the process of your soul's transformation by giving you the tools necessary for your journey.

I begin each soul reading by taking a look, with the use of my third eye or inner vision, at your overall energy state along with your soul's Divine essence - this is the part of you that never dies. Reading soul energy over a distance actually gives much better results, based upon the techniques that I employ. It allows me to focus my full attention upon your soul's energy, and not be distracted by your feelings or reactions. I can still sense if you are nervous, unfocused, or even skeptical, but because you are not directly in front of me, it will not distract me from reading your energy.

To learn more about soul readings please click here - http://KathyCrabbe.com

A Soul Reading for Jenn *This post was published with kind permission from Jenn.

Fairy Herbal Healing Card - Fennel

My First Impressions: - I was immediately drawn towards my Fairy Herbal Healing deck for your reading and I pulled a card called “Fennel.”

Fennel is nourishing and sustaining, like mother’s milk. It also helps to open a person up to the delights of the body. It can be soothing and nourishing and can help loosen fears. It is also excellent for new mothers, to help build up the bond between mother and child and to allow for mutual nourishment. You can drink fennel tea whenever you feel in need of nourishment.

- I was drawn towards working with a Transmitter Quartz Crystal, because I feel as though you are a magician-type, meaning that you are very capable of directing your power outwards and attracting what you need to you.

- I see your energy arching outwards, and all over. I also think focusing this power will be beneficial for you.

- I am seeing some risky (business?) ventures as well, so be careful.

- I suggest working with a good grounding stone such as Black Onyx, along with a good directing and grounding stone such as a Smokey Quartz point. They will help you remain steady on your path and help with any indecision you may be experiencing.

- It is important that you work with positive and spiritually minded business associates.

- It is essential that you come from a place of groundedness (earthy practicality) and financial stability, in your work.

I suggest working with the stone, Aquamarine also.

Aquamarine is asking you to take inventory of your life and possessions, and to release that which no longer fits who you are. This stone also works with Ocean Goddess energy to shield and protect you in support of your process.

Aquamarine Affirmation: I release that which no longer serves, and accept Universal abundance.

I decide to pull another card for you, but this time from my Goddess Zodiac Power deck and it is called “Sarasvati – The Sagittarius Goddess.”

Sarasvati is a Shakti, an Indian Goddess. She helped bring the world into being. She is both a water Goddess and a Goddess of speech. She is the inventor of all the arts and sciences, patron of all intellectual endeavors, and a true artist herself. She invented writing to record the songs she inspired and music so that her beauty could be praised.

Goddess Zodiac Card - Sarasvati, Sagittarian Goddess

- I sense that you are an ambitious person, but that it is very necessary to balance this ambition with Spirit. This will help center you in your power.

I decide to pull a third card for you, to take a look further into the future and it is called “Kuan Yin – Capricorn Goddess.”

Goddess Zodiac Card - Kuan Yin, Capricorn Goddess

Kuan-Yin is a feminine Bodhisattva, or Buddha-to-be and is the most powerful being in the entire Chinese pantheon. Her name translates to “she who hears the weeping world” and she is the chief symbol of compassion in the Orient. By constantly repeating her name, it was said to bring peace and generosity into her worshiper’s lives.

- I get a sense that it is your intuition that reigns supreme.

- I see a little girl too (Mandy?) who is very independent.

- I am sensing the fulfillment of security and family.

I am ending your reading by sending you a prayer for recognition of true success.

To view more sample readings please go here: http://KathyCrabbe.com You can purchase a soul reading here.

A Soul Reading for Claudi

What is a Soul Reading?A soul reading, like a psychic reading involves prophecy, but it also involves healing, inspiration and practical exercises designed to jump start the process of your soul's transformation by giving you the tools necessary for your journey.

I will tune in to your energy to see what is going on with you right now and what is upcoming, and then send you an email with depictions of the oracle cards chosen for your reading along with my first impressions and any key words, feelings or images that come up.

During a reading guidance is received from the Divine in response to your questions about love, career, healing, and karmic destiny. In some cases your spirit guides and ancestors will also pop in to say hello and share a message or two.

How is it done? I work to prepare myself energetically and physically through yoga, meditation and chakra balancing. I work with oracle cards of my own design along with healing crystals in response to your questions. I request from Spirit an open heart and a clear channel to provide you with information that is only of the highest, deepest and most profound good for your soul. My style of reading is down-to earth, and informative with conscientious follow-up! How can a reading be done long distance? Reading soul energy over a distance actually gives much better results, based upon the techniques that I employ. It allows me to focus all my attention upon your soul's energy, and not be distracted by your feelings or reactions. I can still sense if you are nervous, unfocused, or even skeptical, but because you are not directly in front of me, it will not distract me from reading your energy. You can read more about soul readings here.

A Soul Reading for Claudi

- The very first thing I am drawn to in your reading are my gemstones and crystals - your thoughts feel silvery! I close my eyes and pick a stone for your reading, and the gemstone I choose is an Emerald, actually a cluster of emeralds that reside in a whitish chunk of stone.

Emerald has traditionally been used to stimulate wealth and abundance. Emerald can help you to create wealth by removing thoughts and feelings of unworthiness from your energy field.

- The next image I receive is of a small white dog, similar to the dog that appears in The Fool card from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. (I’m not sure what the appearance of this dog means, but I’m thinking that if you look up the meaning of The Fool card, it will give you some answers.)

- A whole group of your spirit guides decide to show up next! They are mercurial, quicksilver-like guides. They show me a path strewn with flower petals, that lead to a castle – your castle!

- You are their (Fairy) Princess.

- They have also decided that they will guide me along as I work on your reading!

- They tell me that the Emerald will also help you in contacting them, later on.

- They show me many crystals all over the palace grounds and they are dancing just for you.

They also allow me to pull a card for you from my Fairy Herbal Healing deck and the card I pull is called “Fairy Duster.” The Fairy Herbal deck consists of eighty oracle cards that I created from my Fairy Herbal paintings. Their energy is light, ethereal, airy, and sparkly plus based in the green world, so add in some earthiness and green energy as well.

Fairy Duster balances one’s tendency to swing between highs and lows and between inflated expectations and dashed hopes and dreams.

- Your guides approve of this card and immediately create a huge wall-sized tapestry of it for the wall of your castle bedroom to help you sleep at night and for sparkly dreams.

The next card I pull relates to their advice for you (they are really hurrying me along with this reading!) The second card is called “Wood Rose Fairy.”

Wood Rose is carried to attract good luck and fortune.

- Your guides are telling you to, “Pay Attention.”

Now we are on to the next card already and this card will look at the future, six months down the road. This card is called “Wild Hyacinth Fairies.” The Hyacinth is a feminine herb ruled by the planet Venus and offers one love, happiness and protection.

- Your guides are squealing, “OHHHHH – That job she wants!”

- This job seems to involve measuring – I see you holding something up high in the air and taking measurements – it involves gracefulness and lots of money, “She’ll like that!” your guides say!

Claudi comments on her reading:

I had an Introductory Soul Reading with Kathy on June 3, 2009 and she had no details about me at all.

When I received my reading I was excited about all she had written. While not everything has come to understanding, each day that passes see more of what she said come alive.

I laughed at the beginning when she said my thoughts are silvery. I have silver hair! Then she chose a stone for my reading....it was an emerald and my birthday is May 27. She spoke about my lovely spirit guides. I had no idea I even had any - how wonderful to know that.

There is so much that went on in the reading it's hard to go over every detail. She wrote about a tapestry and I was working on a special one for work. It is hanging up in the hallway even now.

It is comforting to have someone with so special a gift willing to share with others. I am looking forward to other readings with Kathy. Blessed Be.

To see more soul readings please go here.

To read more Client Testimonials click here.

To book a soul reading please go to my website at http://KathyCrabbe.com

A Soul Reading for Laura

What is a Soul Reading?A soul reading is similar to a psychic reading, but more in-depth. Yes, it involves prophecy, but it also involves healing, inspiration and practical exercises that will encourage you to work on your issues long after the reading is over. The true purpose of a soul reading is to help you jump start the process of soul transformation, as you learn to accept accountability for your life.

I begin each soul reading by taking a look, with the use of my third eye or inner vision, at your overall energy state, your soul spirit essence, your Divine nature; it is the part of you that never dies. In some cases your spirit guides and ancestors will also pop in to say hello and share a message or two.

All my readings are done over distance via the internet, because for me personally, I find that reading someone's energy this way gives much better results. It allows me to put my full attention upon the client's soul spirit essence, and not be distracted by how they might be feeling at that moment. I will still be able to sense if they are nervous, unfocused, or even skeptical, but because they are far away it will not be as distracting as if they were sitting right in front of me.

Below is an actual sample of a One Question Soul Reading (with kind permission from my client, Laura Gellar.) But first, I would like to share Laura's response to her reading.

Laura's Response to Her Reading: I received my reading during a very black part of my life. Being desperately unhappy and not knowing why can make you feel like you're in a dark space. To be perfectly honest I didn't understand much about what the reading was trying to tell me at first, so I read it over and over and eventually I saw a crack starting to appear in the dark wall around me. The suggestion of drinking nettle tea didn't seem to appeal to me, but I have started drinking it and to my complete amazement I feel completely energized! It really does help. Also I took the advice of working with a picture of a waterfall and I bought a huge picture and made it a centre piece in my lounge. I feel peace and ease when I sit and look at it.

Over all the reading allowed me to see things from a different perspective. I was told that the one thing I needed to do was be open to love and I always thought I was, but this is where the different perspective comes in. I was thinking be open to love from a lover, but I have recently closed myself off from everyone and everything, but slowly and surely I'm taking the advice as it was meant and trying to let people love me again. I feel so much more positive about my future now and know that I will eventually be able to move forward! Kathy you are amazing, you rescued me when I thought there was no hope left for me. Thank you. A Soul Reading for Laura This reading is in response to Laura's question, “How can I make myself happy again?”

My First Impressions: - I immediately sensed that this reading was going to be delving into some really deep stuff.

- I sensed that energetically and physically you have a feeling of being overwhelmed and very tired.

- I suggest working with the stone Jet, to help with healing.

Jet is used to banish all negativity in order to clearly hear one’s intuition and inner light. It also helps us accept the Earth as the place we need to be for the present and opens ancient wisdom along with the wisdom of the body and the wisdom of the planet.

I also chose to work with my Zodiac Goddess Power deck for your reading and pulled a card called “The Pisces Goddess.”

- I really feel as though the best way to help you and heal you will be to take you for a spirit visit to my own spirit guide, Annie.

- So we go together to visit Annie and she sweeps around you (sweeps your aura/your energy/your spirit essence) with her broom of white feathers (to clear and cleanse the tired, overwhelming feeling I sensed earlier.)

- She then gives you a small, carved white swan, telling you that it is your totem animal for right now.

- After working with Annie, I really felt a huge shift in your energy in connection with her healing work.

The meaning of the swan as a totem ushers in a time of altered states of awareness and of development of your intuitive abilities. You may have the ability to see the future, to surrender to the power of Great Spirit, and to accept healing and self-transformation. Learn how to relax, it will be easier if you go with the flow. Pay attention to your hunches and your gut knowledge and honor your female intuitive side.

- I also suggest working with a Blue Cat’s Eye Sapphire by placing it over your third eye (between your eyebrows and a little above.) This will help lighten the load and clear your energy.

- I also suggest working with an Isis Crystal. These crystals enhance the feminine principle, helping restore the balance lost through a misuse of masculine energy, assertion, ego and power.

- When working with this crystal it felt very emotional, and I suggest working with the image of a waterfall as well.

- I get a sense of you as a woman, getting in touch with your emotions, your perceptiveness and your sensitivity.

I pull another card for you, but this time from my Fairy Herbal Healing deck and it is called “Nettle.”

Nettle builds and empowers the fire element in a person, and helps to break up excessive watery or waterlogged emotions to allow the person to contact her rage and anger and cut through self-pity and victim-hood. It is for evoking the will in women and contacting the warrior within. You can drink a cup of nettle tea every day in the morning and continue as long as you feel the need.

- I also suggest working with a Fairy Quartz Cluster as well, I can hear Mother Earth and the fairies telling me there is something you need to do and that is, “Be open to love.”

- I see someone named “Matt?” – he is a gentle sensitive boy (man!) in browns, and he has blue eyes. You are falling in love.

- Yet you are also feeling very stable in love, and you are trusting, knowing it is possible, yet it’s not an overwhelming, all consuming passion, but instead a true love – both solid and true. Know this.

I pull another card for you, from my Fairy Herbal Healing deck, but this time to take a look a bit further into the future and it is called “Wild Rose Fairy.”

The Wild Rose Fairy teaches us about the balance of giving; how to do so selflessly, and to take joy in the process, rather than expecting a return.

- I see you meeting this boy in a forest glade (?!) It appears to be an outdoor party under the stars.

- He may be thin armed and wearing a long sleeved thin sweater. He is a bit dreamy, but smart as a whip!

I am ending your reading by sending you a prayer for peace-of-mind, gentle beauty and softness.

Many Sparkly Blessings to you, Laura!

If you are interested in booking a soul reading you can do so here.

A Healing Message Soul Reading

This is an actual real life example of one of my Healing Message Soul Readings. My wish is that it will help others understand my style of reading and perhaps, through osmosis even absorb some of the healing information within. What is A Healing Message Soul Reading?

This reading is designed to offer you healing guidance in your time of need. I will be incorporating healing messages, positive affirmations, visualizations and prayers designed specifically to address your concerns and issues. I believe we all have the power to heal ourselves body, mind and soul and my greatest wish is that this reading will encourage you to take the steps necessary to empower yourself in a healing and positive way.

This reading offers you a more hands-on healing approach then my other readings because you are given specific tools and exercises to enhance your innate healing abilities.

A Healing Message Soul Reading

*This reading is being shared with client permission* The card I pulled for you in response to your upcoming breast biopsy examination is from my Lefty Oracle deck and is called “Alice lives here now.”

Because the Lefty cards were all drawn with my non-dominant left hand, the ‘intuitive’ hand (controlled by my right brain) they do not come with any kind of written interpretation. That part is up to you. Go with your intuition and trust whatever images, thoughts or feelings come up in relation to this card. It’s time to trust yourself and put your intuition to work - Go!

I chose a gemstone called Chrysocolla for your reading to assist us in going to a deeper more spiritual plane of inner knowing so we can access your quiet inner depths. You can also work with this stone on your own as well. I recommend holding one stone in each hand or visualizing a deep lake-blue-turquoise and forest green color surrounding and protecting you.

Chrysocolla also helps in the releasing of grief, sadness and fear from the emotional body as well as helping to promote feelings of joy, certainty, and peace. It teaches one about letting go, surrendering pain and releasing worry to universal love.

I also want to welcome one of your Spirit Guides who has just shown up. She is a Native American Shaman.

A Healing Exercise for you: Please feel free to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair while allowing yourself to feel the cool, calming and refreshing energy of the colors and stones we have chosen to work with wash over you. Also, try and imagine yourself spending time beside, or within a cool, clear waterfall in a deep green forest.

Feel yourself relax and allow the green-blue healing vibrations of your chosen stones/colors penetrate every pore and cell of your body, filling your very being with peace and calm.

You can also cross your hands over your heart and bow your head in prayer while repeating this affirmation:

"I am whole and holy."

Now form your hands into prayer, relax and just let go of everything; all your worries, thoughts and concerns.

Affirmations: "I am _____________ "(state your name.) "I know I will be okay."

Now breathe deeply. Your Guide and I are using a blue feather and an owl feather to brush away all your worry and concerns by using our feathers to just brush the energy surrounding your body out and away from your entire body – we work in a circle all around you using our feathers. Feel a cooling, healing breath of fresh air all over your body.

I pulled another card for you from my Goddess Zodiac Power Deck and she is called “The Aquarian Goddess – Ix Chel.

Ix Chel Among the Maya of the Yucatan peninsula, this was the name of the snake-goddess of water and the moon, of childbirth and weaving. This night-riding goddess spent her energies in nursing the women of earth through pregnancy and labor and taking special care of those who visited her sacred island of Cozumel.

Some Goddess Guidance for you: Keep your fire and your strength burning. Feel your strength and your femininity working together.


"I am perfect just as I am." "I know grace." "I have seen Goddess and I know I am loved in every fiber of my being."

Blessed Bee.

And to end your healing session I chose a card from my Fairy Herbal Healing Deck and it is called “Meadowsweet.”

Meadowsweet or “Queen of the Meadow” has long been sacred to various Goddesses, and later was sometimes connected with the Virgin Mary. You can work with an image of this flower by holding it in your mind’s eye and feeling it’s soothing qualities of strength and softness. Feel strong and flexible but not rigid. (This herbal information is from the book “An Astrological Herbal for Women” by Elisabeth Brooke.)

**I spoke with my client shortly after her reading and she told me that the visualizations and affirmations had been very helpful and calming for her during her biopsy, and that all had gone well. Many months later she emailed me to let me know that: "It was so very helpful to me…and I’ll admit that I continue to use the imagery of the waterfall in the deep forest as a source of comfort."

If you are interested in booking a Healing Message Soul Reading you can do so here.