Two new paintings + poems from my Spirit Animal series to help lift your spirits and sing to your soul.
How to Make Your Spring Altar Come Alive

If you're looking for inspiration to decorate your spring or fall altar then look no further! Each month at the New and Full Moon I post suggestions for your altar to go along with the zodiac sign of the Moon such as: gemstones, goddesses, foods, herbs, tarot cards, colors, affirmations and creative prompts.
Feel free to take my material and use it to dress up your altar so that your Moon Meditation is an especially blessed event. I hope that the wildflowers below, picked from the sunny Southern California hillside behind my home inspire you as much as they do me! Blessed Be.
At each New and Full Moon I also include a Lefty card from my Lefty Oracle Deck. The Deck is divided into the elements of nature: earth/air/fire/water and of course Spirit. I channel a short, inspirational message specifically for that moon and include a Lefty Affirmation. I encourage you to try out non-dominant hand drawing to stimulate your brain and help you focus and center. Here's what an art therapist has to say about drawing with both hands ie. bi-lateral hand drawing:
“In the case of bilateral drawing, there is an assumption that because both hands are engaged that both hemispheres of the brain are stimulated…I believe bilateral drawing, guided by a helping professional, is helpful simply as a method of self-regulation...Making marks or gestures on paper with both hands simultaneously also creates an attention shift away from the distressing sensations in the body to a different, action-oriented and self-empowered focus. It capitalizes on embodied, self-soothing experiences ...and takes advantage of the power of “drawing on both sides” to alter one’s own internal rhythms for self-regulation and well-being.” ~ Cathy Malchiodi, PhD, Art Therapist

About Kathy
Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty.
Kathy lives in sunny Southern California with her architect husband and pet muses, Abby the shaggy black dog and Djinn Djinn, the small scruffy one in an adobe home they built themselves.
To order a Soul Reading please click here.
How to meditate with crystals for healing and joy

Lately I've been spending more time with my crystals in meditation. I hold them up to my third eye using my non-dominant and more intuitive left hand as I attempt to 'speak with stones'. Some of the messages I received are included below. I hope that these images of my spring altar and stones inspire you to pick up your own crystals and spend more time with them. Not everyone can 'hear' the stones speak but with practice you may start to get an intuitive sense or feeling from them. More information is included below including my favorite crystal resources.
Meditating with green calcite this morning brought clarity and peace and a vision of the bigger picture connected with my heart chakra opening me to possibilities that flow with ease and beauty.

As I work with the stones I focus focus focus honing in on deep inner truth and then I pull a Lefty Oracle card and it brings me back to the playful spirit that is me in the world.

My morning meditation with this stone brought beauty love kindness and tears to wash away the hurt… We NEED each other and we also need to be strong alone… that balance is World Peace - melt into the joy of THAT! I’m not sure what kind of stone this is but that’s what it told me ♥ blessings ♥

Feelings of great peace surrounded by Angelic presences blessing and healing our planet and ourselves… Blessings of Celestite.

My desk is abloom in Spring as I soak up the Equinox ritual call with my mentor Francesca De Grandis and others of like mind Blessed Be 4 spring is here and the wild cucumbers are flowering & covering my coyote friends who were crushed by human hands.
Here is a recent spread from a soul reading that I did last week using my Lefty Oracle deck.
Crystal Healing Resources:
- The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
- The Crystal Ally Cards by Naisha Ahsian
- - ethically hand mined crystals *a wonderful resource, just mention my name at checkout and receive a free gift from Stephen
About stones and crystals: If you are not able to purchase the stones I have suggested, you can instead work from a picture of the stone or envision the color of the stone. To cleanse your crystals (before and after working with them) it's a good idea to hold them under running water (unless they're super delicate), smudge them with sage, or leave them out in the moonlight (sunlight too, if they're not fadeable.)
How to work with stones and crystals: The best way to work with a stone is to buy a raw or tumbled stone at a local new age store, gem and mineral museum shop or online. You can also work from a photograph or with the color associated with the stone by visualizing it in your mind's eye. You can wear stones as jewelry, or you can carry one in your pocket. You can sleep with a stone under your pillow or hold it in your hand and just sit quietly in a contemplative or meditative way. You can also hold a stone up to your third eye (between your eyebrows) and listen for what it has to say to you. I call this ‘speaking with stones’ because I believe that crystals are transmit messages from our Angels.
About Kathy
Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a soul reader since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty.
Kathy lives in sunny SoCal with her architect husband and pet muses, Abby the shaggy black dog and Djinn Djinn, the small scruffy one in an adobe home they built themselves. Kathy shares behind-the-scenes glimpses into her work and life on Instagram at
To order a Soul Reading please click here.