Big Changes Afoot!
I'm re-designing my website to make it easier for you to purchase prints, cards and originals of ALL my most popular work (about time!) so stay tuned.
We'Moon Datebook Is Publishing My Freebird Original Print!
Woohoo! My original handpulled print titled Freebird will appear in the upcoming We'Moon 2014 Datebook. This print was originally created for the cover of Pat Proud's CD: Freeborn: Songs of a Playful Sage. The We'Moon Datebook is what I use to keep track of the moon and for it's lovely artwork and writing, all submitted by it's readers. My art and writing have been published in We'Moon before (1993, '95, '05 & '08) and each year they accept submissions from their readers so I encourage you to enter:
Kathy Crabbe, Freebird, 2009, linoleum block print on hand dyed tissue paper, 4x4”.
Upcoming Art Exhibit Where You Can See Freebird
Small But Mighty Print Exhibition
Riverside Art Museum
Riverside, California
Exhibition Dates: February 2 – March 2, 2013
Opening night reception: Thursday, February 7, 6-9 pm, during Art Walk

How to Purchase Art from this Blog Post
To purchase prints, cards or the original Freebird or the work pictured above (except for Vera) please click here: Kathy Crabbe Art.
Art pictured above starting from the left:
Ms. Iridescent Hibiscus celebrates Valentine's Day (watercolor, gouache, ink & marker on paper)
Lovey (watercolor on rice paper)
Peace Within, Peace Without (watercolor on paper)
Vera (silk painting)
To purchase prints, cards or the original please click here: Kathy Crabbe Art
I'm Now Posting Daily Drawings on My Blog
To keep tabs with my Daily Drawings please check this blog where you can also sign up to receive email notices each time I create a new post. I also share my Daily Drawings and lots more good stuff on my Facebook Fan Page: Kathy Crabbe Art so stop by and "Like" my page when you have a moment.
Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe