This year I decided to expand my Creative Soul Readings practice to include the telephone! This makes for a much more personal experience that so far, has proved to be much more effective for clients. Previously I typed up readings illustrated with oracle cards (of my own design) and sent them off as a PDF. Maybe one day I'll use Skype but I'm limited by having a satellite internet connection. If you live outside of the USA or Canada your reading will come as an illustrated transcript (unless you want to call me, of course!)
What is a Creative Soul Reading?
A Creative Soul Reading® is an intuitive and spiritual healing session that will empower you to live a richer and more fulfilling life, and help others in the process. You will receive practical tools, healing exercises and affirmations that will help you access deeper levels of meaning and understanding within yourself. Learn more here. How does it work?
- Email me your questions (2 max) plus your date of birth.
- We will talk by phone for 25 minutes to discuss your reading. *USA & Canada only
- Previous to our phone discussion I will pull an oracle card(s) from my self-designed decks & write down all that I receive plus investigate your karmic mission based upon your North Node of the Moon.
- You will receive an email with the oracle card(s) I pulled for your reading.
*If you live outside of the USA or Canada there will be an extra charge of $20. to email you a pdf of your reading.
Purchase a Creative Soul Reading here. (scroll down for various readings I offer)