New Moon Goddess Paintings of the Month

Paintings can be purchased by emailing me at Shipping is $5 to the United States and Canada and $7 elsewhere.

New Moon Goddesses of the Month by Kathy Crabbe

the goddess is in by Kathy Crabbe
the goddess is in by Kathy Crabbe
Sturm und Drang by Kathy Crabbe
Sturm und Drang by Kathy Crabbe
Runic Tree Goddess by Kathy Crabbe
Runic Tree Goddess by Kathy Crabbe

The Ash Tree represents the third lunar month, also known as the “Moon of Floods.” It is associated with the Spring Equinox and is sacred to Poseidon, god of the sea. The Ash is sacred to Wednesday and the Ash affirmation is, “I am a wind on the sea.” Ash is a watery, and emotional moon and it’s healing secret is, “From the viper’s poison comes the tonic of life.” The emotional turmoil that accompanies this Moon can teach us a great deal about our inner self so that we can express who we are more honestly. ~ Year of Moons, Season of Trees by Pattalee Glass-Koentop

Pao-Yueh by Kathy Crabbe
Pao-Yueh by Kathy Crabbe

Pao-Yueh: "Precious mouth," a heroic Chinese queen. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Goddess Mertseger by Kathy Crabbe
Goddess Mertseger by Kathy Crabbe

Mertseger: "Friend of silence," she lived on the pyramidal peak of the burial ground at Egyptian Thebes. Benevolent and punishing by turns, she was sometimes shown as a snake with three heads -- one its own, one human, one that of a vulture -- and sometimes as a snake with a human head. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Goddess Bast by Kathy Crabbe
Goddess Bast by Kathy Crabbe

Bast: She originated in the Nile delta, but by 93- B.C., the power of Bast was acknowledged by all Egyptians. Bast ruled pleasure and dancing, music and joy. At first she was a lion-goddess of sunset, symbolizing the fertilizing force of the sun's rays. Later her image grew tamer: she became a cat carrying the sun, or a cat-headed woman who bore on her breastplate the lion of her former self. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Elven Dream Priestess & Puss by Kathy Crabbe
Elven Dream Priestess & Puss by Kathy Crabbe
Brigid by Kathy Crabbe
Brigid by Kathy Crabbe

Brigid: Probably the clearest example of the survival of an early goddess into Christian times is Brigid, the great triple goddess of the Celtic Irish who appeared as Brigantia in England, Bride in Scotland, and Brigandu in Celtic France...The three Brigids --probably never construed as separate goddesses but as aspects of one divinity --were unified in the symbol of fire, for Brigid was "bright arrow," or simply the "bright one," as her name tells us. Almost into modern times, the ancient worship of the fire-godddess Brigid continued at her sacred shrine in Kildare, where 19 virgins tended the undying fire and where, on the 20th day of each cycle, the fire was miraculously tended by Brigid herself. ~ The Book of Goddesses & Heroines by Patricia Monaghan

Being in my emotions is powerful and scary by Kathy Crabbe
Being in my emotions is powerful and scary by Kathy Crabbe
Original artwork by Kathy Crabbe
Original artwork by Kathy Crabbe
Painting large (Divine Feminine Series)
Painting large (Divine Feminine Series)

About Kathy

Kathy Crabbe has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her intuitive gifts at age forty.

Kathy lives in sunny SoCal with her architect husband and pet muses, Abby the shaggy black dog and Djinn Djinn, the small scruffy one in an adobe home they built themselves. Kathy shares behind-the-scenes glimpses into her daily work and life on Instagram at

Learn more about Kathy's art background here.

Enter Goddess No. 1 or How to dream a new reality

Kathy Crabbe, Goddess No. 1, 2012, acrylic, charcoal & pastel on canvas, 48 x 48” I can feel a new series of paintings coming on and as usual, the idea came to me at a low point when I needed it the most. After a very dark conversation with a good friend I penned an equally dark blog post, then after 24 hours I realized that it didn't even sound like me so I nixed it and began to go deeper.

As I sat and stared at my current painting in progress I asked for a vision and then I meditated. Next, I found myself in a swirling, milky green crystal where I encountered a fire spirit and so I dallied a while and when I came to I had the idea for a new series to be called: The Lost Goddess Series and of course my last painting (see below) just had to Goddess No. 1

Connecting with the fire spirit reminded me of all the work I've done in the psychic realms and as a Creative Soul Guide and teacher of the eClass, Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul and it made me wonder why I had not brought these 2 realms together in my new work. And when I asked that question, POOF everything fell into place and it made sense why this last painting had a female face within it.

I am hoping to commune further with this Goddess to see if she will tell me her name and what kind of magical qualities she has, so stay tuned!

My Facebook friends suggested these names for her: Egyptian Pagan Alien Samurai TimePiece Silent Dancer Horns of the Moon Torn Coatlicue Gently Rising Inner Currents Trip to the dentist

*This painting is available for purchase, please email Kathy Crabbe for more info*

Notes from The Seth Material

Subjectively speaking, you are everywhere surrounded by your own greater reality, but you do not look in the right places. You have been taught not to trust your feelings, your dreams, or your imagination precisely because these do not fit the accepted reality of facts.

They are the creator of facts, however. In no way do I mean to demean the intellect. It is here, however, that the tyranny of the fact world holds greatest sway. The intellect has been denied its wings. Its field of activity has been limited because you have given it only facts to go on.

Each event of your life is contained within each other event. In the same way, each lifetime is contained in each other lifetime. The feeling of reality is "truer" then in the dream state. You can become consciously aware of your own dreaming. You can also allow your "dream self" greater expression in the waking state. This can be done through techniques that are largely connected with creativity.

Creativity connects waking and dreaming reality, and is in itself a threshold in which the waking and dreaming selves merge to form constructs that belong equally to each reality. You cannot begin to understand how you form the physcial events of your lives unless you understand the connection between creativity, dreams, play, and those events that form your waking hours. In one respect dreams are a kind of structured unconsious play. Your mind dreams in joyful pleasure at using itself, freed from the concerns of practical living. Dreams are the minds' free play. The spontaneous activity, however, is at the same time training in the art of forming practical events.

From The Nature of The Psyche, A Seth Book by Jane Roberts