Calling ALL Witches: A Channeled Message from Hekate

As a Priestess in the Fairy Witch Third Road Tradition I provide New and Full Moon blog posts as a community offering inspired by my otherworldly travels as a soul reader plus peeks into my six hand painted divination decks to help you align and attune with your soul's purpose.

The New Moon in Capricorn approaches on December 30. What seeds will you plant for the moonth ahead? Think diligence, hard work, integrity, 'top of the mountain' stuff as Capricorn likes a challenge and is imminently practical about achieving what's on that detailed To-Do List.

Channeled Message from Hekate, Queen of the Witches

Enter the darkness where we will play, spark, shed light into the corners, speak with the Ancestors, revel in twelfth night, kick up heels and broomstix, fill cauldrons with apples, pause at the crossroads.

Be wise, owl friend.

Blessed Bee,
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe,
Artist, Astrologer, Soul Reader
Temecula, California

* Capricorn New Moon, Dec. 30, 2:27 PM PST *

New Moon Oracle: Pick-A-Card

Justice from the Siren Song Mermaid Oracle by Kathy Crabbe

Justice from the Siren Song Mermaid Oracle by Kathy Crabbe

Card 1 - Justice XI - "Listen to the Language of the Future"

Song: Guiding by light, into the night, fears held at bay, I find the way.

Tarot/Astro/Deity: Justice / Libra / Anuket, Cliodna, Melusine, Nereid, Tiamat.

Gifts: Accountability, balance, breathwork, clear thinking, cooperation, discernment, forgiveness, harmony, integrity, kindness, peace, self awareness, social justice, truth speaker.

Shadow: Be careful, biased, bigotry, overly severe, unaware of self.

Magician from the Siren Song Mermaid Oracle by Kathy Crabbe

Magician from the Siren Song Mermaid Oracle by Kathy Crabbe

Card 2 - Magician I - "The Energy Really Flows"

Song: Carry me back to my Sea Home where all is aligned with my destiny and my gifts.

Tarot/Astro/Deity: Magician / Aries, Gemini, Mercury, Moon / Isis, Morgaine, Morgan le Fay.

Gifts: Channelling, communication, confident, diplomatic, divination, divine teacher, focus, pioneer, will power.

Shadow: Apathy, blocked, con artist, self doubt, selfish, trickery.

Chariot from the Siren Song Mermaid Oracle by Kathy Crabbe

Chariot from the Siren Song Mermaid Oracle by Kathy Crabbe

Card 3 - Chariot VII - "The Most Precious Gift"

Song: There is no rush to be. Just You guiding me back to the sea and my destiny.

Tarot/Astro/Deity: Chariot / Aries, Cancer / Nereids, Niamh, Nimue, Nixies.

Gifts: Activist, authority, comfort, Divine Will, peace, prosperity, self discipline, success, triumph, victory.

Shadow: Cancelled, defeat, dispute, doubt, lack of will power, off center.

Kathy Crabbe

Are you ready to make a shift in your life? A soul reading can help you make the changes you need to move forward, connect with your guides and find hope in dark times.

Upcoming Moon Magic eClass

I am thrilled to offer the next session of my 4 week eClass beginning at the New Moon on January 29, 2025. This magical online class will awaken your creative, intuitive soul and is offered at Susun Weed's Wise Woman School.

Learn more here: Divine Feminine eClass

Be True to YOU this Capricorn New Moon

Dear Moon Muser,

To all you seekers who have been led to me - may you find your way home to your self. May my words and art bring you what you need when you need it.

The New Moon is a time of hope. Time to plant your seeds, water them, and tend them well.

I work one-on-one these days to help you BE YOU and be true to yourself.

I practice what I preach. The stars, cards and stones speak to me. So do the spirits, the ancestors, my guides. Their teachings stretching back in time and forward.

Listen. Teach. Share.

Blessed Be & Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe

P.S. If you’d like to pick a number between 1-4 for some insight regarding your year ahead please do so now, but first close your eyes, plant your New Moon Seed and make a wish for guidance.The reveal is below.

Pick a Number Between 1 - 4 - The REVEAL Is BELOW

Peony Fairy by Kathy Crabbe

Peony Fairy by Kathy Crabbe (Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

#1. Peony Fairy from the Upcoming Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck

Affirmation: “I calmly banish negativity.”

Ruled by the Sun yet dreamed up by Mama Moon to reflect Her light thus providing balance. This is an herb of protection to guard body, mind and soul. Gather the eerily glowing seeds or root at night by a waxing moon then carve into ritual amulets or “piney beads” to make a necklace using white thread to ward off negativity.

Astrology: Leo, Moon, Sun
Deity: Agave, Diana, Selene
Element: Fire
Healing: Treats colds, coughs

lapis lazuli

lapis lazuli sphere

#2. Lapis Lazuli

I align with my deepest truth.
I travel to the stars and bring back kindness.

Song by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

Song by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)

#3. “Song” from the Lefty Oracle Deck

Mantra: I contemplate.
Affirmation: I sing a song of joy.
Element: Earth

I call to me a flower,
this poem,
this life,
this magic,
where gentleness and god/dess preside.

I pluck a song
of forgetfulness
and gently, 
so gently, 
move on.

When this card appears in a reading it’s time to kick back and enjoy life for a while. Relax. Sing. Play. Chill. What restores peace to your soul? Do it. If you can’t find peace then find quiet. Give yourself permission to let your hair down, kick off your shoes and be yourself.

In my own life I seek grounding and peace in nature, in painting and in meditation. These feed me, so I make sure to include at least one of them in my day and hopefully all three.

Paulina Deck - King of Cups

King of Cups from the Paulina Deck by Paulina Fae

#4. Three of Cups from the Paulina Tarot

Affirmation: I acknowledge my intuition.

Astrology for the Year Ahead

Dec. 13 - Mars enters Sagittarius - Prepare to end your year and begin 2022 in competence and with forgiveness.

In 2022 Pluto is in Capricorn and finally leaves in 2023 - in 2022 we are in the final transition phase, a time to heal and grow in this magickal time of darkness.

in 2022 Saturn is in Aquarius along with Uranus in Taurus - Time to grow new roots, reorganize and liberate.

*astro tips excerpted from the We’Moon Datebook 2022

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe
I am proud to be an artist and soul reader, in business since 1993. I love my work and hope you've enjoyed coming along for the ride and allowing me to be of service to you through all the creative, healing work I do. Thank you.

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when I found myself creatively blocked so I switched to my left hand which awakened my right brain and inspired me to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader. I have since published 4 oracle decks with the Fairy Herbal Oracle deck coming in 2022.

I live in Southern California and soon in the 1000 Islands, Canada for half the year with my pooch and partner in homes we’ve built ourselves.