Welcome Moon Musers to my Moonday Soul Reading Video & Blog!
That Full Moon/Samhain/Halloween last weekend was a DOOZY for me; the air was heavy with ancestors and the mood was intense. This coming week it’s time to give ourselves a break as we relax into the Waning Moon in preparation for the upcoming New Moon on Nov. 14 (Saturday-Lunar Samhain), not Monday as I mentioned in my video - sorry for the error!) Rest assured I will be sharing a New Moon Video Reading and Blog next Saturday so we can delve into the Magick of the upcoming Scorpio New Moon Time.
As always, I suggest watching my Video first to guide you in the week ahead and then checking out the oracle cards from my own hand painted oracle decks in the blog below.
Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader, Artist, Astrologer
Temecula, California, 2020.
Soul Reading Video for the Week of Nov. 9-13
Zodiac Goddess Cards for the Week Ahead
Virgo Goddess: Changing Woman by Kathy Crabbe
Card 1: Virgo Goddess - Changing Woman (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck) Nov. 9-11
Virgo Goddess ~ Changing Woman
Changing Woman, Painted One
Faces time, transcending order
Appearing younger as she grows older.
Changing Woman is an Apache Earth Goddess who never grew old. She kept herself young by walking towards the East until her younger self merged with her older self and then she returned home renewed.
Libra Goddess by Kathy Crabbe
Card 2: Libra Goddess (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck) Nov. 11-13
Libra Meditation
Forever beauty we dance and spin,
ride our chariot, harness the wind,
find divine balance within.
Libra Affirmations
I focus on beauty, harmony and cooperation within my personal relationships
I am serene and at peace
Harmony fills my soul
I come alive to the rhythm of tribal beats through dance and movement
I see and understand every woman’s point of view
I see beauty all around me
My inner scales are in perfect balance
Scorpio Goddess Hecate by Kathy Crabbe
Card 3: Scorpio Goddess: Hecate (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck) Nov. 13-15
Hecate is a threefold goddess, old wise woman and crone, One honoured her by leaving an offering at a three road crossing. Queen of death and the night she can be called upon for protection.
Scorpio Meditation
Deep inner knowing,
Her arms snakes, her belly the depths,
Slowly she transforms
Vulture claws spreading open,
Wings of magic, reborn glory,
The Phoenix.
Anise by Kathy Crabbe
Card 4: Anise (Kitty Herbal Healing Deck Coming Soon in 2021)
Anise can help those who feel unfulfilled romantically by providing gentle reassurance and encouragement. Sleep with anise seeds under your pillow to prevent nightmares and welcome mercurial dreams.
Crow by Kathy Crabbe
Card 5: Brown Bear (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)
Keyword: Believe
Meaning: All is possible once you take that first step up the mountain.
Reversed: You are stuck and unsure.
Affirmation: I am strong and courageous.
Astrology: Saturn
Element: Earth
Medicine: Your strength and power keep us going.
Lore: Bear Spirit Medicine called her name, his beauty a bounty, her torch aflame.
This elf lived high in the mountains for she loved great vistas. Climbing and mountain air kept her there as did her beautiful strong ally, Brown Bear. His powerful presence kept her safe so she could dream and delve deeply into the sweet mystery of being alive.
Margo recaptures her innocence by Kathy Crabbe
Card 6: Margo recaptures her innocence (Lefty Oracle Deck)
Mantra: I remember.
Affirmation: I am beautiful and free and I reclaim ME.
Element: Water
If this card appears in a reading it’s time to look back at the fun parts of your childhood. What memories spark good feelings? Are you able to tap into those feelings in any of your current activities? In other words how do you feed your child self that still wants attention? She or he is a part of your psyche that may need some extra care and attention right now so give yourself some precious time to do just that. Break out the crayons, the bike, the ball, the clarinet, the glitter wand and make some magick happen. Do something that touches your inner child-self and makes her/him feel happy and loved. Like the butterfly wings in this card’s imagery it’s time to fly, transform and awaken yourself perhaps by leaving things behind, or by remembering and loving the old you or by stowing away all parts of you that are no longer needed.
In my own life whenever I sit down to draw or paint I feel as though I’m feeding my inner child and bringing love and joy into my life so I try to do that every day because I usually feel better afterwards (and during!)
About Kathy Crabbe
Kathy & Djinn Djinn
I am a soul reader, spirit medium, astrologer and artist located in sunny Southern California.
I work with 5 hand painted, self published oracle decks & I paint kitty portraits too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are my tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. I teach a Moon eClass at Wise Woman School and I write and illustrate for Witches & Pagans and SageWoman Magazine. In business since 1993 I’m an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition.