The affirmation and image in this post is from my soon to be released Creative Soul Deck and Class and was channeled by me for this Aquarius Full Moon. I have included a snippet from the Creative Soul Activity that accompanies it below. There is also a gemstone healing meditation that I channeled and will be sharing in my Creative Soul Circle, a private group on Facebook. Please email me if you'd like to join.
Affirmation: Shush! I quiet my outside so my inner voice can be heard. And I open up to touch the core of me-ness.
It's the lunar lammas and the first harvest (in the northern hemisphere, that is), but because it's a lunar celebration which happens this Sunday at the Full Moon in Aquarius (August 10 at 11:09 am PDT) this celebration is about our inner harvest.
What feeds you? What keeps you going and fulfills you? Is this a part of your daily work or play or even your dreams at night?

Quick, the fairies are calling you; can you see that flash of light, that wee sprite, out of the corner of your eye? She is calling your name.
You are the mummy now; the mummy of your own inner dreams. Take time out to acknowledge yourself.
Take time out for you.
Wrap yourself up like a mummy, in protective layers so that YOU, yes YOU can hear your own thoughts without distraction.
Allow the Divine to speak through you, trusting that the advice she has for you is going to be good for all of us.
Allow the group mind, the myriad of voices, the universal, co-creative, collective consciousness to speak through you by listening to your heart and soul at this Full Moon in Aquarius.
Allow this Full Moon to fill your soul with light for you are love and all you touch is loved.
Aquarius Full Moon Delites for your altar
- Divine image: the Sphinx
- Color: black
- Stone: chrysocolla
- Element: air
- Plant: orchid
- Herb: pepper
- Food: dried fruits
- Goddess: Freya, Ix Chel, Nut
I am I am I am
A walker between worlds
I am nourished, sustained, enthralled
by love of the ALL
I seek first within
My duty calls
More about the upcoming Creative Soul Class & Certification Program
If you like what you see here you will probably enjoy my upcoming Creative Soul Class which will include these goodies:
- Play and draw using your non dominant hand
- Make your own Creative Soul deck
- Learn how to stay focused and on track with your goals and dreams
- Set intentions for the month ahead at the New Moon
- Circle with your fellow Moon Musers and Creative Souls in a private group
- Work towards Creative Soul Guide Certification and teach classes online or in person
To view more images from my Creative Soul Deck please click here for prints.