Deep Magic: Soul Reading

It’s Moonday Soul Reading Time - time to go within, connect with your heart and soul amongst a community of like-minded beings in a sacred circle as I pull some oracle cards for the week ahead. Included within is a guided crystal meditation plus lots of relaxed healing breath work to help you center, ground and recharge. (I suggest you watch the Video FIRST before the blog post below so it all makes sense.)

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe
Artist, Soul Reading + Astrologer

Soul Reading for the Week Ahead

Zodiac Goddess Power Cards: Taurus Goddess


Taurus Meditation

I am of the earth,
Gaia feeds me,
I worship her body as I worship my own.

Taurus Affirmations

  • I am practical, sensible and earthy

  • I am sensual and loyal

  • I am grounded and fulfilled in the arms of Mama Earth

  • I am creative and persistent

  • I grow deep roots

  • I am slowing down and enjoying myself

  • I take time to pamper and nurture myself

  • I indulge my senses on a regular basis

Gemini Goddess


Gemini Meditation

Lighten up that heavy load,
Release your baggage centuries old,
The philosopher within
Wants to sing!

Gemini Affirmations

  • I am adaptable and inventive

  • I am curious and on the move

  • I have a radically open mind

  • I am a dancing, rainbow spirit

  • I communicate well and teach that skill to others

  • I let go easily and quickly

Cancer Goddess


Cancer Meditation

From your depths the fishes go,
seeking quiet rivers flow,
peace below, your surface calm,
deep pool of strength within.

Cancer Affirmations

  • I care deeply for others

  • I see the wounded child within us all

  • I teach others how to care and wash their wounds

  • I am sensitive and receptive

  • I am safe and protected

  • My home is my heart

Elfin Ally Oracle: Foxy Magic

Foxy Magick by Kathy Crabbe

Keyword: Beloved
What is your innermost wish? You are about to make it come true.
Time is playing tricks on you while your list is getting longer, not shorter.

Affirmation: My soul is made of moonlight.
Astrology: Mercury
Element: Air, Earth

Medicine: Your stealthy heart invites moonlit love.

Lore: Her elfin spirit was irreversibly charmed by Red Fox, her ally. With him, she was always the guiding Star Forever. She WAS Nature, fertile, creative, a mystic. And for this she would happily move onward, sated and at peace.

In her heart always was Spirit Fox, her trickster friend who kept her mind and spirit alive with curiosity, fun and flirtation. On moonlit jaunts she followed him into green lit haunts to play amongst the ghostly shadows.

Lefty Oracle: At Night Karya Dreams of Wings

Karya-by Kathy Crabbe

Mantra: I am magical.
Affirmation: My dreams have wings and so do I!
Element: Air

There is magick in the night.
When small sounds become big,
and feathers form wings.

I fly to meet my maker,
angelic, pink and proud.
Heart aflutter.
Mind still.

Light years flash by -
Intuition awakens.

If this card appears in a reading your dreams are ready to take flight. So make them good dreams, dreams that light you up inside and add roses to your cheeks. Small dreams or big, it’s not important, but you do have dreams and it’s time to start believing in them by taking that first step towards realization. Let them come alive in your heart, your soul, your body, your mind. Believe in YOU. You are Divine.

In my own life, dreams have always guided me although it’s far from easy to pay attention to them. Often my body knows the truth when my mind does not, so I listen on as many levels as I can because truth can often be subtle.


About Kathy Crabbe

I offer soul readings, past life & ancestor readings and astrology reports. I work with 5 hand painted, self published oracle decks & I paint kitty portraits too. Chakra Cleansing, Prayers, all things witchy, magickal, creative & inspirational are my tools. Deep insight & healing to help you move forward Healthy, Whole and Holy. I teach a Moon Musing eClass at Wise Woman University. In business since 1993 I’m an initiate of the Celtic Faerie Shaman Tradition. Find me on Instagram @kathycrabbeart and on YouTube as KathyCrabbe - BLESSED BEE!

Soul Reading for the Week Ahead: Your Inner Child Knows the Truth

Dear Moon Muser,
Happy to report that my new Zodiac Goddess Power deck has officially launched!  I've also got 5 reviewers lined up from the US, Canada and Australia so expect some juicy reviews soon!  For all of you who purchased during the Pre-Order - thank you so much - you light up my life! And yes, your decks are on the way from my US manufacturer and should arrive soon.

Within this blog you will find Goddess Goodness for the week ahead plus my weekly Soul Reading Video and accompanying guidebook wisdom.

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader, Artist, Astrologer

Moonday Soul Reading Video

Empower Your Inner Goddess

This is a 32-card deck filled with Goddess Paintings I channeled with the help of Mama Moon. It comes with a 20-page hard-copy Guidebook which will quickly become your go-to source for creating a Moon Cycle Goddess Altar. Everything arrives packaged in a lovely illustrated box with goddess poems printed on the inside.

I've worked with this deck for over 25 years and it IS powerful. The Goddesses of the Zodiac work strong, healing, protective magick to help you move forward in your life with spirit, purpose and love.

Oracle Card Reading for the Week Ahead

Brigid: Scorpio Goddess (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)

Scorpio Goddess-Brigid-by kathy crabbe

Scorpio the Scorpion, Phoenix & Eagle
Time of Year – October 21 - November 21
Quality – Fixed
Element – Water
Planetary Ruler – Pluto
Anatomy – Sex organs
Natural Sign of – 8th House
Color – Blood red, maroon
Gemstone – Malachite, opal, topaz
Tarot Card – Death
Goddesses – Brigid, Hecate, Morgan, Selkhet

Scorpio Meditation

Deep inner knowing,
Her arms snakes, her belly the depths,
Slowly she transforms
Vulture claws spreading open,
Wings of magic, reborn glory,
The Phoenix.

Scorpio Affirmations

  • I am motivated, resourceful and determined

  • I risk honesty

  • I transcend earthly concerns and soar to new heights

  • I am magnetic and mysterious

  • I am Phoenix Rising

  • I have no fear of death

Scorpio Goddess ~ Brigid

Brigid’s reign as sacred muse
spans centuries timeless truth
Priestess or nun
tending her fire
Brigid’s power
always inspires.

Brigid is one of the few early goddesses to survive intact through the Christian era. Brigid means ‘bright one’ as symbolized by fire. She is worshiped as a Triple Goddess by the Celtic Irish, called Brigantia in England, Bride in Scotland and Brigandu in Celtic France. In her ancient form as carrier of the cauldron she was ruler of smithcraft, poetry, inspiration, healing and medicine. The Christian Saint Bridget is often invoked as both muse and healer in continuation of her ancient rites and her rituals were preserved for more than 1000 years after she ceased to be called a goddess. Today little is left of the ancient Celtic legends describing her.

Spirit Animal of the Week: Otter (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)

Sea Otter by Kathy Crabbe

Keyword: Shimmer
Meaning: Everything is easy and flowing right along.
Reversed: Are you missing the point and feeling left behind?

Affirmation: I am playful.
Astrology: Moon
Element: Water

Medicine: Your playful nature keeps me forever young.

Lore: In her mind's eye she was swept away by the beauty and the joy of Otter, her ally in whose captivating Sea Dance she could get lost, happily, forever.

You are my beloved, my playful friend, my trickster. You keep me a mermaid-at-heart and I dance in the water each time you visit my mind. You bring me joy!

Last week in La Jolla, California with my sweetie 💗 #mermaidtime

Last week in La Jolla, California with my sweetie 💗 #mermaidtime

About the Creator: Artist, author, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes Faerie Goddess Spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Drawing with her non-dominant left hand led to the creation of her first deck, the Lefty Oracle and becoming a Soul Reader.