I'm really excited about this New Moon. It's in Gemini for starters; a great place for explorers, visionaries, communicators, teachers. So let's focus all our intentions this month on being guided and being guides; spiritual guides and spirit guides.
As part of The 52 Project, a 52 week art journaling experiment I'm participating in (we're in the 6th week) I'm painting a lefty-a-day (a non dominant hand drawing) and I'm freeing myself from focusing on the 'biz of art'.
So, what IS my focus? Yes, art, but what is my art trying to COMMUNICATE?
Who am I? Who are you? Apart from your work, your interests, etc.
In the end, nothing else matters, right?
I am allowing myself to be GUIDED for these 52 weeks and let me tell you, it ain't easy, even as a professional creative soul guide.
Gemini Moon isn't necessarily about going too deep, that's more Scorpionic territory, but it is about opening your mind and your spirit to the unexpected. Get CURIOUS! Break up your routine. Play!
Sounds frivolous, you say? Maybe so, but play IS sacred. Letting loose joggles our cells around just enough to let the big stuff, the important stuff in, so when we're ready, we can explore it in more depth.
Today I'm heading out to wine-tasting with a bunch of Millenials in a limo including three Geminis so the Gemini pump will be primed for Tuesday's New Moon. For a hoot, I'll post pix on my Instagram at http://Instagram.com/LeftyCrab
For a fabulous New Moon intention technique please click here and start your month off with a pop.
Gemini New Moon Altar Suggestions from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook
Gemini – The Twins
Time of Year – Spring, Summer Solstice, May 21-June 21
Quality – Mutable
Element – Air
Planetary Ruler – Mercury
Anatomy – Arms, hands, lungs, respiratory/nervous system, shoulders
Natural Sign of – 3rd House
Color – Pale green, silver, yellow
Gemstone – Agate, aquamarine, beryl
Tarot Card – The Lovers
Goddesses – Feng P’O P’O, Iris, Hina, Tatsuta Hime (The Wind)
Gemini Meditation
Lighten up that heavy load,
Release your baggage centuries old,
The philosopher within
Wants to sing!
Gemini Affirmations
• I am adaptable and inventive
• I am curious and on the move
• I have a radically open mind
• I am a dancing, rainbow spirit
• I communicate well and teach that skill to others
• I let go easily and quickly
Find your Gemini wings
- Seek the unexpected
- Flood your senses with stimuli
- Let your curiosity keep you on the move
- Weave social networks
- Juggle tasks and cross-pollinate ideas
Upcoming Events with Kathy
Creative Soul Readings at Learning Light Foundation
When: 2nd Saturdays, 10-5
Where: 1212 E. Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA
Creative Soul Readings at Karma Boutique
When: June 27, Saturday, 11-5
Where: 4242 Camino Del Rio N. #19, San Diego, CA
Temecula Artist's Circle Support Group
When: June 28, Sunday, 11 - 1 pm (4th Sunday of the month)
Where: Ryan Bros Coffee, Temecula, California
New Private Facebook Group
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass ~ Gemini Moon Term
When: 1 week before the New Moon each month
Where: Susun Weed's Wise Woman University
Where's the Moon?
New Moon in Gemini, June 16, 7:05 am, Pacific Time
About Kathy & the Leftys
Kathy Crabbe is an artist and energy reader living in sunny SoCal with her husband and pet muses, Abby the big, shaggy black dog and Djinn Djinn the small, scruffy one in an adobe home they built themselves.
Kathy is painting a Lefty-a-Day for 365 days (The 52 Project) and posting all works in-progress daily on Instagram and weekly here.