It's almost the Full Moon in that most mystical, magical, and spiritually inclined sign of the zodiac; Pisces so I decided to choose a card from my Creative Soul Deck and to sleep with it under my pillow while requesting Dream Guidance and Insights from Mama Moon & the Divine.
Creative Soul Card for the Full Moon in Pisces

Creative Soul Card: Guess -poet-
Affirmation: I dream the Divine in everything.
This is the dream, the dream called life and you are in the middle of it.
As if we know exactly what we're doing here...well, we don't, but by tuning into Mama Moon we open our hearts creatively as we spoon feed ourselves the nourishment we crave, oh that we crave so dearly.
Moonstone Meditation & Song
A Meditation to be sung or said aloud under the light of the Full Moon *shared with my Creative Soul Circle ~ all are welcome to join this group on Facebook at no cost.
Creative Soul Challenge
I invite you to join my Creative Soul Circle and Sing the Song of the Moonstone together with your fellow Moon Musers as you catch your first glimpse of Mama Moon; full in Pisces on September 8th.
At this time Mama Moon is joined in the sky by Chiron, the planetoid (?) of wounded healers.
Where have you been wounded?
How will you release that wound by the light of the Full Moon?
You know the way. You ARE guided. Allow the mystical glow and guidance of this Full Moon to cleanse you and shower your dreams with new visions and old visions re-visioned anew.
Then dance, dance, dance in your heart for you are free.
And Guess -poet- always encourages poetry so be open to receiving pearls of wisdom in unexpected ways.
For Your Pisces Full Moon Altar
Color: lavender
Gemstone: moonstone
Herb: chicory
Food: cucumber
Animal Spirit: fish
Goddess: Nix
Color: green
Gemstone: sapphire
Herb: valerian
Food: oats
Animal Spirit: cat
Goddess: Changing Woman - See more at:
Last but not least, take a look back at the intentions you set at the New Moon on August 25th and ask yourself what's flowered for you since then.
Blessed Be.
If you like what you see here please consider signing up for my Creative Soul Classes which will meet online and in-person at the New and Full Moon (coming soon).
Altar suggestions are from my Goddess Zodiac ebook.
Purchase Creative Soul Cards and Prints here.
Guess -poet- is available here.
I am a Canadian born, self taught intuitive artist and creative soul guide currently living in a desert valley of Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest. I live in a home created by my husband that we share with our cat and dog muses, Spartacus and Abby. I’ve been drawing since age two and offering creative soul guidance since 2008.