Dear Creative Soul,
Thanks for your patience since I haven't sent out a Museletter since July 1. I've been busy painting watercolors outside (plein air) where it's been an incredible summer here in Southern California; not too hot (until yesterday) and kinda monsoonal which makes for some amazing cloud formations and of course, incredible sunsets!

This New Moon is all about finding our voice and speaking our truth.
I'd like to reference this quote from The View From the Studio Door: How Artists Find Their Way In An Uncertain World by Ted Orland:
"At its best, contemporary art provides a stunning display of the range of freedom, diversity and pure creativity of the human mind. At it's worst we're left with art that offers only imagination without vision, goals without values, individuality without character."
Painting daily for the 365 Day Challenge (The 52 Project) has brought all of this questioning to the surface and I find that I'm expressing a very pagan viewpoint through my art. I'm expressing my values as a pagan; a nature worshipper, and my vision; to be at one with nature; not above or below, but at one. This centers me and gives my life purpose.

I paint and sketch in nature; that's my charge, my spark. Then I take those sketches/paintings home and I create new, more abstracted paintings by taking them to their core simplicity; their essence. Which is exactly what I do in my Creative Soul Readings; I get to the meat, the juice, the depths. That's what matters.
Now, your turn: what's beyond your:
- imagination
- goals
- individuality
It's time to go deeper within and this New Moon in Leo is the perfect time to find out who you are especially with Venus retrograding here while conjuncting the Sun. Venus, ruler of love and beauty and relationships retrogrades every 8 years, so take a look back to see what you were doing 7-8 years ago - does it relate to what's happening now? What relationships, patterns, loves, are popping up again? Where does Venus retrograde touch your chart? (it's in Leo during this retrograde.)
By the way, it's a big year for me; I'm turning 50 on September 7th and I'll be celebrating by canoeing in cottage country with my dearest love and partner - ahhh, sweet blisssssss!

New Moon in Leo Altar Suggestions from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook
- Leo – The Lion
- Time of Year – Summer, July 23 – August 23
- Quality – Fixed
- Element – Fire
- Planetary Ruler – The Sun
- Anatomy – Heart, spine
- Natural Sign of – 5th House
- Color – Gold, orange, scarlet
- Gemstone – Amber, diamond, ruby
- Tarot Card – Strength
- Goddesses – Amaterasu, Bast, Cybele, Hestia, Ishtar, Sekhmet, Tara, Vesta

Leo Affirmations
- I am special and loved
- My heart is open
- I am awake and in tune with my spiritual self
- My inner child is alive and well
- I am a creative being bursting with joy
- I am one with the Sun
- I am generous and loving
Upcoming Events
San Clemente Art Fair
When: August 15,16, 10-5 pm
Where: San Clemente Community Center Grounds, I'm in space C9
Creative Soul Readings at Learning Light Foundation
When: 2nd Saturdays, 10-5
Where: 1212 E. Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, California
Temecula Artist's Circle Support Group
When: 4th Sunday of the month, 11 - 1 pm
Where: Ryan Bros Coffee, Temecula, California
Private Facebook Group
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass ~ Leo Moon Term
Where: Susun Weed's Wise Woman University

Where's the Moon?
New Moon in Leo, August 14, 7:53 am, Pacific Time
Sparkly Blessings! Love, Kathy Crabbe

ABOUT KATHY: Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty. Learn more here.