I recently had the great honour and pleasure to be interviewed by Shamanic Guide and Mentor Francesca De Grandis who also happens to be my mentor!
Click here to check it out: http://www.outlawbunny.com/2017/06/12/divine-art/
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I recently had the great honour and pleasure to be interviewed by Shamanic Guide and Mentor Francesca De Grandis who also happens to be my mentor!
Click here to check it out: http://www.outlawbunny.com/2017/06/12/divine-art/
As I sit in front of my altar for the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 20 with Goddess Freya and my mentor, Francesca De Grandis close by, I contemplate, I channel, I remember and I write.
I need this New Moon Time to re-connect with God/dess, to be with my community and to receive inspiration that I share with all of you.
I don't blog to share my woes, but instead to share glimpses of brilliance, of Faerie, of hope and magick.
Sapphire's Song (to be sung outside to the New Moon)
I am blessed O' Mother to be here at Your birth To sing Your name O Goddess Divine Moon Mama To sing wooohooo To be silly AND strong For Aquarius calls us to be Trickster AND Divine We ARE the bridge to You to You to You.
Creative Soul Guidance and Oracle Card Pick: Now the real work begins
Relax into the flow. It is the time of the Water-bearer (New Moon in Aquarius) although Aquarius is actually an air sign; bringing water and air together which is also what's happening astrologically as Venus and Mercury conjoin in the sky. Love/emotions (water) and thought/communication (air) come together and the air is fragrant with it - what do you smell?
Stay on track with the loves of your life. Who and what are they? Give thanks. Let this love and the love of the Divine wash over you; melt into it; feel your body awash in love and blessings. Don't hold onto it - share it.
Then open your eyes and send that love out through your heart and back into the world and with an open heart and mind, set your intentions for the moonth ahead.
Also, be aware that Mercury Retrograde is coming up on Jan. 21 until Feb. 11 and plan accordingly. There may be delays, miscommunication and set backs so it's a good time to review and revise, not charge full steam ahead.
New Moon in Aquarius Altar (from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook)
Calling all Goddesses! if you're in the Temecula, California area on Jan. 16 I've got a New Moon Circle happening at Yoga for Life...more info here.
Coming soon: Divine Feminine eClasses at the Wise Woman University plus New Moon Telecalls.
NEW! My Goddess Zodiac Playbook is now available as a full color hard copy in my Etsy Shop (previously it was only available as a pdf).
Valentine's Cards & Prints freshly added to my Etsy Shop: kitties/doggies/fairies!
Art Show Jan. 27 at Crush & Brew, Temecula, 7-9 pm - I'll be bringing my handpainted books plus goddess paintings and fairy/mermaid/cat/dog prints and cards.
Creative Soul Readings: In person readings are available every Thursday at Gypsy Luv in Pomona or online thru my website.
RAFFLE! Win a Three Month Astrological Timeline Report (12 page pdf), a Natal Chart Wheel pdf and a Goddess Zodiac Greeting Card of your choice along with a Creative Soul Bookmark (via snail mail) - learn more here. I will email the winner on the day of the New Moon.
About Kathy
Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty. She channels New & Full Moon readings every month on her blog at kathycrabbe.com
It's the Full Moon in Cancer on Jan 4th along with the New Year, but I am not setting intentions O Moon,
I am allowing myself instead to sink into Your arms to be held and rocked and bathed in Your beauty as I paint You. Capturing instead nothing more than Your shine which rubs off on me Threefold as I pray to dance Your song for ALL my days.
Carolee by Kathy Crabbe
Creative Soul Challenge for the Full Moon in Cancer: Carolee
What is coming to fruition for you right now? I invite all of you to welcome in the New Year by bringing your presence magically alive and more fully into your self and your life...nothing fancy, just an awareness that you too are God/dess.
For me, I'm being, just being...present. Following my heart and letting go, trusting in God/dess and my community; yes, it does exist! Following the paint & guided intuitively. Love is ALL. In this darkness, a spark grows.
Creative Soul Body Challenge
Photograph yourself making a "V" for ___________________ (fill in the blank). As you are making that "V" focus your attention upon all that you've created over the past year. Then journal, discuss, celebrate!
V Pose by Kathy Crabbe
For me:
Began studying Celtic Faerie Shamanism with Francesca De Grandis
Started leading Moon Circles and classes in person plus started Toastmasters
Started driving to new age shops and schools for interviews and became an in-store psychic reader at Gypsy Luv and a teacher at a yoga studio, a local college and an art studio
Created my Moon Goddess theme and banner to represent all that I do - it's all connected now!
Started business art marketing sessions with Marisa of Creative Thursday which helped get my Lefty deck off the ground and my classes, circles
Full Moon Raffle! Please post your "V" photo online along with your 2014 accomplishments then link back to this blog post. Make sure to comment below with your link or just shoot me an email with your link. One lucky winner will be chosen at the upcoming New Moon and will be gifted with a Three Month Astrological Timeline Report (12 page pdf), a Natal Chart Wheel pdf and a Goddess Zodiac Greeting Card of your choice along with a Creative Soul Bookmark (via snail mail).
Cancer Full Moon Altar Suggestions (from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook)
Mode: cardinal
Element: water
Color: iridescent, silvery blue, smoky grey, white
Gemstone: moonstone, pearl
Plant/Tree: trees rich in sap, maple, water lily, white flowers, wild rose
Herb/Spice: hyssop, saxifrage, tarragon, verbena
Food: cabbage, cucumber, milk, turnip
Animal Spirit: bee, crab
Tarot Card: chariot
Goddess: Circe, Isis, Mama Cocha, Tien Hou
Pearl's Song Goddess of the Moon Bow down, Bow down, Bow down I worship at Your toes for Goddess knows. My soul is sweet She sings in tune for You, for You. Blessed Be.
Fire-Ice Fairy in progress by Kathy Crabbe
Calling all Goddesses! If you’re in Temecula on January 16 or San Diego on January 17 we’ll be ringing in the New Year and setting intentions for the New Moon in Aquarius during our first Moon Circle of the year: expect creative soul challenges, guided meditations, moon collaging and more.
Coming soon, online Divine Feminine classes at Susun Weed's Wise Woman University.
Moon Goddess Paintings ~ follow along on my blog as I paint Moon Goddesses, fairies and mermaids including the painting on the left which was inspired by the recent snow in Temecula (which is a desert valley in Southern California!) .
About Kathy Crabbe Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty. She channels New & Full Moon readings every month on her blog at kathycrabbe.com
Dear Creative Soul, When I sat down in my shamanic New Moon Circle to honour and celebrate the upcoming Winter Solstice and New Moon in Capricorn this is what I channeled:
Oh Winter, Cailleach, Ancient Crone, Dark Night, I listen to your Silence and I hear the cauldron bubble and the owl hoot. It's time now to go within, to the dark, dark place where death and ice dance our name. Beneath the earth we enter Her barrow, Her cave at sunrise, Solstice morn. First light we see touches our third eye through this opening: the Light...the Light...she does return and within her, Hope and Dreams and Seeds are planted. It is the New Moon in Capricorn so let us plant these seeds, these dreams and tend Her garden for we are called...YOU are called...the wheel turns and we reply:
I AM Goddess I AM God I AM the Light I AM the Dark I AM holding Circle Blessed Be
Creative Soul Card for the New Moon & Winter Solstice: Demon
Affirmation: Into the dark you go: be guided, be brave, let go.
The lore is ancient when She was venerated and He was equal to the task. Blessed Be the Balance is shifting now ~ can you feel it? Describe. Take a moment of silence, meditation, contemplation then journal and discuss.
My Winter Solstice Vision As for me: I feel at peace; calm, quiet, centered. The darkness is velvety. I am surrounded by my guides, totems and star beings. I lie down and they bless me as my third eye tingles. The Hag, the Cailleach and I peer into her cauldron and I get in ~ to die and be reborn. I wait for the perfect moment; the moment of Solstice, to be born as light returns. I scream then I sleep; a new day has come.
Intention Setting for the New Moon Let go into darkness and as you are re-born and the Sun returns, it's time now to set your intentions for the moonth ahead. Don't forget to journal too!
Capricorn New Moon Circle Altar Suggestions from my Goddess Zodiac Playbook
Moon Circles & Classes
In-Person or by Phone Soul Readings/Past Life Readings/Astrology
Art Exhibits
Find Kathy’s Artat These Shops Chakra Shack * Laguna Beach Karma Boutique * San Diego Girl in the Curl * San ClementeNEWMermaids * CarlsbadMermaids * San Clemente NEWThe Cat House * Calgary
Moon Circles Meetup The best spot to rsvp for my classes and eventsplus connect with others of like mind in the Southern California area.
Moon Circle Group on Facebook This is a public group on Facebook for those of like-mind.
Where's the New Moon? Capricorn New Moon ~ Dec. 21, 5:36 pm PST
Sparkly Blessings, Kathy Crabbe
ABOUT KATHYCRABBE Kathy Crabbe inspires soul-seekers to discover their innate gifts and talents through intuitive, creative expression in safe, relaxed and playful environments. She has been an artist forever and a Creative Soul Guide since awakening her own intuitive gifts at age forty. She channels New & Full Moon readings every month on her blog at kathycrabbe.com ~ Learn more here.