Take time for flowers & friends (Creative Soul Guides Tip No. 1)

Creative Soul Guides Tip No. 1 - Take time for flowers & friends.  Kathy Crabbe, Take time for flowers & friends, 2014, watercolor on paper, 8 x 11”.

Prints and cards are available at CreativeSoulGuides.com

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy’s intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Soul Essence Portraits ~ feed your sacred soul. Pet Portraits too!

 “Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again.” ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth Founder

http://CreativeSoulGuides.comYour Creative Soul Banner

Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.

Destined for Greatness

Kathy Crabbe, Destined for greatness, 2013, mixed media on paper, 8.5x11”

Kathy Crabbe, mixed media, 7 x 10 inches.

Prints and cards are available. Email Kathy to find out if the original is still available.

Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul cards make me feel like I'm not alone. They restore something in me...make me feel sane again. ~ T. Bolen, 2013

Yes folks I am back to drawing Creative Soul cards (aka 'lefties) again. What was the inspiration? Well, visiting a friend and having her tell me with great passion and conviction that I needed to carry on and create more Creative Souls so that they can get out there and do their stuff.  Over the years the 'lefties' have inspired me and so many others!

This time it felt like re-visiting old friends, but seeing them in a new light; a more truthful and gentle light where flaws and wrinkles are okay because we've been through so much together; tough times and thrills and tears and we have survived and even thrived. We can be real and that's what matters.

Lefty cards and prints are available for purchase in my Etsy Shop.

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.


Kathy Crabbe, Here comes trouble!, 2013, watercolor on paper, 5 x 7”Kathy Crabbe, Here comes trouble!, 2013, watercolor on paper, 5 x 7”. 

From the Daily Magic Series: Words & Pictures To Wish Upon

A lot of the time I feel that words are unnecessary, superfluous, and get in the way so maybe that's why I paint instead. This little painting is about love. Enjoy!

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

Salti & Soft Risk-Taking Along the Divine Feminine Highway

Divine Feminine Power. Acrylic & pastel on masonite, 48 x 48 inches. © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe Not all of us choose to express our emotions on paper or on 2D surfaces, but I do although I'm not a schmoozer, or someone that can dress up my gifts and talents in frilly words and gushing diatribes. I tend to be overly literal and yet metaphorical and I like a bit of mystery and ambiguity too.

But, what I do care about is creating space for you, my dear blog reader to discover your own passions, gifts, talents and dreams. My job is not only to be a Creative Soul Guide, but to be a friend as we travel this Divine Feminine highway together.

Pictured above is a recent painting which I created under the influence of an almost Full Moon in Libra

Salti. Watercolor on paper, 8 x 10 inches © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe. From the Creative Soul Card® Series

"Libra seeks serenity, peace and harmony. She has a gift for relationships of all types. She sits in perfect balance seeing beauty all around her. She is the peaceful mediator seeking justice for all."

This week I'm inspired by Salti (my Creative Soul Card aka 'lefty drawing' of the week) to challenge myself EVERY DAY to be stronger, take risks AND find balance, plus hold myself accountable by blogging about it.

ps. can you tell that the painting to the left was done entirely with my left hand and the one above with my right?

Soul Friends - An Etsy Tale, Part 1

In March of 2008 I joined Etsy, a large online community of artists and crafters and started selling my artwork and my soul readings. I talked shop in the Etsy forums (a place for conversation) but quickly grew frustrated with much of the mundane, uninspired conversations revolving around dollars and cents so I started introducing new topics of discussion about metaphysics, paganism, spirituality, dreams, psychics and crystal healing. I would like to introduce some of the Etsy folks I have met and become friends with on my latest thread (conversation) which has over 2000 posts so far thanks to this delightful group of magical souls.

I asked folks to write up a short bio to introduce themselves and to let us know what drew them to this thread, what they like about it and why they stay.

Brenda Mihalopoulos


Tropicana DreamWeb

What keeps me coming back to this thread is the reawakening of my "powers" as a magick worker, as a mother, as an artisan and as a resident of earth. I've had true dreams, like the night before 09/11 (ack!) Some of my dreams have become stories that I've written, not published yet though, but getting there. I've always been a spiritual person, connected with dreams, and nature, and most critters. I started the magickal path as a teenager, dropped it for a long time and am now getting back into it after 30 years...I'm enjoying my re-emergence in my Cronage...

I first came to the thread because LuLu is a member of a team that I am in and I also enjoy hearing others' stories and sharing my own. We can commiserate, bitch and complain, piss and moan, help, and celebrate with each other.

Suzanne Maxwell


Mini Reversible Tarot Bag

I have always had a deep interest in all things mystical, occult and psychic. I am psychic myself and a reader of tarot cards and astrological charts. Just about anywhere I 'hang out' I look for articles and discussions that fall into the mystical category and that is how I found the discussion started by LuLuDesign.

I really enjoy conversing with people who also have an understanding and interest in the psychic realms and I enjoy helping those who are just starting to explore and question 'strange' happenings. Being part of a group that sees things in much the same way I do is always a delight and makes me feel like I am right 'at home.'

Tarah Russell

Sally, an OOAK doll

I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of three girls. I have been happily married to my husband for nine years and we have a pet wolf. I enjoy crafting and hope to make this habit pay for itself. I was drawn to this thread because I have always had a fascination with other-worldly stuff; even if it scares me sometimes. I got my first tarot deck in high school and still turn to it in times of stress. I enjoy the company on our little thread; I can be my usual “weird” self and if I put my foot in my mouth, no one seems to mind. Our little group is very caring and accepting of one another.

Bonita Evans

Hand-Knotted Rainbow Hemp Chakra Pouch

I'm a 35 year old Geminian, residing in Alberta Canada. I'm the mother of three, but only have my teenage daughter living at home with me (which is quite enough...!) I also share my home with several feathered creatures... and a husband.

My husband and I, although we are members of a Christian Church, are open to universal/parallel truths that can be found beyond the 'safe' doctrine taught in Sunday School.

I joined this thread simply because LuLu started it. I initially found her thread 'I am an Etsy Psychic' and my first reaction was, "Oh, really?" I was a bit closed to the idea at first, until I started learning a bit more about LuLu and found her to be more genuine than I originally gave her credit for.

I keep coming back because the core group is great and there is a nice, organic flow to the discussion. It's refreshing for me to chat about things that would otherwise freak out my current church-going circle of friends.

Stay tuned for more Etsy Soul Friends, Part 2 - coming soon!