Mama Moon is in SAGITTARIUS right now so I chose Black Dog to guide us through. I'm sharing dog pix of my own loyal girl, Abby (Abalone) and from my upcoming ELFIN ALLIES oracle deck.
Dog Astrology: Dogs are ruled by the zodiac sign of Sagittarius who’s ruling planet is Jupiter. The color Black is ruled by the sign of Capricorn who’s ruling planet is Saturn.
The Elfin Ally Oracle is a 72 card square deck to awaken your inner elf in tune with Mama Moon. It comes with keywords, spirit animal astrology, elf stories, poems, meanings, reversed meanings, fun facts and much more which will be included in a 40 page saddle stitched book.
Get the inside scoop for the moonth ahead with a 32 page Astrological Moon Chart
Click here for the Elfin Ally Deck coming Spring 2019.
Click here for Kathy’s Astrology Reports.
Kathy and Abby plein air. painting in Temecula, CA
Abby Girl! Temecula, CA