Season of Plenty

Kathy Crabbe, Season of Plenty, 2014, watercolor on paper, 8 x 11”. Check for available cards, prints and originals at

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy's intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Creative Soul Essence Portraits ~ a true gift for your sacred self:

 “Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again." ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth Founder

http://CreativeSoulGuides.comYour Creative Soul BannerKathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.



Past Life Reading for Rachelle: A Review

Silk Heart Yoga Pose Painting by artist Kathy CrabbeWhat is a Past Life Reading?

A Past Life Reading is a combination intuitive and astrology reading that will help you gain a better understanding of who you are so that you can maximize your potential and natural abilities to the utmost of your ability. Real growth comes from understanding and transforming behavior patterns so that you can challenge yourself to develop in new and exciting ways based upon a knowledge of your past lives.

Your past life reading will also include an examination of the north and south nodes of the moon in your birth chart. The moon in your chart relates to your feelings, moods, and emotional body. It is one of the most important influences in your birth chart from a karmic/past life perspective and will help you understand your karmic mission for this lifetime based upon your past lives.

Order your Past Life Reading here.

Your reading will explore:

  • Two major past lives.
  • The location in the world in which you were born and lived.
  • Information about your gender and appearance.
  • Important experiences and relationships.
  • Talents or abilities you cultivated.
  • Your ethical and spiritual development.
  • Major lessons you learned.

You will receive:

  1. An eight to ten page, (3000-4000 word) illustrated pdf transcript of your past life reading and a karmic astrological report based upon the nodes of the moon emailed to you within three to five days.
  2. A North Node astrology bookmark created especially for you along with a printout of your natal birth chart wheel which will be snail mailed to your home.
  3. Email follow-up and support.

Rachelle's Testimonial

I'm just floored.  It's wonderful!  It's everything I knew I needed but didn't know how to accept...if that makes any sense? haha!  I think I've already read it a dozen times.  There is so much there that really fits.

Finally, I just wanted to tell you again how happy I was with my reading.  I'm not sure what I expected but I was just amazed at how much it resonated with me.  There were parts that I almost found myself laughing at because the message was one I've been hearing for so long from so many different places.  You'd think I'd get the hint.  ;-)  But honestly, it was astounding to consistent!  I think the two main points that really hit home for me were "In stillness your truth will come to you" and "Be good to yourself/cut yourself some slack".  So much easier said than done for me.  Seeing those messages laid out in this format really did seem to drive them home in a different way.  I feel very blessed to have received such a great reading and such valuable insights.  Thank you for choosing to follow this path and put yourself out there.  This work you do is so helpful and refreshing.  :-)

Art featured above: Silk Heart by Kathy Crabbe, 2003, silk dyes on silk, 5 x 5”.

Guiding Your Creative Soul

Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.


Bird-Land gouache painting by artist Kathy Crabbe About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy’s intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Soul Essence Portraits ~ feed your sacred soul.

 “Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again.” ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth Founder

Enhance your psychic powers - A Wind Blessing

Inspired by today's Full Moon in Aquarius I meditated with crystals and oracle cards and was guided to create a series of work called "Soul Guides". These guides will be chosen from my self-created oracle card decks and will be accompanied by a healing crystal or stone.

Their message includes a teaching along with exercises designed to enhance and develop your intuitive and psychic powers.

A Native American Wind Blessing

Today's Soul Guide: Elf
Today's Crystal: Turquoise

- Today is a good day to let the Wind be your guide.
- Listen to the Wind - share ideas and thoughts
- Play or listen to Native American flute music
- Take a ride in an airplane or a hot air balloon or just in your dreams
- Enjoy the view from up high.

Turquoise can help you look within your heart to see that everything you are at odds with is merely a reflection of a part of you that has not been acknowledged and integrated. Turquoise asks you to find that aspect of yourself so that you can accept it and integrate it within your total self.

The Native American name for Turquoise is Sky-Stone because it connects the lower and higher chakras, the Above and Below.

Interpreting the Symbols - My Story:

As a psychic reader my work revolves around my connection with the Divine in response to my client's needs and questions. Occasionally a client will not resonate with a reading and I feel depressed by this, knowing that we have not been able to connect on a soul level with each other.

My best friend is working on a resource site about depression and she asked me to pinpoint what kind of depression this was: was it a feeling of shame or of doubt or of ....? I believe that I felt a moment or two of doubt and this really shakes me because my work is very much based on faith. My friend also reminded me that doubt is what keeps us humble and that it's shame that really feels yucky, so I wasn't really doing so badly after all! (Thanks friendie :)

She also advised me to "Cognitive think it away. Change perspectives. Game of percentages ... how many love what you do for them?!" (This was all twittered to me so we had to keep our conversation short and to the point!)

In other words, don't let your emotions rule your reasoning! For me, it feels like falling off a horse (in my imagination only since I've never actually fallen off a horse!) and that the best thing to do is to jump right back in the saddle and just keep going!

So how does this connect with today's teaching to "look within your heart to see that everything you are at odds with is merely a reflection of a part of you that has not been acknowledged and integrated"?

Faith and doubt are two sides of the same coin, so to know one side is to know the other - opposites are always involved - but what is the middle way? This is the way of acceptance; to accept that we can't always be 100% guided by faith and that sometimes we will slip into doubt, but that it's only temporary - it too will pass. This perspective comes from reasoning, a form of Wind teaching - the Wind carries us aloft so we can see our world from a different perspective. Thank you Wind!

What has the Wind taught you today?