Fairy Herbal Magick for the Pisces Full Moon

Just a little reminder to let love in. We all need it. Whether it comes in the form of a sweet dream, a remembrance of a loved one, the touch of a kitty's fur, an old and dear friendship rekindled after many years. However love wants to reach out and tug at those heart strings of yours, say "Yes". It's all that really matters, don'tcha think?

Fairy Herbal Oracle for the Pisces Full Moon

Lily-of-the-Valley by Kathy Crabbe (from the upcoming Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Lily-of-the-Valley by Kathy Crabbe (from the upcoming Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Lily-of-the-Valley Affirmation: I am uplifted and transformed.
(From the upcoming Fairy Herbal Oracle Deck)

Astrology: Cancer, Libra, Mercury, Moon, Taurus, Venus
Deity: Apollo, Asclepius, Hermes, Maia, Ostara
Element: Air
Healing: Blood pressure, heart

Kathy Crabbe in her booth at the San Diego Festival of Art, 2021

Kathy Crabbe in her booth at the San Diego Festival of Art, 2021

About Kathy Crabbe
I am proud to be an artist and soul reader, in business since 1993. I love my work and hope you've enjoyed coming along for the ride and allowing me to be of service to you through all the creative, healing work I do. Thank you.

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when I found myself creatively blocked so I switched to my left hand which awakened my right brain and inspired me to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader. I have since published 4 oracle decks with the Fairy Herbal Oracle deck coming in 2022.

I live in Southern California and soon in the 1000 Islands, Canada for half the year with my pooch and partner in homes we’ve built ourselves.

Piscean Full Moon Silk Musings

Scarlet Beebalm hand painted silk crepe scarf

Pisces Full Moon August 24 10:04 am PDT

Spotlight on Piscean Silk Painter: Susan Morgan Hoth Richmond, Virginia Morgan Silk

Perhaps being born on March 12 inclined me to this attraction I have with water ~ it's the closest thing to flying that I know.

One of my earliest memories was standing on a chair pulled up to the kitchen sink playing with water for hours. I grew up playing in the creeks so when our village built a community pool I spent every summer all day in it and when I turned sixteen I worked there as a lifeguard and swimming instructor.

I started watercolor painting in my early teens and would go out into the countryside to spend the day next to a babbling brook painting landscapes and using the creek to clean my brushes. My dream was to be a "big fish" but I have since learned that little fish can go where the big fish cannot!

When I discovered the pure color of fabric dyes I was in college and have been fascinated with the process for more than thirty years. I spend much of my time with my hands in liquid dye and water - something that never loses it's fascination for me. To rejuvenate myself I swim laps late at night at the nearby gym and come home relaxed and ready for either the next project or a good night's sleep.

Piscean Full Moon Featured Artist, Susan Morgan Hoth

More about Morgan

I am a fabric artist working full-time from my Richmond, Virginia studio. My original designs have been available online since 2006. Water color and oil painting was my specialty until I discovered the pure color of fiber-reactive dyes; now I live to dye!

In another life I taught high school: loved it, retired, don't miss it at all.