Libra New Moon Spirit Animal: Sea Horse
Libra energy is charged by beauty. Sea Horse reminds us to treasure the small, delicate, beautiful joys in our daily life. You can bring Sea Horse energy into you life by purchasing the painting pictured above on my Libra Altar as a signed print + poem or original.
Find Your Treasures - They Are All Around You
Take a moment during this New Moon to go within and give thanks for all the treasures in your life now. Use the 5 elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit to help you tap into these treasures. Here are mine.
Earth Treasure: I treasure the land I live on. I'm in the countryside of Southern California near the Temecula Wine Region and I'm surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest.
Air Treasure: I treasure the clouds that happen infrequently here, so are appreciated even more.
Fire Treasure: I treasure the creative spark within all beings; our connection with Source.
Water Treasure: I treasure the deep, nurturing, underground creeks that run underneath our land supplying our ten ancient Oaks with sustenance.
Spirit Treasure: I treasure YOU, the Divine God/dess within each of us.
Find Your Spirit Animal
Sea Horse Print
Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful place in nature. What animal, bird or insect appears to you? Of what element is this animal? If red, perhaps Fire Element, if blue, Water Element, if a flying insect, Air Element and if a burrowing creature, like a groundhog, perhaps Earth Element - you decide.
New Moon Intentions
The best time to set your intentions for the moonth ahead is at the exact time of the New Moon or as close as you can get to it. This New Moon is in Libra and occurs on October 19, 2017 at 12:12 pm Pacific Time.
Sending you sparkly blessings and love from my enchanted heart to yours,
Kathy Crabbe