How to Protect Yourself When Contacting Spirits

I belong to the Mediums Group on Reddit - here is a question from Mylene that I responded to below.


I was able to foresee the death of somebody in my circle. I would greatly appreciate advice from experienced people!

Hello everyone, I would say I’m fairly new to the paranormal/occult world. I’ve always known I had an ability, but it really awakened in the past year or so. I experienced something intense this week and I would love to hear some advice.

First things first, I’ve been using tarot and oracle for about a year and a half now, so I’m pretty familiar and comfortable with it. Last week, I did an oracle reading for myself, asking what the world had in store for me for the upcoming week. The three cards that stuck out were a bit unsettling: They announced a very unpleasant change, that could be related to death. As soon as I read the cards, I got a really bad feeling. Shivers were crossing my body and I started to cry a bit. I finished the session and went to bed.

The week started and everything was going smoothly. A couple days later, I had forgotten a bit about the reading, until I received a bad news: the mother of a close friend had passed away suddenly. I couldn’t believe it. It was only the day after receiving the news that I remembered my oracle session. I started to cry again, shaken. It has now been 5 days since the event and I’m still shook up. I never thought I would’ve been able to foresee it. It’s the first time I have been able to foresee something major like this.

So, here’s where I need some advice. I’m the only person in my family who has an ability to predict certain things, so I don’t really know how to protect myself. I would like to hear some tips on how to embrace this part of me, how to really accept it too, cause I’m struggling to accept the fact that I have an ability of some sort. I would also love to hear some advice on how to take an emotional distance from all this, cause I don’t want to feel sad or depressed every time I’m able to foresee something. The older I get, the stronger my ability gets, so I would love to be able to better control/use it.


Kathy Crabbe, Artist + Soul Reader

Kathy Crabbe, Artist + Soul Reader

It is very important to protect yourself when doing this kind of work. Saying a simple affirmation or prayer is a good start in connecting to your spiritual self and asking for protection - a must!

In regards to accepting this part of yourself, the intuitive part, wonderful to hear that you are open to this - a great beginning. You will be guided. Trust yourself, as you know, and be open to your dreams as well (keep a dream journal, if you don't already).

In regards to distancing yourself from your feelings, you must feel them! They are necessary. Allow them to flow through you and don't hold onto them. Write them down and then let them go (another way of allowing for the flow).

And YES, love to hear that your abilities are strengthening, as they well should! And yes, for asserting your boundaries and need for protection and safety in doing this work. Keep doing it and find a support group or support person to help you as you come more strongly into your powers.


Thank you so much for your answer, it helps a lot! I used to keep a dream journal, but stopped a couple of months ago. I’ll get back to it for sure. I have to say, it’s very reassuring to hear from someone who does this for a living. I would love to find people who would be able to help me as my abilities strengthen, but I don’t know where search. Do you have any ideas/recommendations on communities that would be helpful for me? Thanks again for your help, I will learn to protect myself and be more cautious about it in the future! Blessings!


Deluxe-Soul-Reading by Kathy Crabbe

You are so welcome! I must, of course offer my own services in regards to strengthening your intuition and working with spirits/ancestors since that is what I do. Click here for more info: Ancestral Readings.

In regards to communities, I recommend looking in Facebook Groups, or starting your own in your own community.

Blessings and Hugs! Kathy Crabbe

Spirit Guide Reading for Sandi

How a Spirit Guide Reading works: Spirit Guides are wise teachers and guardians from another dimension that advise and protect us. They are dis-incarnate spirits (ie. animal totems, angels, nature spirits) that can act as spiritual counselors or protectors for us, during our time of need. I will also provide you with suggestions and techniques for connecting to your guides on your own.

My preferred mode of intuitive reading is via distance. This allows me to focus on you, your spirit and your guides in a focused way clear of distractions. Your reading involves preparations such as meditation and yoga and I will often pull healing stones, runes and cards from my four self-designed and painted oracle card decks, but unlike a tarot reading I will not actually look at them until after your reading is finished. The cards, runes and healing stones are tools that will help you absorb your reading in practical ways.

You can purchase a Spirit Guide Reading here.

Spirit Guide Reading for Sandi

(shared with kind permission from Sandi)

Yellow Calcite Point
Yellow Calcite Point

To begin your reading I surround us with a sphere of Yellow Calcite.

Then a fairy calls out; a practical fairy – the five senses are important to you.

Encelia Fairy by Kathy Crabbe
Encelia Fairy by Kathy Crabbe

Fairy Herbal Guidance: Encelia Fairy

Your energy state right now is Questing.

Encelia (also historically known as Copal Encelia) was commonly burned as incense in Northern Mexico. The act of burning Copal along with the accompanying holy language brings about two aspects of the Mayan world view; firstly the smoke creates connections with deities and ancestors and secondly it initiates a series of transformative processes that characterize the Mayan religious and cosmologic beliefs.  Copal is symbolically  perceived to be the same as blood, a sacred substance that is also considered to be an effective medicine for many illnesses. Copal is the ‘food of the gods’ since gods do not eat as mortals do, but instead gain sustenance from the smoke of the incense. In Mexico Copal is often added to love and purification incenses.

Guinevere appears next with long blonde locks…your energy is also attuned to ancient fairytales and Celtic lore.

We hold hands (on an energetic level) so I can read your energy.

I sense again your grounded-ness.

Brandberg Enhydro
Brandberg Enhydro

To call upon your Spirit Guides I get some help from a lovely crystal called a Rose Brandberg Enhydro Harlequin Dow.

Your Guides are a bit shy at first; it takes some time for them to show themselves.

One is Welsh and tiny requiring silence and patience to show up. This being has small moth wings and carries a glimmering Fairy Essence and loves you so dearly. She is dark haired and her name sounds like Estela.  She comes to your shoulder then hovers around you giving advice about food, relationships and subject matter you’re currently discussing…’aprons’!

She has a sense of humour, is playful and jokingly says, “Watch your back HAHA”. She even pokes you occasionally to alert you or wake you up to certain things.

Next, a giant appears (compared to Estela) with horns. He is a warrior god and a protector, but very gentle, not aggressive. “Just call me ‘Green Man’”.

And then a motherly figure appears in a white and yellow ruffled apron by the name of Martha. She helps to calm you and to keep you from jumping into anything too hastily.

You will not usually be aware of her because she stays in the background (possibly she is an ancestor).

“Have fun” she says and directs me to pull a Creative Soul Card for you.

Creative Soul Card Guidance: Gloria

Gloria by Kathy Crabbe
Gloria by Kathy Crabbe

Stick with it is the advice I get. Finances? It will work out.

Martha calls the Green Man ‘Jack’ and nods to him for more ‘challenging’ info to share with you so I pull a tarot card from my Greenwood deck.

Tarot Wisdom ~ Page of Stones ~ the Wren: New possibilities requiring money and security risks. Who is bringing you financial info? Affirmation: I trust in the information my body gives me and am learning to hear how it speaks to me.

Fairy Estela did not lie when she said ‘watch your back’.  it’s time to tie up loose ends. Don’t let anyone stop you from your task (your work) and your mission. “Like who”, I can hear you ask.  I see a friend; tall and dressed in pale yellow with long, straight blonde hair.  She can be a ‘downer’ and not helpful for your growth.

Estela says that you shine in these areas:

  • Healing
  • Working hands-on with clients
  • Attracting new clients

And she says quietly….pssssst…’Jack is a worrywart!’

I also hear you asking: “What can I do to improve?”

Is there a Kevin in your life?

He is a grounding influence.

How about ‘Star Baths?’

Your Guides are also aware of over-saturating you with too much information!

So, to get down to the essence, the moonlit elixir of clarity we meet your next Guide.

His name is ‘Michael’ and he is a professional type who appears in a brown suit.

Next, all of your Guides gather in a circle (btw, Jack doesn’t approve of Michael).

Martha sets down the bowl that she is drying in the center of the circle and it sings (a singing bowl).

You just relax and listen and float in the sound waves; a place you very much like to be; very healing.

Around you is a circle of support ~ in the real world ~ people in businesses like yours ~ also brick and mortar places of healing.

It will happen…(but when?)

Carla has heart by Kathy Crabbe
Carla has heart by Kathy Crabbe

Creative Soul Guidance: Carla has heart

Things will fall into place (almost effortlessly). Stand your ground and continue to facilitate positive action and thought and feel (envision) the fecundity of this, as if preparing to give birth. Journal this vision regularly ~ create it within. So Be It.

To end your reading Sandi, I surround you with peace, love and understanding.


Sandi’s Comments: 

Thanks again for this reading. It's funny, I have read it over and over and each time I find something different popping out at me.

First, i want to say I love the way you put this together. I, to date, have not met my own guides/angels and so to read about them is super fun! If you have any creative advise on how I can connect with them, I am all ears. I have tried to meditate, but unfortunately, my mind is "ON" all the time. I am surprised I am able to fall asleep at night. I can quiet it down for short periods and lord knows I try daily.

Estella was right on the money with Healing, working hands on w/ clients and attracting new clients.

"Star Baths"? Not sure, although it could be this online class I am taking about Moon Phases and part of that is a bathing ritual. Could be, huh?

LOVE Sound Therapy healing!!! I have been to a few sessions with bowls. Beautiful!

Would love to know if you have any additional insight on these few things.

Thanks so much again for such a rewarding experience.

With Love & Light, Sandi Meegan (Portland, CT, Reiki Practitioner)

Guiding Your Creative Soul
Guiding Your Creative Soul

Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.