Why Get a Creative Soul Reading?

Why get a Creative  Soul Reading? For insight, perspective, nurturing and to help strengthen your core self, your soul and inspire your heart PLUS I share with you my own techniques for happiness, joy and well-being.

Above all, I am here to help you help yourself PLUS it's fun, intense, challenging and makes you feel good, whole, holy as growing and changing often does.

I think the biggest message I got from this is also my life lesson here, which is trust. It's time for me to take a deep breath and jump into all the opportunities that await. It worked out in the past and it will work out this time too. I will continue to revisit this as a reminder to my Self to get back to business and trust it's the right thing.

~ Mollie, elementary school teacher/social worker and mom (my favorite job!) San Luis Obispo, California

Click Sample Readings to see what I'm talking about.

Perfection Is ...

As I was snacking on some olives, camembert, blueberries and Belgian ale last night before the eclipse and Full Moon occurred in the wee hours of the morning, my husband I reflected upon what an odd day it had been; we had caught glimpse into people's souls that were previously hidden, as colleagues and even strangers told us the most revealing things about themselves! What a day, so I was reeeaaaalllly looking forward to the upcoming lunar revelations which would be happening while I slept @ 4:30 am pdt.

So, to prepare for the occasion I brushed myself with Oil of Azeztulite under the light of the full moon and blessed my stones in preparation for dreamwork. I chose Azeztulite, a white pearl, and a Lithium Quartz double terminated Crystal (from Kacha Stones) to meditate and dream with by placing them under my pillow.

Azeztulite brought me joy.

Lithium Quartz brought courage.

Pearl brought nurturing.

My hand painted oracle cards also called to me so I pulled a card from my Lefty Oracle deck and sat quietly with it for awhile, not actually looking at the card, but instead holding my hand over it's surface to sense the energy as I asked the universe: "May I open to the mysteries of my soul and accept myself with all my faults and limitations."

Happiness Is...knowing that perfection is RIGHT NOW.

Seeing Things For The First Time

Sinking into Artist-Time is sheer self-indulgence in a way and in another way, not at all! It is both and more. It is being present and open to:

heart emotion intuition dreams soul being feeling alive and on fire in every pore.

In Process - acrylic, pastel & charcoal on masonite - 48" x 48"

It is trusting the instincts of your hand, the brush, your colors and their combinations based upon years of loving them, knowing them, spending time with them, through devotion, nurturing and letting the paintings and colors nurture and heal oneself - it's all of this an so much more.

I can't imagine seeing the face of God/dess because She is everywhere and in everything.

Sometimes it may appear to others that we're being selfish, but how can we possibly feed and nourish others when we ourselves are starving? So we take and take and nourish and feed until sated and then we empty ourselves in giving, knowing that we will never go hungry again because now we understand what fullness means and we can share that knowing with all we meet. So far with this series - Journey Into Intimacy, I'm learning how not to finish a painting to perfection, but instead to let it be, not push it beyond where it wants to go, trusting completely in the process to guide me into a perfection I've never known before - non-attachment.

"I'm seeing things for the first time in my life." Sung by The Black Crowes ~ Seeing Things.

Musical Ambiance ~ The Black Crowes album, "Shake Your Money Maker" and Santana's album, "Supernatural".