My Interview with Susun Weed

It was a true delight :) Thank you for being on the show, we look forward to catching up with you in the future. ~ Susun Weed, The Voice of the Wise Woman Tradition
This was the conversation I've always wanted to have with Susun Weed - twas a blast! ~ Kathy Crabbe

Click below for my interview with Susun Weed - March 21, 2017

Susun Weed Interviews Kathy Crabbe

The ever amazing Susun Weed

We spoke of many things including Spring, soul readings and their meaning, my Lefty Oracle Deck, Goddess Epheseus (and testicles!), feminism,collaboration and being brave. I was delighted when Susun called my Leftys 'delicious'. Being interviewd by Susun was a bit like being on stage with a comedian - intense! I really had to focus to keep up. What a wild ride! Susun Weed is my absolute HERA (aka hero) in the healing world. I love her work and her radio show. If you have health questions, the first hour and a half is your chance to call in. The last half hour is my interview. Each Tuesday a different guest is interviewed. I also teach an eClass Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul at Susun's Wise Woman University.

Wildflower walk near my home in Temecula, CA

The Lefty Oracle Deck is launched! Sexy Sunflower says: 'stay flexible & bend with the wind.'

About Kathy: Kathy Crabbe is a soul reader, artist, writer and teacher who has been in business since 1993. She spent the first 27 years of her life in Ontario, Canada and now lives in Temecula, Southern California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves on five acres in the countryside surrounded by ancient oaks, native prickly pear cactus and an elfin forest.

 Soul Readings with Kathy