Entering the Light

Persephone AltarAnd again I face my Persephone Painting (the big one) and decide to create a smaller version before going any further (a linoblock print is next). And again I pull a Norse Rune to help me connect with Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld.

Channeling Persephone ~ A Ghostly Taleansuz - A God, Mouth

Persephone: "Meet me in the Circle" (there are ghosts everywhere), but we go deeper and deeper into the center, which is blood-red.

Persephone hands me a sphere also colored blood-red. "Drink, drink," she says and so I do and the sphere empties of colour and glows clear. "Now, you are one of us. You can see/hear/feel everything down here."

She puts a paintbrush in my hand and I'm back in the cave, as before, waiting to be guided to what I need to do. Persephone helps me stay focused on my purpose and not get distracted.

Me: (I realize this is how I like to work). A sunflower lights my way and I hold it with one hand and ask the dark spirits what to draw.

Dark Spirits: Go on.

Persephone: Your way is lit, your eyes shine through mine. March on, march on, march on.

Me: I see endless trails of white leading to souls; unhappy, trapped.

Persephone: Be with them, reassure them, show them the light - the source. Hold up your sphere. The sunflowers light your way.

And then, like a vacuum cleaner, or a moth to a flame, the soul's eyes open and they are sucked up and into the light by force of their will and their desire to be One with Source.

Me: What am I?

Persephone: You are the witness.

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

If you are interested in purchasing a Persephone Reading or an Ancestor Reading please click here.

The Time Is Now

Sometimes its sooooo hard to calm down and focus on painting, often due to feeling the pressure of everything else I have to do - I'm sure you know what I mean! How I Calm & Center (a really quick meditation that WORKS!)

Close my eyes. Deep breath. Sit with eyes closed, just listening. Breathing deeply. Relaxing my body. Checking in and asking, "How do I feel?" Picking music that fits my mood (eg. The album "Flow, River of My Soul" by Single Gun Theory) Letting the music energize and sweep me up. And I'm OFF and painting!!!

"The time is now." From the song "Transmission" by Single Gun Theory

In process - acrylic & charcoal on masonite - 48" x 48"

"Thank you forces of good, Thank you positivity, Thank you, joy." From the song "Metaphysical" by Single Gun Theory

The best feeling: like anything is possible!

Musical Ambiance: Flow, River of My Soul by Single Gun Theory


Sometimes it feels like I spend more time shutting out the world than I do being in it, through meditation, deep thinking, deep feeling. The time spent on this is immeasurable (a word?) - time does not equal money. How little money can we exist on? How to simplify so that basic needs are met, leaving room for art-making, play, deep reverie. A longing for one-ness with the universe, the Divine, the source, the thread connecting all I do. Sometimes we seek outside of ourselves to fill this emptiness, this loneliness felt deep within our soul, but outside sources can never fill this bottomless pit. Instead we need to recognize our yearning for what it truly is, a search for source, a longing for re-connection with our Divine self.

In process - acrylic and pastel on masonite - 48" x 48"

When we realize this - that our heart-home lies always within reach and that our true home is always within ourselves, we are home, we are blessed, we are free.

"I love the ground whereon he stands." From the song "Black Is The Colour" by Marcy D'arcy & The Prodigal Sons

Musical Ambiance: Women of the World Celtic II