Your Favorite Goddess - Part 2

I asked my Facebook Fan page members to write and tell me all about their favorite Goddesses in order to win an Astrology Goddess 14 page report and this is what they told me!

Jo Settle Sprouse (Asheville, NC):
I was originally called by Brigid, who knew I would accept her first on my pagan path. But I have grown closer to the river and sea goddesses as I have studied and practiced. At this time, I feel kin to Senua, as she was recently rediscovered in 2002, and is said to be a river goddess with healing and wisdom gifts. When I read about her rediscovery I felt drawn to her, as she has not been revered in years, and I am on an new-old path that my family has not walked in generations. I feel that her coming out again and my rediscovering this ancient path are linked spiritually.

Shannon Emigh New York, NY):

I've always liked Persephone, Greek goddess of the Underworld, daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Her tale is deliciously tragic, as she was abducted by Hades and whisked away to the Underworld to be its queen, while Demeter was left to grieve for her lost daughter. When Demeter discovered what had become of Persephone, she sunk into isolation, leaving the Earth to wither without its goddess of the harvest. Knowing that this couldn't endure, Zeus forced Hades to release Persephone, but before she left the Underworld, Hades gifted her with a pomegranate. When she ate of the fruit, it bound her to the Underworld for a third of the year for eternity. This myth is a very creative explanation for the different seasons. While Persephone is with Hades in the Underworld, nature begins to wilt entering into Fall and then Winter, and while she is back on Earth with her mother, nature is renewed entering into Spring and then Summer.
Heather Davis:
That's a hard one as I have many goddesses that I love, but if I had to make a decision I would have to pick Blodeuwedd, a welsh virgin Goddess of Spring. Her totemic form is an owl, the bird of wisdom and lunar mysteries.
One of the many Goddesses I honor is the Welsh Goddess Cerridwen, who was a shape-shifting goddess of prophetic powers, enchantment and divination. Her cauldron is a powerful symbol of transforming magic, and of the lessons learned through change and experience, as well as divine creative inspiration.
Dana Weekley (Trenton/Princeton, NJ):
Favorite Goddess - Dana - "Even though Dana is an Irish goddess, her name also has a depth of meaning in Sanskrit as well. Her name, as well as the name Pali in Sanskrit, means generosity and giving. The sub-context of this meaning is not only in giving, but in the joy someone receives when they give or donate without expecting anything in return, and seeing the recipients' happiness and delighting in it. It's funny how this description of this name from a totally different culture than that of the Irish conveys exactly what Dana represents in Ireland, an all caring Mother who loves to give to those who ask."
Susan Manning:
I am drawn to the Virgin of Guadalupe who some may not think of as a goddess but more of a patron saint for our area. She is known to appear to the innocents and to children but she is someone whom I turn to when I need help or am struggling with an issue. Qwan Yin is another goddess who hears the cries of the world and uses her many arms and eyes to pour her mercy down onto the world. Finally, I think of Lakshmi who is a goddess of abundance, when I feel lacking in any way. All three goddesses are represented in my room because they give me comfort.
Lola Fisher:
Goddess Qwan Yin, goddess of compassion brings me peace with waves of tears. Sometimes my own personal fears/tears other times fears/tears of earth, which brings me to the awareness of ONE, we are all ONE. With that comes peace.
Mary Miller (Columbus, OH):
Goddess I am honoring today: CIANNAIT. She is a Celtic-Gailic Goddess of water, inspiration, dreams and creativity. I chose her today because I find myself being drawn to water. This aspiration is to invite coolness, to calm the fires of Mars and allow my receptivity to come into view. Ciannait also can encourage communication between lovers and dreamers creating a balance between action and relaxation, something we all need. I sometimes forget this, hence why I am calling upon her today!

Your Favorite Goddess - Part 1

I asked my Facebook Fan and Group page members to write and tell me all about their favorite Goddesses in order to win an Astrology Goddess 14 page report and this is what they told me!
(This contest is still open for entries - the winner will be announced at the next New Moon - July 21, 2009)

Artemis - Sagittarian Goddess

Shawna Jamison (UC Riverside):
My favorite Goddess is Artemis, Greek Goddess of the Hunt. She's woodsy and outdoorsy like me, and never wanted to be forced into marriage. I feel a kinship to her because of these things; I love being outside and I don't want to define myself through a man. She is strong and independent, and I try to be that way myself.

Tracy Angelina Evans (Greenville, NC):
Lilith ~ much reviled by the Patriarchy, once a handmaiden to Inanna. She embodies the spirit of feminine freedom from the rules of the Father. "I would rather live in a cave on the edge of a torrential sea than lie under my equal!" Absolutely Lilith, my personal Mother of Memory, Lhihlhilshian Kela'Menan!

Margaret Hargett:
Quan Yin is my favorite Goddess since I have been attuned to the Violet Flame of love and compassion. She teaches us to practice a life of harmlessness, using great care to ease suffering in the world and not add to it in any way. Quan Yin always hears and answers our prayers and no special ritual is necessary to contact her. 'Om Mani Padme Hum', which means "Hail to the jewel in the lotus flower." While invoking her, I have seen her reddish mist and hot pink Orbs around me and over a small statue I have of her. May Many Angel Blessings surround All that Is, *Namaste*

Kuan-Yin - Capricorn Goddess

Meredith Laskow:

My favorite Goddess is Qu'an shi Yin (Ku'an Yin) because she was gifted to me. Years ago, when I was visiting the home of a friend, she said that back home in Taiwan, people bought small laminated cards of Gods and Goddesses, which they used as a focus for their prayers. The front of the card was a picture of the God/dess, and the flip side was a prayer invoking them and their attribute. My friend gave me the card for Qu'an shi Yin, because she said the Goddess worked through me and I embodied Her attribute of compassion. She said I should display the card to see it regularly (I do) and be reminded of the quality that shines through me the strongest.

Ix Chel - Aquarian Goddess

Maitri Libellule (Wilmington, NC):

I am a devotee of the Goddess and celebrate the new moon every month. I love your site and your work and am excited and delighted being a part of this. My favorite (so hard to choose, I have so many that I love) is Ixchel, Mayan Goddess of the Moon, protector of women in childbirth (I am a midwife, though no longer practicing, a childbirth educator and a La Leche League Leader), linked to the cycles of the moon; a weaver (I am a weaver) and she is often seen with a dragonfly. (My last name, Libellule, is dragonfly in French and the dragonfly is my totem animal and my home is Dragonfly Cottage.) I also wear pendants of Kwan Yin, Rhiannon, and Athena, but because of the moon/women/weaving/dragonfly connections Ixchel is the one I am most strongly drawn to at this time in my life.

Angela K. (Waco, Texas):
My favorite Goddess would have to be Cerridwen because she is the keeper of the cauldron of knowledge and inspiration, even if it is of the Underworld. As a Pagan, I have communicated with her numerous times and every single time, it has been helpful. Some people tend to forget that she does bring forth amazing inspiration, even if she does not rule above ground.

Deborah Stinson (Toledo, OH):
My favorite goddess is Athena. I guess I'm old school, since she's a Greek mythology goddess. Athena is not only the goddess of wisdom, she is also the goddess of arts and crafts including agriculture, navigation, spinning, weaving, and needlework. I don't know how she had time to go to war, but then we all make time for that, don't we? There are other interesting things about her too including that her father was Zeus and he gave birth to her. Weird.

The artwork featured in this article is from a series of 38 paintings I originally created as part of a experiential book/project/meditation that involved writing and painting all the astrological signs in conjunction with the moon as it passed through these signs over one month's time. I currently offer soul readings with this deck.

Don't forget to enter this goddess giveaway by telling me all about your favorite Goddess here on my Soul Reader Fan Page.

Sample of a Soul Reading (no questions)

What is a Soul Reading?

During a reading guidance is received from the Divine in response to your questions about love, career, healing, and karmic destiny. In some cases your spirit guides and ancestors will also pop in to say hello and share a message or two.

I work to prepare myself energetically and physically through yoga, meditation and chakra balancing. I work with oracle cards of my own design along with healing crystals in response to your questions. I request from Spirit an open heart and a clear channel to provide you with information that is only of the highest, deepest and most profound good for your soul. My style of reading is down-to earth, honest, and informative with conscientious follow-up!

A Soul Reading (no questions) Sample

*This reading is being shared with client permission*

My First Impressions:
- The first thing I looked at in your reading was your overall energy pattern and I sensed quite a bit of the color red, indicating anger.
- I sensed that someone was trying to run from you and this is why you are angry.

I also pulled a card from my Goddess Zodiac Power deck and it is called the “Libra Goddess.”

Libra has a gift for relationships of all types. Your challenge is to learn how to handle conflict, and not to take responsibility for everyone’s happiness, but to support others’ rights to self-responsibility.

Libra Affirmation:
"I am in harmony with the universe."
"My inner scales are in perfect balance."
"I see beauty all around me."

- I suggest that you work with a gemstone called Blue Topaz to help you clear your energy and clear the air.

Blue Topaz can help you to feel and release your anger. This can help you gain a better understanding of why this emotional pain is necessary for you right now.

- I see a priest, and you are talking to him for help.
- Getting lots of sleep and especially dreaming, will help you relax and work through things.
- I can see that your mother is there to help you also.

I pull a second card for you, to look further into the future and it is called Kuan Yin – Capricorn Goddess.”

Capricorn seeks effectiveness, integrity, practicality and self-sufficiency.

Capricorn Resources: self-discipline, common sense, logic, patience, persistence, self-sufficiency.

- I can see you shaking your head as if to say, “No” – you want more than just to have three children. You have a fire in you!

A piece of my stone collection, called Petrified Wood was also calling to me, meaning that a spirit guide or ancestor wanted to come through.

Petrified Wood allows us to access our roots or beginnings, which are stored on a cellular level, drawing strength and knowledge from our ancestors and our lineage. This allows us to “speak” to those who went before and gain wisdom from them. Honour where you have been, release the old, and allow yourself to move forward in a new direction.

- Your Grandma Eilee (Ailee?) wants you to align with her. She was a very sensible woman and I see her wearing bits of white lace around her face.
- She also liked to cook fish!
- I see her wagging her finger at you and saying, “Don’t go with that boy!”

To end this soul reading I am sending you a blessing to surround you with clarity during this time of transition.

You can book a soul reading on my website -

Celebrate Your Inner Capricorn Goddess

Happy Birthday Capricorns!
December 22 - January 20 (approximately)

Kuan Yin Poem
Mercy, compassion, grace
China’s beloved Goddess chose this place
To stay and guide enlightened mind
Call her name and peace you’ll find.

Mode: Cardinal
Element: Earth
Color: Dark grey, black, brown, slate blue, rich winter earth colors
Gemstone: Quartz, jet, onyx, turquoise
Tree: Birch, willow, pine, elm
Herb: comfrey, hemp, hemlock, henbane
Food: meat, potatoes, barley, beet, spinach, malt, starchy foods
Animal: Goat (with a fish tail), snow goose
Body Area: Skin, teeth, bones, knees
Tarot Card: The Devil
Goddesses: All crones, Kuan Yin, Tiamat, Dam-Kina, Anatu

The goddess painting above was painted as part of my Goddess Zodiac series - LuLu Design
It became a part of a book I wrote - The Zodiac Goddess Playbook
as well as a deck of oracle cards that I use for psychic readings - LuLu Design (on Etsy)

Newly added to my blog: The Soul Reader Reference Library - just scroll down and you'll see it in the right hand column. It is a list of my most favorite reference books that I turn to for information and inspiration!