This month to help us celebrate the New Moon in Capricorn on January 16, I want you to simply relax and allow me to pull a Lefty Oracle card for you. As I do this, I hear your voices and feel our heart's connecting and filling the deck with love and compassion. Blessed Be.
Lefty Oracle Card of the Month
New Moon Reading by Kathy Crabbe
Fairy in the Raw from the Lefty Oracle Deck
This Capricorn New Moon we can let our hair down just a bit, knowing that we are guided. Ask for guidance right now and just wait and see what happens. I am. And 'ding' a buzzer goes off in my kitchen to remind me that yes, I am present 100% and yes, the gods do have a sense of humour!
There is a little opening right now during this New Moon, where, if you open your third eye enough, you will see the treasure. What is yours?
Thank your guides for this brief insight and dwell in it long enough to claim it as yours and also long enough to learn how to use it. Journal about it in your Moon Journal.
Kudos to you! May your Cappie New Moon insight bring you many blessings indeed.
Luv and Sparklies,
Kathy Crabbe
Fairy in the Raw (from the Lefty Oracle Guidebook)
Mantra: I am naked.
Affirmation: I am raw and beautiful in my truth.
Element: Air
Purchase a Lefty Oracle Deck + 92 page Guidebook here.
Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul eClass ~ Capricorn Term Begins January 16, 2018
If you find this kind of stuff captivating, why not join me in a 4 week Moon Guided Exploration starting just before the New Moon on Jan. 16. Sign up here.
About Kathy: Kathy Crabbe is a soul reader, artist, writer and teacher who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through soul readings, classes, inspirational art and online resources infused with a rich background in the arts. Kathy's work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine, Art for the Soul and San Diego Women’s History Museum. She has taught and mentored at Wise Woman University, Mt. San Jacinto College and HGTV along with starting a writer’s group, artist’s circle and arts mixer in her town. She lives and works in Temecula, California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves.