Winter Solstice 12-21-12

What did the stable hand do when he had seen the face of God? . . . he returned to the stable. ~ from Meditations with Meister Eckhart by Matthew Fox

In response to the question many of you are asking me, "What's going to happen on 12-21-12, the 'end of the Mayan Calender' and the Winter Solstice?" my short reply is "I'm returning to the stable" and by that I mean:

  • Meditating at 11:11 am on 12-21-12

  • Painting

  • Journaling

  • Being in nature > here's a slide show of what that looks like.

  • Loving

Kathy Crabbe, For Per, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 48 x 48”.

Kathy Crabbe, For Per, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 48 x 48”.

Insights from my favorite astrologer, Barbara Hand Clow & Gerry Clow in Alchemy of Nine Dimensions:

So how are you finding yourself today? Are you ready to address any imperfections you may find, with neutrality, and even with some self-love? Good. You are on the path to taking responsibility for your own wellness and stability.  (Gerry Clow)

If your home is not stable, see what is making it unstable and make it stable. Your home is a direct reflection of your own body, of your own stability.  A home can be a van, a tent, a mansion: All are worthless if they are not stable, and priceless if they are. (Gerry Clow)

So, awareness first. Then, what to do about it. Being aware is the first step. The second, immediately after the first, is not judging yourself, Say to yourself: This is how I am finding myself today. That is what is called being neutral - not positive, or negative, just neutral. (Gerry Clow)

For most indigenous people, the New Year is the Spring Equinox, and that is the time to manifest! The first three months of the new year up to the Summer Solstice are the time to receive and actualize things. The next three months up to the Fall Equinox are the time to develop these things, and the three months up to the Winter Solstice are the time to complete what we have been creating. The final three months in the winter up to the next Spring Equinox are the time to go into deep contemplation about the larger meaning of these creations. Then the new Spring Equinox is the time to create new manifestations for another whole year...Once you really see all the potential you have, ordering your life by the seasons and the lunar cycles and using manifestation become essential.

The reason most people get stuck in meaningless jobs (and lives) is because they follow orthodox belief systems. In my life, I've watched many people disempower themselves by seeking the divine, instead of just finding it in nature or in other beings by loving them.

By following whims and creating new realities in 3D, the corresponding mist thickens and new things manifest instantly in the solid world. Have you ever followed up on an intriguing course of action, and it manifested so quickly that you could hardly handle the results? This is a sign you are really in tune. Creation works best when you move quickly to grasp the potential or seize the moment.

To organize cycles on Earth, the great being in the Galactic Center - Tzolk'in - created the Mayan calendar to orchestrate Earth's evolution. Calendars are formats for spiritual masters who orchestrate specific time waves by working with the Keepers of all nine dimensions. Tzolk'in, the Keeper of 9D, is orchestrating events on Earth for this twenty-five year period (from 1987-2012 - galactic synchronization)...We are coming to the end of this long game (going on for 26,000 years), when the activation in the Galactic Center opens our crowns. The rest of our time through 2012 will be truly memorable, and working with our minds is where we already have the most skill. Now we need to discern - and master - frequencies.

The Mayan calendar has now become the operating manual for human potential, and it is one of the few things in 3D that makes any sense. It is a huge time wave that functions as an attractor in the sky that is sucking us into a new stage of development, the apotheosis of Earth's biology. We are the pinnacle, and the transmutation of our reptilian minds will send us into the stars if we can learn to respect our planet.

Life on Earth will not end: Instead, Earth will expand into the Milky Way, which the Selfish Biocosm hypothesis predicts; "Baby Universes" will be intelligently designed and sent out to populate the universe.

Recommended listening: Journeys through Nine Dimensions by composer Michael Stearns. Alchemy of Nine Dimensions by Barbara Hand Clow

New Offerings on My Website: Astrology Report Deluxe ~ 49.95 ~ Order here

What you will receive:

1.      A 25-30 page computer generated natal birth chart astrology report that includes a beautifully illustrated cover page (you can choose a spirit animal for the cover) created by Kathy. *A great way to introduce yourself to astrology and makes a great gift too! Click here for a Sample Report.

2.      Your astrological birth chart wheel in color.

3.      Links to websites that will help you understand and interpret the symbols and language of your birth chart wheel.

4.      A Bonus 16 page intuitive, spiritual Natal Chart Astrology Report (computer generated) discussing areas of heightened activity, the planets, your ascendant, and the moon’s nodes.

5.      Delivery of your reports within 48 hours plus email support and follow-up.

Your choice of 2 bonus reports (computer generated):

a. 12 page Time Line Report: A three month forecast that looks at major events in your life, including monthly highlights.

b. 14 page Goddess Asteroids Report to shed new light on the important areas of emotion and experience plus greater insight into how you interact with the rest of the world.

c. 22 page Friends or Lovers Report: To offer you insights into a specific relationship. This will require the birthdate/time/place of 2 people.

d. 26 page Past Lives Report.

e. 25-30 page Career Opportunities Report to discover the personal characteristics, talents and inclinations that provide the key to fulfillment in your career endeavors. Click here to view a sample report.

The Six Polarities

My moon-work is based upon the particular sign of the zodiac that the moon enters during it's cycle and I keep in mind the six polarities pictured below for each moon phase.

The diagram below is from Barbara Hand Clow's book titled The Pleiadian Agenda.

The Six Polarities

Barbara writes: The zodiacal system of twelve is simply an arbitrary division of six 4D polarities, six of the night and six of the day, which is a good tool for decoding fields of emotional experience in 3D. This lexicon of energy forces shows how 4D ideas trigger events in 3D. Each poloarity is a spectrum from dark to light. Each individual system of twelve is unique and is triggered out of its own unique center, its 1D beginning point. Dimensionality is vertical, and the system of twelve divisions are horizontal planes. ...the division of twelve is the one that facilitates harmony on Earth, as has been extensively proven by John Michell, co-author of Twelve-Tribe Nations.

Geocentric astrology - viewing the solar system and beyond from a location on Earth - is the most advanced tools you have in 3D for decoding the time and quality of your unfoldment. As we have said, the fourth dimension is where your emotional body resides. It is profoundly ruled by the archetypal planetary forces of your own solar system. The qualities and relationships of these planetary bodies actually do express your personal unfoldment. Literally do the cycles of Mars generate your feeling of power and anger! Without geocentric astrology, it is very difficult for most of you to master your emotional bodies, to be objective and observational about your day-to-day activities...You can examine the planetary cycles, delineate their qualities, and prepare yourself for various periods in your life.

Astrology enables you to look at how the drama of life is artificially pressed into past, present, and future. This enables you to gain perspective on emotions as you feel them - to watch the feeling realm to detect agendas, dramas, potentialities, and spirits impulsing you. Once you master this level of self-observation or self-reflections, then you realize that your access to other worlds is available precisely in these feelings. Feelings are awesome because they are your nonphysical vibratory field that is resonating in 4D through 9D. Once you attain that perspective, you cannot be impulsed or jerked around by any vibration. Many fascinating patterns rise out of your emotional and spiritual richness and give you access to scintillating pools of dark creativity and dance of light dynamics.

Excerpted from The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow.