Spring has Sprung AND it’s the fiery, impulsive New Moon in ARIES on April 11.
So, get ready to give yourself a soul reading by picking-a-card from one of my 4 hand painted oracle decks pictured above. The reveal is below. First, take a few relaxed breaths and then make a wish.
By the way, both Spring and the New Moon are THE BEST TIME to set your intentions for the moonth (and the year) ahead. At the bottom of this post you’ll also find a 13 minute video filmed in an incredible succulent/cactus garden in bloom near my home in Temecula, California.
“I Will Survive and Thrive” is the affirmation of the month so say it loud and say it proud.
New Moon in Aries Soul Reading
Card 1: Ande was ready for any adventure (Lefty Oracle Deck)
Mantra: I am brave.
Affirmation: I am ready for any adventure.
Element: Fire
Ande was ready for any adventure (Lefty Oracle Deck)
I am strong, brave, and ready;
a warrior in heart, mind and body.
I am prepared, excited, and lucky;
armed with knowledge,
grounded and guided by intuition.
Whatever happens
I will survive AND thrive.
I am blessed
and oh, so grateful
for being alive.
If this card appears in a reading get ready for an adventure! It may be external or internal; in the mundane world or in the magical realms. You are prepared, your mind clear, and your heart steady. If you don’t yet know the destination or when you’ll arrive that is okay too. It will be revealed in time. Trust that you ARE on the right path and that you will be guided. Signposts will appear along the way. Trust is required as well as surrender. So be present and enjoy the journey.
In my own life I have used this card to help a loved one pass over to the Other Side. She was adventurous so this card appealed to her and helped her trust the blessings of her final journey.
Creative Journal Prompt
Imagine that you’re heading out next week for the adventure of a lifetime; what will you pack? Describe.
Card 2: Sagittarius Goddess (Goddess Zodiac Power Deck)
Sagittarius Goddess by Kathy Crabbe (Zodiac Goddess Power Deck)
Sagittarius Affirmations
I stretch my horizons to envision the big big picture
I see the glorious possibilities in everything
I am free of all restrictions
I inhale optimism, courage and speed
I trust in life
I am lucky
My courage protects me and my sisters and brothers
Card 3: Flying Fish (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck)
Flying Fish by Kathy Crabbe (Elfin Ally Oracle Deck
Keyword: Free
Meaning: Your heart is free to follow your delight.
Reversed: Things are taking way too long and your patience is wearing thin.
Affirmation: I am daring.
Astrology: Cancer, Moon, Neptune, Pisces
Element: Water
Medicine: Your secrets reveal a way forward.
Lore: On air or in water, she could swim with Flying Fish, her ally, by her side. Sunshine and blue depths healed her inside so that she could dream, dance, and splash her cares away.
She was a dreamer AND a doer and Flying Fish led the way: to sunnier shores, where magic and lovers danced and swayed.
Card 4: Cowslip Cat (Cat Herbal Oracle Deck)
Cowslip Cat by Kathy Crabbe (Cat Herbal Oracle Deck)
“My spirit opens, I am beloved.”
Cowslip or ‘Fairy Cup’ is a favorite of old herbals and a plant of the working people dedicated to Freya. Helpful in banishing depression especially after the death of a loved one. Use in funereal wreaths and talismans to contact spirits. Also in Beltane love potions, for friendship, abundance, direction and finding hidden treasures.
Astrology: Aries, Leo, Venus
Deity: Freya
Element: Water
Healing: Nervous system, lungs
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader + Artist
If you are seeking inspiration and spiritual guidance you may want to consider a soul reading, past life reading, astro report or ancestral/spirit guide reading for further insight. All readings are here.
I work solely with oracle cards from my own hand painted decks. I teach and contribute to the Creative Cronies Moon Diary, California Women’s Museum, Witches and Pagans/Sage Woman Magazine and Wise Woman School.