Happy New Moon in Cancer! This is a great time to go within, sink into the beauty and ponder the deep questions. To help you I've pulled a Lefty Oracle Card and include her Mantra and what she means below.
Gloria simply adored herself by Kathy Crabbe (Lefty Oracle Deck)
Gloria simply adored herself
Mantra: I am respected.
Affirmation: I am fabulous and so are you!
Element: Air
If this card appears in a reading you need appreciation, respect and love from yourself. It’s time to take a stand and show the world your truth. If you lack confidence or fear exposure, start small and acknowledge your truth in your heart first and then choose one other person to share it with; someone who will listen and hear all you have to say. Each day take one more baby step and tell one more person. It may be through writing or art or singing or crafting or baking, but know that it’s an expression of your truth in all its beauty.
In my own life I choose to share the best of myself through my monthly writing and art at the new and full moon in my online museletter and on my blog.l
Watch my 1 minute Gloria Video here.
Purchase a Lefty Oracle deck and 92 page Guidebook here.
Cancer New Moon Altar by Kathy Crabbe