For Creative Soul Museletter Subscribers re: Sagittarius New Moon - The link mentioned in my latest Museletter was intended to take you here: Hand Clow AstroFlash (scroll down to read more about the New Moon in Sagittarius) - sorry for any confusion!
Taurus Full Moon November 21, 2010 9:27 am pst
The Taurus Full Moon on November 21st awakens the five senses, reconnects us with our animal selves, reminds us of the magic of the natural world. The Moon is considered "exalted" -- at her strongest -- in the earthy, luscious, sensual sign of the Bull. Amping up the power, this Full Moon activates the very last degree of Taurus, implying major completions and culminations.
The Sun in Scorpio, since October 23rd, shines the light on what's hidden beneath the surface, stirs up intense emotions, and animates our relationship with the invisible realm. Scorpio rules all things mysterious, secret and taboo. The purpose of Scorpio's Underworld journey is to strip away what's become stagnant or diseased, reconnect us with our priorities and mission, and regenerate passion for what really matters.
While Scorpio embraces core-level transformation, Taurus seeks comfort, stability and abundance. When this polarity is in balance, we let go of what we've outgrown to make space for what we really want, and we have the support and resources we need to pursue our passions. We appreciate and celebrate the simple pleasures of ordinary life, without ignoring or repressing the deeper and darker layers of reality.
Because Taurus is a "fixed" sign, this is an ideal Full Moon for letting go of literal and metaphorical "stuff." Whatever you release -- a habit, belief, emotional attachment... -- is likely to stay away for good. What are you holding onto that's blocking the flow of your natural abundance?
Honor the Taurus Full Moon by spending time in nature, pampering your body with a massage or long bath, savoring a delicious meal, communing with your companion animals and/or house plants. Drum, sing or dance, sculpt with clay, put your garden to bed. Connect with the Fairies, Devas, Plant Spirits and Animal Spirits. Ask how you can best use your natural talents and resources to serve our home planet in these critical times.
Emily’s Bio
I fell in love with astrology when I was 13 and read Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. Suddenly the world made sense! I’ve been a passionate student of the cosmic science ever since. The more I learn, the more I’m humbled by its elegance, power and profound mystery. I started giving readings professionally in 1999.
I also have a background in creative arts – writing, painting and movement – and founded Portland Women Writers. I love working with other artists and writers to offer support for breaking through blocks and increasing access to the creative flow.
To purchase the artwork featured above, a Creative Soul Guide by the name of “Gloria” please click the link! Or if you’re just dying to see more of these oracle card guides, here’s a smattering or two on Flickr.