A Spirit Guide Reading for Holli

About Spirit Guide Readings:

Spirit Guides are wise teachers and guardians from another dimension that advise and protect us. They are dis-incarnate spirits (ie. animal totems, angels, nature spirits) that can act as spiritual counselors or protectors for us, during our time of need. I will also provide you with suggestions and techniques for connecting to your guides on your own. You can order a spirit guide reading here on my website.

A Spirit Guide Reading for Holli

*This reading is being shared with client permission.

This reading is in response to your wish for a connection with your spirit guides.

The first image I receive is of tigers!

The Tiger as your personal totem has this meaning: Tigers are considered to represent yang energy, and are also a solar animal which associates them with the sun, summer and fire symbolism.

Asian lore considers the tiger to be the protector of the dead, and tigers will often be seen in graves as a mark of protection, assuring peace for those who have passed.

I am also drawn towards working with banded gemstones for your reading such as Tiger’s Eye and Petrified Wood.

Petrified Wood allows us to access our roots or beginnings, which are stored on a cellular level, drawing strength and knowledge from our ancestors and our lineage. This allows us to “speak” to those who went before and gain wisdom from them. Honour where you have been, release the old, and allow yourself to move forward in a new direction.

At first your guides are very suspicious and protective of you – they want to make sure that my intentions are pure and honourable before I am able to connect with them!

An Exercise to Help You Connect with Your Guides

Next, they suggest an exercise that will help you to connect with them more easily. They suggest creating a circle of stones by surrounding yourself with yellow gemstones such as Calcite. This can be done literally or through visualization. To begin you are to get comfortable within this circle and to remain calm and centered.

Yellow Calcite promotes heightened awareness and truth. It encourages certainty and sureness, memory enhancement and quick thinking.

You are to realize that you are indeed protected here. You can also say some prayers as well as acknowledging the elements, earth, air, fire, water, your ancestors and The Great Spirit along with Grandmother Earth and Grandfather Sky. Nothing can harm you within this circle – you are safe.

Next, you are to ask to connect with your guides and to say: “Show yourself, send me a sign.” I am now seeing a long line of guides waiting to see you!

First I see a mother holding her baby. She is very warm, loving and nurturing. She is there for you – you are always a part of her and you like to watch her caring for her little one.

Next I see a Native American dancer wearing a wolf head (or it could be a coyote head). I also hear the name “Raymond”. He offers you protection as well.

The Wolf as Totem has this particular meaning: Deeply emotional, and wholly passionate, the Wolf is the lover of the zodiac in both the physical and philosophical sense of the word. The Wolf understands that all we need is love, and is fully capable of providing it. Juxtaposed with his/her fierce independence – this Native American animal symbol is a bit of a contradiction in terms. Needing his/her freedom, yet still being quite gentle and compassionate – we get the picture of the "lone wolf" with this sign. In a nurturing environment the Wolf is intensely passionate, generous, deeply affectionate, and gentle. Left to his/her own devices the Wolf can become impractical, recalcitrant, obsessive, and vindictive.

I also see someone in a cloud. I believe it’s an Angel – she is so glorious! I can only feel her energy (not really see her) and she is so bright (I catch glimpses of yellow) that it brings tears of joy to my eyes. She shines Grace upon you. And she says to you, “Listen to your heart (of course) and your guides. Then lie down beneath a blanket of stars and let the stars infiltrate your being so that you are one with them. Then you will fly and be free. There is much good for you to do in this world and although you may feel unsupported, we are here.”

I’m also given an image of a red hand-knit sweater that is quite small, as if it was meant for a child. This sweater is some sort of talisman for you. You are also a fierce protector yourself.

Next I pull a card for you from my Lefty Oracle Deck and it is called “Crazee Janice dancing as fast as she can”.

Because the Lefty cards were all drawn with my non-dominant left hand, the ‘intuitive’ hand (controlled by the right brain) they do not come with any kind of written interpretation. That part is up to you, so go with your intuition and trust whatever images, thoughts or feeling come up. It’s time to trust yourself and put your intuition to work – go!

I do believe that this card is indicating that you are in the middle of a whirlwind of events right now and you’re just doing your best to stay sane and catch up, but to know that this too will pass, so stay the course - ’steady as she goes’!

You will grow into your role and your uncertainty will turn to grace and strength and grounded-ness for you have touched the Divine and you know your place here on Earth - thus you are free.

I’m ending your reading by sending you a blessing and a prayer and surrounding you with light, love and quiet, fierce knowing.

Holli's Response: Yes I received the reading. Thank you :) It resonated with me strongly. My mother died when I was four so the first person coming through being a mother wasn't too much of a surprise. My name is actually Scottish not Indian, but I have begun to have more of a focus o nature/pagan spirituality so it was nice to see an Indian. I have also been focusing lately on how to communicate better with them. It seems that I have been asking for a sign, and just not getting it, so the message of how to communicate with them certainly was an answer to that question. I still am not seeing the signs from them, but I am going to keep trying :)

I just found it fascinating that you had an interest in the images as tarot-type cards - that thought had not even crossed my mind - so thanks for thinking of it!

If you are interested in purchasing a Spirit Guide Reading please click on the link to find out more.

Connecting with the Ancestors (Mediumship)

When I work as a medium to make a connection with the ancestors I find that it stirs up many emotions for my clients: ~ feelings of joy and sadness ~ eternal love ~ recognition of undying bonds with loved ones ~ feelings of security and trust that loved ones are always near by ~ release and forgiveness ~ conversation ~ reconciliation ~ strengthening of bonds ~ connection ~ a deep and peaceful knowing and trust in the Divine

In their own words:

"I just wanted to let you know that I am focusing on what I really want...and working on the visualizing that Grandma communicated to you. I feel more centered, and more on track that I have for ages." Simone, Australia

"Your Ancestor Reading gave me a HUGE exhale moment. Emotions that I have buried far too long are being released...although it is sad, it is also cleansing. I have waited 32 years to exhale. Each day since the reading, I am taking the pieces you handed me and filling in the spaces. You have opened up a whole new world for me...thank you doesn't begin to describe my gratitude." RuthAnn Dickinson, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

"Now I am able to block out unwanted contacts from "the other side" virtually all of the time and when something does get through, it no longer freaks me out...I'm sleeping better and I'm not afraid all the time." Aleta.

This post was inspired by a recent 'spirit conversation' that I held with my own ancestors - my paternal grandparents, Ethel and Jim - a feisty, truthful, and very helpful chat. Thanks dear ones!

Our Special Club - What To Do if Your Child Sees Dead People

Jamie sees ghosts...all the time. So when her oldest son started seeing them too, she knew it was time to face facts and admit what was happening, not just for her own peace of mind, but for her son's sake as well. This is her story.

"Our Special Club" - Jamie's Story

Something I have spent the majority of my life avoiding is ghosts. I have had interactions with them for as long as I can remember and if you ask my mom, even before I can remember. I have avoided them partially out of fear built up over the years, but originally I avoided them because of the stigma and the loneliness I experienced being that kind of “different”.

I’ve decided to stop avoiding them. I’m taking baby steps to embrace this ability and learn what I need to learn to still feel in control of my pragmatic life. Why now? What changed?

My son. My gifted oldest is my main "Why". I have 2 sons, but only one has exhibited signs that are all too familiar to me. It began in his infancy. He woke up many nights screaming and trembling and seeming genuinely frightened by something. He would also tell us how “shadows were pinching him” and how all the talking in his room was keeping him awake. We’ve also watched him play and interact with people we couldn’t see. He has been able to answer questions or complain about orders that haven’t been spoken out loud, but were being thought of at that exact moment. This particular skill has lessened over his five years, but we still have a kid with an extraordinary gift on our hands.

I want him to feel supported and accepted. I want him to know that someone understands what he’s dealing with, but first, I must allow myself to accept my own “gift”. How can I lead and support him unless I do?

In the beginning, my husband and I decided to listen to him and his experiences and make sure he felt heard and never tell him he was wrong or imagining things (because that's what caused my stress as a kid). I didn’t want to ask leading questions or make a big deal of it. I thought just listening would be enough.

I was wrong.

His anxiety continued to grow. What I didn’t take into consideration was the rest of the world’s reactions to his stories. As a parent, sometimes I forget that I am not the entire world to this baby (excuse me, five year old…) anymore. He was still terrified of the dark and being alone and he still seemed hesitant to share what he was experiencing.

The constant feedback he was receiving from the world in general (friends, grandma, television, etc.) was that ghosts aren’t real. Imagine how confusing this must have been for him! What I realized was that I was not helping by simply listening to him without judgment. He needed validation.

One day, I made a choice to have a conversation with him, an event that I thought would happen much later down the road, but I knew it couldn’t wait. It was sad and frustrating to watch him react in such an anxious way to his experiences and, it was bleeding over into all of his everyday experiences, not just the paranormal ones.

We sat down one afternoon and discussed the way he and I are “special”. I explained that I knew what he was seeing and hearing was real, but not everyone else agreed. As the words rolled off my tongue, I could see the anxiety being lifted. He and I had our own special club. For the first time in a while, I saw a child-like lightness in him. We talked about how some people just can’t see or hear what we do, so they don’t believe it’s real. And we talked about the people in our lives that DO believe us, and how maybe we should only talk to those people about our experiences. You may think that this was too much for a five year old to comprehend, but he clearly got it. The smile on his face showed me that.

He was so excited about our special club, that as soon as his daddy got home, he promptly told him that he and I had this club that daddy was not invited to be a part of because he was not special like us.

That simple conversation has changed things for us around here for the better. His general anxiety level with day to day things has lessened dramatically. Now, when he hears a “voice”, being the logical and analytical kid he is, he will check first to make sure it wasn’t another living person in the house. When he learns it wasn’t a friend or family member, he usually just shrugs and goes about his business. He now tells us these experiences in a very matter-of-fact way.

In the beginning it was my gifted son who was my "Why", but along the way I have collected several others and I continue to work with them in our special club on an ongoing basis.

You can participate in Jamie's Special Online Clubs at:

Her Website - ReluctantMedium.com

Her Facebook Page

Readings by Kathy Crabbe - Soul Reader: For those interested in a mediumship reading to connect with the dearly departed I do offer readings at http://KathyCrabbe.com

Channeling the Grandparents

My baby squirrel buddy from yesterday turned up again today and needed rescuing, along with another baby squirrel, from yet another family (my pup tends to discover them and drag them around our property.) This didn't bode well for squirrel #1, so he kicked #2 off the bed, along with the turquoise stone I had tucked in beside them, for healing purposes!

I had the feeling that perhaps today was not going to be Anais Nin's day for coming through (being channeled by me, that is) And I was right! Instead of Anais, my birth grandparents popped in (I'm adopted so that's why they are known as my "birth" grandparents.)

Finding Ethel & Jim
Ethel and Jim Simpkins, argumentative as usual - no wonder the squirrels weren't getting along! This time they were arguing over me and whom I should emulate! So I promised Jim, who also happened to be a cartoonist and creator of Jasper the Bear, "the most recognizable Canadian cartoon character of the 20th century," that I would be sure to faithfully draw and sketch every day, and, as for Ethel, she already knows that I'm following in her footsteps by pursuing my spiritualist, channeling work. She visited Edgar Cayce's headquarters (the 'Sleeping Prophet') back in her day and was studying metaphysics as well. I just wish I'd been able to get to know them better...I didn't find them until I was 26 years old.

Love Is The Answer!
Today I realized, once again, that love is the answer, and it's really just a matter of figuring out how best to deliver our gift to the world. How best can we share that love without getting caught up in all the details? Not all of us care to delve deeply into what these details might mean, but I'm learning that my job is all about sharing these details; details about spirit guides and ancestors, who they were, who they are becoming, what they learned, what they have to say to us, how they are guiding us and watching over us; yes our ancestors still continue to grow and learn on the Other Side! It's my gift to be able to connect with our ancestors, share their love, their lessons and the tears that inevitably accompany these kinds of revelations; our souls never die, and that's the truth.

Channeling defined: n. The act or practice of serving as a medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with living persons.

Channeling Anais Nin

"I leap like a squirrel about Paris, laughing at astrological predictions."
Anais Nin from Incest

Today I rescued a sodden baby squirrel and communicated with Anais Nin - a coincidence? Perhaps.

This is what she told me:

"You are to channel for creative folk with money. You will have a boat and travel doing this."

Squirrel Medicine:
"The gathering power of squirrel medicine is a great gift. It teaches you how to gather and store your energy for times of need...Its message is to be prepared, but not to go nuts...love yourself enough to gather the goods that will meet your needs in times of scarcity, even if that time never comes. Honor your future, by readying yourself for change." From Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson

I was very drawn to work with Angelite, a beautiful, pale, angelic blue stone.

Angelite (Anhydrite, Blue Druzy) helps stabilize the emotions and the physical and emotional bodies. It calms and enhances creativity and psychic ability, and helps one speak up, teach or perform. Angelite also aids meditation and psychic healing and promotes empathy and compassion for all life, as it calms and comforts us with the realization that we are never really alone.

Anais Nin Suggests:
Anais suggested that I surround myself with Middle Eastern fabrics, to create a cocoon, and that I was to publish these conversations with her.

She also suggested that I continue with my printmaking endeavours and that I will eventually show this work on my boat.

She also wants me to reiterate my specialty, in regards to my soul readings. So here goes:

My Specialty:
I am a channel for healing guidance, not so much for prophecy, but more for creative guidance and healing in connection with your spirit guides, the ancestors and your past lives.

My main spirit guides are Annie the Elder and Dan, a Native American Indian guide.

I also work with crystals and astrological wisdom to facilitate healing and growth.

Me at the Gypsy Den, Costa Mesa, CA.