When I work as a medium to make a connection with the ancestors I find that it stirs up many emotions for my clients:
~ feelings of joy and sadness
~ eternal love
~ recognition of undying bonds with loved ones
~ feelings of security and trust that loved ones are always near by
~ release and forgiveness
~ conversation
~ reconciliation
~ strengthening of bonds
~ connection
~ a deep and peaceful knowing and trust in the Divine
In their own words:
"I just wanted to let you know that I am focusing on what I really want...and working on the visualizing that Grandma communicated to you. I feel more centered, and more on track that I have for ages." Simone, Australia
"Your Ancestor Reading gave me a HUGE exhale moment. Emotions that I have buried far too long are being released...although it is sad, it is also cleansing. I have waited 32 years to exhale. Each day since the reading, I am taking the pieces you handed me and filling in the spaces. You have opened up a whole new world for me...thank you doesn't begin to describe my gratitude." RuthAnn Dickinson, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
"Now I am able to block out unwanted contacts from "the other side" virtually all of the time and when something does get through, it no longer freaks me out...I'm sleeping better and I'm not afraid all the time." Aleta.
This post was inspired by a recent 'spirit conversation' that I held with my own ancestors - my paternal grandparents, Ethel and Jim - a feisty, truthful, and very helpful chat. Thanks dear ones!