Aquamarine Insights

Looking for assistance, I placed a small piece of Aquamarine, my Gemini Gemstone Guide (in honour of the previous New Moon in Gemini) under my pillow last night and found myself absorbing fresh insights as I slept. I wouldn't call them answers exactly, just insights, mainly about balance.

Balance is something especially important for those of us working from home as we juggle life and work.

Last night I attended opening night of the 44th Annual Sawdust Art Festival in Laguna Beach where I had been an exhibitor from 1995 to 2001. I spoke briefly with a new artist about his ceramic jewelry which I'd been admiring for it's simplicity. We spoke of artistic balance; his booth was filled with creative designs that were all the same size so I asked him about making a few large, dramatic pieces and he agreed that working like that was especially fun and exciting artistically speaking.

So my question for you, dear readers is, "Are you allowing your strengths and talents to shine forth or are you keeping them hidden? What is your number one strength and how are you expressing that gift in a balanced way?"

With that in mind, I found a bit of time today to balance all my hard work with a visit to my painting studio just to sit and write and ponder upon a new painting. I allowed myself a short nap underneath two giant old oaks as I enjoyed the sensation of dappled sunshine upon my skin, my faithful mutt Abby nestled by my side.

What kind of balance could you achieve between your life and work within the next twenty-four hours? Why not try it sometime,  it feels sooooo good!

Soul Healing Tips - Which Path To Pursue?

Have you recently been trying to figure out which path to take? Do you find yourself faced with several options as you struggle to determine which one is the best for you at this particular time?

To start this soul healing journey I suggest some meditation; some quiet time alone to help you focus and recharge your soul's batteries.

Next I suggest working with a natural volcanic glass (by placing it over your third eye - between your eyebrows) called Mahogany Obsidian or with an image of this glass if you don't have the real thing.

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian is ideal for dispelling feelings of unworthiness that hold one back from fulfilling one’s potential. Affirmation: “I am worthy of the blessings of a good and fruitful life”.

Now, imagine yourself going deep, deep within your soul as you envision a small dark room appearing before you. There are several doorways in this room, but only one of them calls out to you - this is the one that you are most drawn to and you must open the door! Quick, write down your first impressions - what do you see, feel, hear - what is behind this door? The answers will reveal to you what it is you are looking for at this time in your life.

To the left of this doorway is another path representing an alternate route - one that you feel you 'should' be taking, but are not necessarily pulled towards. "Should" has always been a nasty word to me, it doesn't represent our soul's yearning so much as what we're told to do or are expected to do. Envision yourself walking down that path and write down how that makes you feel - first impressions only - quick!

Rose Quartz

Next, we will work with your heart energy and for this a Pink (Rose) Quartz stone is required (or the image of one). You can place this stone or hold a sphere near to your heart and focus on your breathing, until you feel perfectly relaxed, warm and fuzzy inside.

Then ask yourself, "What is my highest purpose in regards to the door that I just opened and towards the path I envisioned to the left of the doorway"?

Do you see any similarities? What is it about the "should" pathway that is so dis-comforting, scary, unpleasant, distasteful? Request from Spirit/God/Divine that a way be shown to you so that you can partake of this "should" pathway in a way that works for you.


Working with Charoite can increase the likelihood of synchronicities in one’s life. If one learns to notice these and the messages they imply, one can move through life as if guided by a golden thread, and the pathless path of one’s highest potential will be revealed.

For this part of the Soul Healing I suggest working with a gemstone called Chaorite, by placing it over your third eye), but any purple gemstone will do. Now stop struggling and just meander down that left handed pathway for a little while knowing that you can always ask for guidance and it will come to you when needed. And of course remembering that if you want to speed things up you can always contact me for a soul reading!

Blessed Bee, Sparkly Blessings and Peace to All!

Power Potion & Meditation to Cure Addiction & Let You Shine!

How to stop addiction? This is a question that many of us are asking ourselves. How do we stop doing what we know is harmful to our very being? It may be something that provides us with both intense pleasure and pain and I do believe that we are quite the masochistic society. So, how do we stop? I meditated upon this today with my many crystals in tow acting as chakra balancers and guides, allowing me to access the All, the Divine wisdom that is available to each one of us when we open our hearts, minds and souls and truly listen.

I was guided towards my Lefty Oracle cards and pulled a card called "Intrepid Dalmia ~ fern-dancer". Dalmia expresses how the passionate, sensual side of us can find release through dance, sacred play and pleasure and through expressing ourselves in an enchanted, physical way.

I also worked with a stone called "Bloodstone".

Bloodstone (green and red) helps force one's focus onto the physical level and the earth plane, promoting courage and achievement and preventing distractions in living and moving forward on one's life path. Placed under your pillow at night, it may help you have visionary dreams of the future. Bloodstone is said to bring wisdom, and in the past was polished and used as a mirror to watch solar eclipses.

A Bloodstone Meditation:

I am a dreamer. My dreams will guide us all. Dreams of blood, hate, sorrow, madness, joy. Dreams foretelling the future, reliving the past. I am the wise woman who knows nothing. My life, my words, my art - together as one - prophesizing freedom from bondage - guided, blessed, beloved.

We heal ourselves time and time again until time no longer is, and we are ONE, at peace with the ALL.

Power Potion:

Plant the Bloodstone deep within your core and let it re-formulate your being, your blood, your cells.

Wear white pearls as you envision pearly-white wings surrounding you, offering you protection.

Pray constantly - in gratitude and to be of service, with integrity and honour shining forth, knowing that you are indeed blessed.

I offer a Soul Healing Tips & Tools Reading here on my website at

Energy & Crystal Healing

Energy medicine is one of five domains of “complementary and alternative medicine” identified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in the United States.

The approaches vary widely in philosophy, approach, and origin. Many therapies are predicated, as regards the given explanation for their supposed efficacy, on some form of energy unknown to current science: in this case the given energy is sometimes referred to as putative energy. Conversely "Spiritual energy" may also be equated with empirically understood forces, for example, some equate the aura with electromagnetism. Such energies are termed "veritable" as opposed to "putative".

Types of "Veritable Energy Medicine" include: magnetic therapy and light therapy (collectively electromagnetic therapy) - mainstream medicine involving electromagnetic radiation (radiation therapy) is not accounted "electromagnetic therapy" in the terms of complementary medicine. Cymatic therapy uses sound waves.

Types of "Energy Medicine Involving Putative Energy Fields" include acupuncture, qi gong and related concepts involving the notion of Qi (such as Reiki), homeopathy, Therapeutic Touch, distant healing (under which they count intercessory prayer) and related concepts.

Energy medicine often proposes that imbalances in the body's "energy field" result in illness, and that by re-balancing the body's energy field health can be restored.

Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia © 2001-2006 Wikipedia Contributors (Disclaimer)This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.)

"Energy medicine supports you in discovering what your body already knows.

It reminds you of all that you have forgotten, and models for you how you hold your life force still, or allow it to flow. It provides the answers to how you think, feel, and do your life, consciously or otherwise." - Dorothy A. Martin-Neville

Energy Healing with Stones

Client Question: When you say I should work with a stone could you elaborate on what you mean?

My Response: The best way to work with a stone is to buy a raw or tumbled stone at a local new age store, gem and mineral museum shop or online. You can also work from a photograph or with the color associated with the stone, by visualizing it in your mind's eye. You can wear stones as jewelry, or you can carry one in your pocket. You can sleep with a stone under your pillow or hold it in your hand and just sit quietly in a contemplative or meditative way. You can also hold a stone up to your third eye (between your eyebrows) and listen for what it has to say to you. I call this "speaking with stones" and I do believe that crystals allow the Angels to communicate with us.

To read more about Energy Healing please go here.
Here is an actual sample of a Crystal Healing Reading.
To book your online Crystal Healing Reading please go here.

A Crystal Reading for Claudi

What is a Crystal Reading? This reading is designed specifically around the healing and guiding messages received from stones and crystals that call out to me in response to your energy and your question or issue. I will suggest ways for you to work with these stones along with detailed information about their metaphysical and healing purposes emailed to you in pdf form. How is it done? I work to prepare myself energetically and physically through yoga, meditation and chakra balancing. I work with healing crystals and oracle cards of my own design in response to your questions. I request from Spirit an open heart and a clear channel to provide you with information that is only of the highest, deepest and most profound good for your soul. My style of reading is honest, down-to earth, and informative.

About Long Distance Readings: My preferred mode of reading someone's soul-energy is via distance - this allows me to focus on you, your spirit and your guides in a focused way clear of distractions. Each reading involves preparations such as meditation and yoga to help me focus. I will often pull healing stones and a card(s) from one of my four self-designed and painted oracle card decks, but unlike a tarot reading I will not actually look at the card until after your reading is finished. The card imagery and description often serve to accentuate and emphasize certain points in your reading and along with the healing stones may also give you some more tools to work with on your own after the reading is over.

A 1 Question Crystal Reading for Claudi

*This reading was published with kind permission from Claudi.

This reading is in response to your question: What I was hoping for was direction on what kind of crystal I could use for a pendant to wear all the time. But, I am open to whatever comes. I don't like to get to specific about what I WANT....I'd rather be open to what needs to be, is that alright?

- During the first part of your reading I felt all kinds of distractions pulling at you!

- I also felt the balancing, healing, strong, clear pull of Yellow Citrine (a Citrine point) along with Jade coming into your reading to help you out. I recommend holding the Citrine in your right hand and the Jade in your left hand.

- Now we can splash and play!

Citrine (yellow-gold) is reminding you to open yourself to guidance and to the Divine Will. Remember, you will manifest whatever it is that you hold foremost in your mind and energy. Are your words and actions consistent with what you want to create?

Green Jade is an Earth element stone in all respects, promoting the flow of money, fertility, and abundance into one’s life. It represents harmony and happiness in business and family relationships and is an excellent stone to use in one’s office or home environment to promote harmonious energy. It reminds one to smell the flowers, touch someone you love, and share your abundant heart with others. Affirmation: I love life, and it flows through me in ever-greater abundance.

- I also feel that working with Aqua Aura (just one piece of it) will be helpful for you!

Aqua Aura Quartz calms the emotional body, allowing one to witness one’s various emotional states without being pulled into identifying with them.

I also turn to my brand new Petrified Wood Sphere to gain more insight and I feel as though we step back in time to when you were just a child. I sense crying. You are feeling that you aren’t a kid anymore and that you have a lot to give – you want to help! You seem frustrated and I hear you thinking, “I’ll show them” (those nasty ol grownups!) So you decide that when you grow up you’ll be powerful. This may be where the first spark of metaphysical yearnings came to you.

- You always had so much more to give and you long to be recognized and seen for who you really are.

- I also suggest working with a Herkimer Diamond.

Herkimer Diamonds are great to carry with you when you feel the need of an extra boost of energy. They will help to keep you happy! They are also helpful when used for dreaming purposes to initiate conscious out of the body experiences or to help you accurately recall your dreams.

- I do sense that you are quite particular.

Now it’s time for a Soul Card for you so I pull a card from my Lefty Oracle deck and it is called “Choice”.

This Lefty is saying to you, “Turn around Claudi, see yourself, see how glorious and how strong you are now. What more do you want, dear one?”

Next, a gemstone called Lepidolite speaks out:

This is the stone for you.

It opens to the moonlight.

It speaks to the Goddess.

It allows your soul to speak.

And your soul is singing

And your soul is guiding you.

Lepidolite (lavender and pink) helps release karmic suffering and promotes acceptance, calm, trust in life, and trust in the Goddess.

I also suggest working with an Amethyst Cluster (for your left hand) – it will help take you to purpley, silvery, faery-like places.

- You can lie down with the Amethyst and the Lepidolite and then envision a plain oval stone lying on your power chakra (the 3rd chakra located above your naval). This stone is an opening for you

– it will help you open up to your inner light, to release it, like a shock of bright yellow light.

- This is a time of awakening for you.

- Your eyes are wide open now – you are fully awake and present.

Which stone for a pendant?

(For some reason I hear the name ‘Hans’ – is it someone from your past?)

I also pull a card for you to help with this question and it is called “Fairy in the Raw”.

- I see a strange sort of yellow fish/bird swimming/flying towards you!

I see you wearing a necklace with Aqua Aura, Amethyst and Herkimer Diamonds. This necklace will resonate with you on an Angelic level and help you with focus, clarity and Higher Purpose.

You are the Goddess. I pull a Goddess card for you and it is called “Brigid – Scorpio Goddess”.

Brigid is one of the greatest of all Celtic goddesses. She is a divine feminine force, symbolized by the inspirational fire of creativity. Her name means “bright arrow,” or “the bright one” and no man was ever allowed within her sanctuary.

Scorpio turns us inward and deepens our bravery, curiosity and focus.

Scorpio Resources: emotional stamina and a taste for intensity.

- You are the Goddess, secure in the knowing of your power. Blessed Be.

I’m ending your reading by sending you sparkly blessings of clarity, strength and focus.

Claudi's Comments:

I have been so distracted with many different things - I feel like a hummingbird that can't quite decide which flower to go to. There are too many of them and they all call to me at once. I realize that my mind is not settled and I am going to need to calm down and deal with each thing, one at a time, finish it then go on to the next one. It is something I get caught in sometimes. I think I will commit to a specific time for meditating and make sure all the distractions are put aside.

Aqua Aura - This is actually the first time I have heard of this crystal. I have a need to work on not taking reactions personally in a certain aspect of my life. That has been a struggle.

"As myself as a child" - There is a long road with that one. I understand exactly what the meaning of your references are. As far as being recognized and seen for who I really am.... sadly, that would not be happening within my childhood family. Within my own and extended family I believe that it is very possible.

Am I particular? I would yes. But not snotty or high maintenance particular - at least I don't think so, (but don't mention it to my husband)!

Thank you for reminding me about not being so self absorbed. I need to remember all that I have all the time.
Hans? I have never met a Hans in this life. But the name does resonate with me, so I think it is in a past life. That would be interesting to find out.

I love "Fairy in the Raw". I love natural things: raw crystals, raw soil waiting to be planted, and old, rustic bits of things attract me. All my furniture is old and weathered. I like being natural.

The Lepidolite - " ....silvery, fairy-like places." That is right from my first soul reading. Those are my wonderful spirit guides (mercurial, quicksilver like guides and also my castle and the fairy princess from that reading). You have to love them for their tenacity. And I love the moonlight and the night. As odd as it sounds, I get depressed with too much sunlight. You will find me longing for nighttime or soft cloudy days.

The strange sort of yellow fish/bird swimming/flying...I wonder if it could be something like the yellow butterflies that I see everywhere?

I will be studying the Goddess Brigid from my books. I am looking forward to that. I have never really focused on one goddess.

And, finally the crystals for my pendant. Won't they make a lovely one! All three are on the Kacha website by the way. I have sent them a request for a design with those three if their designer returns. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope. How exciting!

Thank you for this reading. It has been helpful in many ways. I would highly recommend it for anyone needing beneficial guidance. You are in my thoughts.

You can order a Soul Reading by clicking the link.