What is 'Artist Time'? For me, it means tuning into and awakening all my senses, but especially hearing and vision (not so much smell or taste due to allergies!)
How about you - what are your strongest senses and do you tune into them on a regular basis?
I find that focusing upon one's strengths requires us to let go of some of our weaknesses. Here are some examples:
~ A film director might call this editing.
~ For an artist/painter it's about knowing when to stop.
~ Perhaps a poet leaves words and lines unspoken but implied, hence the phrase 'reading between the lines'.
~ An actor learns how not to overstate the case or over-act, this makes it more real.
I do believe that women are becoming stronger and more powerful and in turn this strengthens the men in profoundly new ways. Musical Ambiance: Ricky Lee Jones, Ghostyhead and Clannad, Macalla