Grimoire Spell: Princess Glitter Confetti Blessings

Here is a spell channeled for you that came from my latest painting: Princess Glitter Confetti Blessings.

This spell is part of a Grimoire I’m starting to share on my blog that is about approaching my second Ops Return (Ops is the partner of Saturn - this astro transit occurs around age 28-30, around age 58, and around age 88 for all of us).

These paintings, drawings and poems, spells and musings are helping me through this transition time and I hope they can assist you as well.

Princess Glitter Confetti Blessings by Kathy Crabbe. Purchase prints here.


into Your Own:
Crone Time Space Dream Field.

Visualize yourself in this painting surrounded by shiny, black stones. Swim into the center as the swan. Envision yourself receiving guidance via the smallest sign. Swim, wait, be guided. Slowly circle around starting at the north, East, South, West and then to the center and the divines

For me this is a time to accept my role as Witch and Elder. To give that the sanctity and honour I deserve. To honour myself first. It’s not about money, it’s about honour and respect.
— Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe

Blue Moon Museletter Sign Up

About Kathy Crabbe

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when, creatively blocked, I switched to my non-dominant left hand which inspired my right brain, leading to the creation of the Lefty Oracle deck and becoming a professional soul reader.

Witchy Musings on Life, Love, Money & Art Making

New Moon in Aries/Solar Eclipse Musings

I am going to play with the intuitive ideas given to me as channeled through my paintings of 2023. I’m going to devote myself even more to my friends, family, fun and love. I am not going to get hung up on $ but I will enjoy the process of art-making and see where it takes me.

New Moon in Taurus/Mercury Retrograde Musings

During this past Waning Moon I let go of struggle and applying to art and writing opportunities. I wanted FREEDOM to create without the desire for anything but the creative act.

I am working magickally to get my work out into the world as a radical act of healing service.

The earth of writing [where] we must work to the point of becoming the earth.
— Hélène Cixous, French writer, playwright and literary critic, born 1937

Detail of Princess Glitter Confetti Blessings by Kathy Crabbe, Gouache on paper.

New Painting - Intention/Spell

To go deep within the work to heal as Witch, Shaman, Fey, Warrior. To fight with words like Blake and Yeats. Art as chant with words as spells bound into a Grimoire.


In the doing I honour myself as Witch. I will create no matter what, THAT is all that matters.

The work I do is completely outside of the sanctified status quo art world and academic world.

So mote it be.

Kathy Crabbe

Blue Moon Museletter Sign Up

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when, creatively blocked, I switched to my non-dominant left hand which inspired my right brain, leading to the creation of the Lefty Oracle deck and becoming a professional soul reader.