Sending all of u everywhere a blissful, joyous Full Moon blessing...remember to take a moment today + tomorrow to thank Mama Moon for allowing us to be alive in Her bounty and magickal in our being...Aries promotes fire and passion and pioneering so go make a difference today by opening your heart bigger than ever before ♥ What are your plans for the Full Moon? I just made a talisman to bless my Spirit Animals using a technique I learned in the book, A Sacred Marketplace by my shamanic mentor, Francesca De Grandis.
Big news moon musers! My new Spirit Animal website has launched! As many of you already know, I'm in the middle of a big home and 5 acre property renovation project that began in September and my husband and myself are doing all the work ourselves!
So, it's been a huge shift in direction for me from the previous 8 years when I was basically alone at home all week in the countryside with my 2 dogs for company while my husband worked in Orange County. This gave me heaps of time to meditate, give soul readings, pursue my shamanic studies and spend time in nature.
Now, I find myself with only a tiny pocket of time to pursue my passions and so my art has moved to the forefront. Of course I combine my love for the magical, mystical realms and being of service with my love for painting intuitively and VOILA, poetry, pets, elves and wild creatures in watercolor and gouache spew forth.
My Spirit Animal series began in 2016 and initially I thought it would end at 52 paintings (the # of images in my Lefty Oracle Deck) but I CAN'T STOP!!! The magic and luv continue to pour forth and so I kindly and graciously share it all with you. Thank you, as always for your support.
May the Spirit Animals enchant + bless your magical life!
New Spirit Animal Paintings + Poems
Me and my 10 pound sweetie; Djinn Djinn
Kathy Crabbe lives in Temecula, California with her two dogs and architect husband in an adobe style home they built themselves. Kathy's mission in painting her Spirit Animals is to empower your magical, soulful self. Allow your Spirit Animals to guide you home, to your self, your family and your heart, where love is all and beauty awaits. View her newest series of paintings here.
p.s. Join me as I post a painting a day for 30 days on Instagram #30daysofart