I recently started year two Advanced Training in Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism with my mentor Francesca De Grandis and I'm feeling so inspired and empowered by this tribe of strong women I belong to that I painted this lefty today using my non dominant hand. Why my non dominant hand? Because I find that painting this way helps free me from the feeling of being perfect. It allows for imperfections to occur and in fact imperfection is expected when drawing with one's non dominant hand. I also love how it empowers my intuition because I'm working from the right brain (the intuitive brain) rather than the left brain or logical brain. Make sense? Enjoy!

Kathy Crabbe is an artist and energy reader living in sunny SoCal with her husband and pet muses, Abby the shaggy black dog and Djinn Djinn, the small scruffy one in an adobe home they built themselves.
Kathy is painting a Lefty-a-Day for 365 days and posting all works in-progress on Instagram at http://instagram.com/kathycrabbeart