Transmuting Radiation through Creativity

"Radiation is the central creative life force of stars...The timing of the defusing of radiation is in symbiotic relationship with the clearance of your emotional bodies. If you follow the reintroduction of radiation into your environment, it is in direct proportion to the pollution of your emotional bodies...there is a whole technology on your planet of yoga, mudras, and physical body postures, because as you move into light, these will be what will keep you in your body.

Radiation is an insertion of chaotic material into 3D for exploring immortality...Uranium can be balanced in your hearts, and it can teach you a lot. Your heart has the capacity, through compassion and love, to love all energies.

The purpose of radiation at the 8D level is to quicken energies and to open up densities...How can you judge radiation negatively when it is the central heart of your own Sun?

Radiation is being held in your third dimensional reality by the pollution of your emotional bodies. Yet, you must understand that there is no real pollution once you honour your own feelings. Radiation has increased in direct proportion to emotional pollution...

The degree to which the World Management Team gets way with murder on your planet is in direct proportion to the degree to which you do not trust yourselves to be creative. The World Management Team cannot do anything to people on Earth who trust their own powers. You are in a balancing act now, which will empower your creativity. This will break down the control. You are on the verge of a creative renaissance that will be like a supernova"

~ Excerpted from Barbara Hand Clow's awesome book, The Pleiadian Agenda.

Welcome to My Supernova

In Process. Acrylic & pastel on masonite, 48 x 48 inches. © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe

I committed myself to a week of morning painting ie. pop out of bed, paint... as part of my Moon Musing Group's Full Moon in Virgo Shared Focus Meditation revolving around self- nurturing.

This morning was unlike any other because I had just come back from a journey into the Pleidian Star System during my Spring Equinox Meditation where I felt myself enveloped in a dark, blue starry nite surrounded by the Seven Sisters. This was a life changing vision. Why? Because of how I heart opened and everything was different, in just one second.

So, this morning when I began, I channeled that energy into my painting, becoming one with the core of my being and with the work I was doing. My intention: to flow in harmony with the Divine Feminine, spreading my message through the stars, shining upon all, opening hearts, and entering the darkness in celebration of the light - THIS IS BALANCE...Welcome to my SuperNova.



Leo Full Moon - Fueling the Heart's Fire

Leo Goddess - Cybele. Watercolor on board, 24 x 30 inches. © 2010 by  Kathy Crabbe Leo Full Moon - Fueling the Heart's Fire by Guest Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus

The Full Moon in fiery Leo on February 18th (12:36am PST, to be exact) calls for reconnecting with your heart, expressing your individuality, and celebrating the Light.

At the Aquarius New Moon on February 2nd, you planted seeds for your future vision. Aquarius is the sign of community and the collective, and the New Moon initiated a new beginning in sharing your gifts with the world.

Now, the Leo Full Moon brings you back to this present moment, illuminating your heart's true desires. This Full Moon asks: What really makes you happy? Are you devoting so much energy to others that you're neglecting your personal happiness and creative expression? Are you taking time to celebrate, or are you living in the future?

At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun is straddled by Neptune -- the planet that rules our inherent interconnectedness with all life -- and Chiron the Wounded Healer. The Full Moon's interaction with these slow-moving planets amplifies our felt connection with the suffering of the collective, possibly putting a damper on the festive Leo energy.

If we can open to the feelings that arise, rather than closing our hearts to the pain, we have the opportunity to heal and release old wounds, and increase compassion for others. From this heart-centered place, we can see with innocent eyes, opening new possibilities for inspired action. What is the most creative response to the current crises? What is the unique gift you have to offer? How can we as individuals bring more Light to the planet in these dark times?

emily trinkaus, guest astrologer for kathycrabbe.comEmily’s Bio

I fell in love with astrology when I was 13 and read Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. Suddenly the world made sense! I’ve been a passionate student of the cosmic science ever since. The more I learn, the more I’m humbled by its elegance, power and profound mystery. I started giving readings professionally in 1999.

I also have a background in creative arts – writing, painting and movement – and founded Portland Women Writers. I love working with other artists and writers to offer support for breaking through blocks and increasing access to the creative flow.