The Devouring Fin, 48 x 48 inches, Acrylic, pastel & charcoal on masonite, 2011 by Kathy Crabbe
Lots going on these days, so I'm summing up the best links from my Facebook page. Enjoy!
Chad Woodward, Astrologer just started publishing this new column called Solarscopes.
Libraries are getting interesting by bringing together art and culture; that's how I received exposure to art when growing up (it was a small town!)
I was just wondering where the best art towns were in the USA and discovered this article.
Hmmm...this makes Arizona look very un-art-friendly, esp. relating to cutting edge art; something that Los Angeles is not afraid to tackle!
12 Things You Didn't Know Facebook Could Do (helpful!)
Bliss Tip for the Season: Really evaluate why you do all that you do. Is it out of obligation and expectations and standards set by others? Once gift giving, parties, etc. become stressful, they have lost meaning. ♥ ♥ ♥ (Christine Claire Reed)
"Negative thought forms bring disease, including cancer, and psychic healers working on cancer therapy have dis-covered a correlation between cancer and emotional factors, and the location of cancer sites with the type of negative thought patterns. Healing consists in changing the thought forms, along with instilling the thought form of wellness and well-being. The healer visualizes the woman being healed as totally well, and visualizes herself that way. Several American healers are working from this angle. They comment that not only must the cancer patient change her thought patterns, but people around the cancer patient, her mate and family, must change theirs as well." Diane Stein, The Women's Book of Healing